
  1. 17年来,参与探月工程研制建设的全体人员大力弘扬追逐梦想、勇于探索、协同攻坚、合作共赢的探月精神,不断攀登新的科技高峰。

    Over the past 17 years , space scientists and engineers who have participated in China 's lunar exploration program have promoted the lunar exploration spirit of pursuing dreams , daring to explore , cooperating in tackling difficulties and win-win cooperation , and have achieved new heights in science and technology .

  2. 大学与企业合作共赢。论大学/企业(U/I)的合作创新

    Co-operation between universities and enterprises . On University-Industry Cooperative Innovation

  3. 第二,我们要坚持合作共赢、促进共同发展。

    Second , we should pursue win-win cooperation and promote common development .

  4. 企业价值观:诚信为本,合作共赢!

    Corporate values : honesty , cooperation and win-win !

  5. 合作共赢是中国与东盟关系发展的目标。

    Win-win cooperation is the goal for China-ASEAN relations .

  6. 这是实现合作共赢的基本前提。

    This is a basic prerequisite to win-win cooperation .

  7. 合作共赢:非体育系统体育场地社会化管理研究&以宁波市为例

    Cooperation and Mutual Benefits Study on Socialized Management of the Non-athletic Gymnastic Facilities

  8. 泰力热忱欢迎海内外朋友合作共赢!

    Taili welcomes the friend at home and abroad heartily cooperation is won together !

  9. 亚欧携手、合作共赢是我们最好的选择。

    And cooperation between Asia and Europe for win-win progress is our best option .

  10. 第三,上海世博会向世界揭示了合作共赢之真谛。

    Thirdly , the Shanghai World Expo helps people to know more about China .

  11. 提高政府合作共赢的思想意识,推行地区开放、合作共赢。

    Improving the ideology of win-win cooperation .

  12. 中国愿意为推进合作共赢、实现可持续发展做出自己的贡献。

    China would like to make her contribution to further cooperation of mutual-benefit and sustainable development .

  13. 中国希望同世界各国合作共赢、共同发展。

    China hopes to see win-win cooperation and common development with the rest of the world .

  14. 我们奉行为客户创造价值,与客户合作共赢的宗旨;

    It is our belief ─" creating value for customer , cooperation and mutual benefit " .

  15. 坚持合作共赢理念的中国,为世界繁荣与发展注入强劲动力。

    A China that upholds win-win cooperation is providing a strong impetus to global prosperity and development .

  16. 超值服务,合作共赢,我们有能力为您提供系统级解决方案!

    Supervalve service , win-win cooperation , we have the ability to provide you the system-level solutions .

  17. 让我们合作共赢吧!

    Let us win-win cooperation !

  18. 文化整合&合作共赢的基石携手共发展合作促双赢

    Culture Integration is the Base of Realizing Cooperation and Common Benefit Join Hands for Development Cooperation for Win-Win

  19. 迈向命运共同体,必须坚持合作共赢、共同发展。

    To build a community of common destiny , we need to seek win-win cooperation and common development .

  20. 今后中国的对外开放将更加突出合作共赢,更加注重共同繁荣。

    In the future , we will focus more on win-win cooperation and common prosperity in opening up .

  21. 还有,企业应加强技术创新及营销模式创新,与竞争者合作共赢。

    Also , the enterprise should strengthen the technical innovation and marketing innovation , win-win cooperation and competition .

  22. 其本质是以合作共赢的战略伙伴关系代替价格驱动下纯粹的竞争关系。

    Its essence is the strategic partnership of cooperation and win-win instead of the purely price-driven competition between .

  23. 精益求精,品质为先,跟踪协作,合作共赢。

    Keep improving , place quality at first , track and cooperate , work together to benefit each other .

  24. 围绕差异化战略,本文又制定了模式升级和合作共赢战略并对目标市场和主营业务进行了定位。

    Around the differentiation strategy , this paper has also formulated a model upgrading strategy and win win cooperation .

  25. 中国和越南承诺,两国边境地区和平友好、合作共赢、共同发展。

    China and Vietnam have vowed to make their border areas peaceful and friendly for cooperation and common development .

  26. 第四,“科技先导、服务至上、合作共赢”的理念。社会主义市场经济的核心是掌控供求关系和价值规律。

    The core of the Socialist Market Economy is to obey Supply and Demand Ruleand the Law of Value .

  27. 企业方针:科技创新,合作共赢,成就卓越,瞻望未来。

    Company strategy : Innovation in science and technology gain win-win cooperation , achievement of excellence , look forward future .

  28. 中国的和平发展正在转化为越来越多各国合作共赢的切实成果。

    Chinas peaceful development has been translated into tangible benefits flowing from the win-win cooperation among worlds countries of increasing numbers .

  29. 一是明确指导原则:坚持海关主导的原则;风险管理的原则;合作共赢的原则。

    One clear guiding principle : adhering to the principle of the Customs-led ; risk management principle ; cooperation and win-win principle .

  30. 如何推动世界各国之间的跨文化交流、促进各民族相互理解、提升全球范围的合作共赢也越来越成为人们关注的焦点。

    How to improve the cross-cultural communication , promote mutual understanding , and enhance cooperation among nations are becoming the focus points .