
  1. 我们未能在数字基础设施安全方面进行投资。

    We 've failed to invest in the security of our digital infrastructure , he said .

  2. 普及计算环境及其互联的设备和服务将数字基础设施无缝地集成到人们的日常生活和工作之中。

    Pervasive computing environments with their interconnected devices and services promise seamless integration of digital infrastructure into our everyday lives and work .

  3. 欧洲最开始可以增加在数字基础设施方面的投资——在此过程中不要把更多资金引导至国家电信垄断企业或本土那些希望成为谷歌的公司。

    It can start by ramping up investment in digital infrastructure - in a way that does not channel more money to national telecoms monopolies or homegrown Google-wannabes .

  4. 欧洲最开始可以增加在数字基础设施方面的投资&在此过程中不要把更多资金引导至国家电信垄断企业或本土那些希望成为谷歌的公司。

    It can start by ramping up investment in digital infrastructure – in a way that does not channel more money to national telecoms monopolies or homegrown Google-wannabes .

  5. 将在基础研究方面的支出,与实体及数字基础设施方面的高额投入联系起来,会打造出一种仍让我们保持建设的21世纪新型经济。

    Linking spending on basic research with heavy investment in physical and digital infrastructure points to a new kind of 21st-century economy that still has us building stuff .

  6. 他表示,从现在开始,我们的数字基础设施日常依赖的网络和计算机将获得他们应有的待遇:作为一种战略性国家资产。

    From now on , our digital infrastructure the networks and computers we depend on every day will be treated as they should be : as a strategic national asset .

  7. 这一数字包括基础设施(能源、电信和交通)贷款。

    The WTO / OECD estimates on aid for trade include lending for infrastructure ( energy , telecommunications and transport ) .

  8. 直到最近,支持小额支付和数字钱包的基础设施仍然很少。

    Until recently , there was too little infrastructure to support micropayments and digital wallets .

  9. 数字区域应用基础设施研究

    The Study of Digital Region Application Infrastructure

  10. 可编程世界的运转基础是一套强大灵活、用户看不见的数字生态系统基础设施。

    The programmable world depends on a powerful and flexible digital-ecosystem infrastructure that is invisible to the user .

  11. 信息服务机构是数字区域应用基础设施的主体,是有效联系信息需求方和信息拥有方的桥梁;

    Information service organization is the main body of drai , providing " bridge " for information consumer and information provider .

  12. 公共应用服务平台是数字区域应用基础设施的核心,为区域信息共享和交换提供了统一的构架和解决方案。

    The core parts of drai are application service platforms , which provide unified frameworks and solutions for regional information sharing and exchanging .

  13. 亚洲各经济体引入新措施推动数字经济、数字基础设施建设以及国际数字领域合作。

    Asian economies have introduced new measures to promote the digital economy , advancing digital infrastructure construction and international digital cooperation , among other initiatives .

  14. 数字人体空间信息基础设施与数字人体的技术方法;

    Space information basis establishment and technology methods of digital human body ;

  15. 空间数据库是数字城市空间数据基础设施的核心技术平台。

    Spatial Database is the core technique platform of digital city data infrastructure .

  16. 数字城市空间数据基础设施的建设与应用研究

    Research on the Construction and Application of Spatial Data Infrastructure of Digital City

  17. 数字渭河主要包括基础设施、应用系统、公用平台三部分内容。

    " Digital Weihe " consists of basic establishments , application system and public platform .

  18. 数字城市不是信息基础设施和高新技术的简单堆积,而是信息技术、网络技术、数字技术在城市运行的各个层面的渗透、融和与互动。

    The digital city is not piled up briefly by the information infrastructure and high technology , it needs information technology , network technology , digital technology to infiltrate into each aspect of city operating processes .

  19. 通过数字深圳空间数据基础设施建设实际,讨论了数字环境下地图综合的概念、实施路线及软件开发方法,对多尺度空间数据库建设有关问题进行了思考。

    Based on the experience of spatial infrastructure establishment in digital Shenzhen construction , this paper tries to discuss the issues of digital map generalization including the new concept under digital environment , realization strategy , software development method and the construction of multi-scale spatial database .

  20. 亚洲经济体在推动数字经济、推进数字基础设施建设和国际数字合作方面出台了新举措。

    Asian economies have introduced new measures to promote the digital economy , advancing digital infrastructure and international digital cooperation .

  21. 将PKI/CA体系与数字水印结合,提出数字水印基础设施架构。

    Combine digital watermarking and PKI / CA , and present the frame of digital watermarking infrastructure system .

  22. 数字对象唯一标识符作为数字图书馆的基础设施,具备网络环境下数字对象的标识、定位、管理等多种职能。

    As the infrastructure of digital library , digital object unique identifier is responsible for identifying , locating and managing of digital objects .

  23. 提出了重庆数字城市的构想。对重庆数字城市的基础设施和应用体系分别进行了详细的阐述,同时阐明了建设重庆数字城市的重大科学意义和社会意义。

    The paper presents the conceiving of Chongqing Digital City , discusses the infrastructure and the application system of Chongqing Digital City in detail and then points out the importance in science and significance in society in building Chongqing Digital City .

  24. 本文主要探讨我国实现数字城市的关键技术,诸如:数字城市空间基础设施、多种GIS系统集成模型研究、3DGIS、三维城市规划、城市仿真与虚拟现实技术、数字城市支持下的数字社区等等。

    The paper mainly probes into the key techniques such as Virtual Reality , Urban Spatial Data Infrastructure , integrated model study of many kinds of GIS systems , 3D-GIS , the urban planning in three dimensions , city simulation and digital society supported by VR and Digital City , etc.

  25. PKI是一个为综合数字信息系统提供广泛需要的公开密钥加密和数字签名服务的基础设施。

    PKI provides the widespread demand for the synthesis numerical information system and the digital signature service .

  26. ETSI制定的TETRA数字集群标准主要针对终端侧协议,而TETRA数字集群系统的基础设施侧协议没有统一的标准。

    TETRA digital trunked standard developed by ETSI is mainly used for terminal side protocols , and there is no uniform standard in the infrastructure side of the TETRA digital trunked system .

  27. 文章介绍了数字保存的现状和存在的问题,论述了数字文献保存的特殊性,提出了数字保存基础设施的建设,可为图书馆事业的发展奠定良好的基础。

    It makes suggestions on the infrastructure development for digital preservation .