
wù mái
  • smog
  1. 自从20世纪40年代以来,加利福尼亚州南部一直有雾霾出名。

    Since the 1940s , southern California has had a reputation for smog .

  2. 如果你呼吸的空气是干净的——倘若你远离城市的雾霾,空气应该是干净的——那么空气里满是让人充满活力与生命力的氧气。

    If the air you 're breathing is clean-which it would be if you 're away from the smog of cities-then the air is filled with life-giving , energizing oxygen .

  3. 他们消失在天边的雾霾中。

    They vanished into the haze near the horizon

  4. 从圣塔莫妮卡山上的一家艺术博物馆盖蒂中心俯瞰该城市,你会发现太平洋的景色被雾霾所遮掩。

    Gazing down on the city from the Getty Center , an art museum in the Santa Monica Mountains , one would find the view of the Pacific Ocean blurred by the haze .

  5. 我们已经适应了这层橙色的雾霾,以至于无人体验过、也无人再记得,那些黑暗到可以投出金星阴影的无灯黑夜里曾布满着原始的星光。

    We've grown so used to this orange haze that the original glory of an unlit night—dark enough for the planet Venus to throw shadows on Earth—is wholly beyond our experience, beyond memory almost .

  6. 为了他的“无雾霾”项目,他设计了一个特殊的塔,可以净化中国公园的空气。

    For his Smog Free Project , he designed a special tower that cleans air in Chinese parks .

  7. A:嗯…这是造成雾霾的主要原因和战胜雾霾的方法。

    A : Hmm. .. it is about the main causes of smog and ways to beat it .

  8. 在冬天,中国的很多地区都有厚厚的雾霾,这主要是由工厂生产、煤炭燃烧和汽车排放造成的。

    In winter , it 's common for thick clouds of haze , caused largely by factory production , burning of coal and car emissions , to cover areas of China .

  9. 中国连续遭遇雾霾侵袭,口罩和空气净化器成了热销产品。

    China 's smog has made masks and air purifiers the hottest of commodities .

  10. 我这周要去厦门来个洗肺游,我实在受不了这雾霾了。

    I am leaving for a lung-clearing tour in Xiamen this week , the smog is killing1 me .

  11. 丹·罗斯加德设计的雾霾净化塔近日在北京著名的798艺术区一处小型草地广场亮相。

    Daan Roosegaarde 's Smog Free Tower opened recently on a small , grassy1 lot in Beijing 's famed 798 arts district .

  12. 这些旅游线路在宣传中被称为“洗肺游”,受雾霾困扰地区的游客到了这些地方可以吸入更多干净的空气。

    These tours are advertised as lung-clearing tours where people from smog-hit regions can feed their lungs with more clean air . For example :

  13. 雾霾净化塔由45块银色金属板组成,外形类似半开的百叶窗,塔内有一个连续低噪音运行的空气净化器。

    Comprised of 45 silver plates resembling partially2 open window blinds , the tower contains an air-purifying machine that runs continuously with a low hum .

  14. 一位荷兰艺术家为时常遭遇雾霾锁城的城市(北京)提供了一个不同寻常的解决办法:一个7米高的金属建筑,能吸走雾霾,放出洁净的空气。

    In a city where smog routinely blankets the streets , a Dutch artist has offered an eccentric solution : a 7-meter ( 23-foot ) metal structure that takes in smog and expels cleaner air .

  15. “现在大家都骂雾霾是因为我们油质不过关所致,我们也很无奈。”

    FU CHENGYU , member of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of Sinopec " We felt very helpless that people thought that the fog and haze were caused by poor-quality oil produced by us . "

  16. 由于北京等城市频繁出现的雾霾天气,一些旅行社推出了前往空气质量较好的城市的旅游线路,包括中国南方的桂林、丽江、三亚以及巴厘岛、马尔代夫以及普吉岛等海外目的地。

    Given the frequent smog in cities like Beijing , some travel agencies have promoted tours to places known for good air quality like the southern Chinese cities of Guilin , Lijiang and Sanya and overseas destinations of Bali , Maldives and Phuket .

  17. 此次宴请是陈光标的又一次另类的慈善和环保行动。之前,他还试图收购《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes),在北京充满雾霾的街头免费派发罐装新鲜空气,以及在街上撒钱。

    All this added to his bizarre track record , which now includes trying to buy The New York Times , handing out ' Fresh Air ' containers on the streets of polluted Beijing and giving out cash on the streets .

  18. 这位用户称,雾霾增加了口罩消费和医疗费用,促进了纺织业和棉花种植,对GDP做出了贡献。

    ' Smog has increased the consumption of face masks and hospital bills , it promotes the textiles industry and cotton planting , contributing to national GDP , ' the user said .

  19. 上海PM2.5浓度上升大约13%,较为富裕的上海市民日益抱怨雾霾。

    PM2.5 levels rose about 13 per cent in Shanghai , where smog is becoming a complaint among wealthier residents .

  20. 本月早些时候,瑞典网球选手RobertLindstedt就称北京的雾霾简直是个笑话。

    Earlier this month , Swedish tennis player Robert Lindstedt called the city 's smoggy air a joke .

  21. 但现在,北京居民有了一种对付雾霾的新工具:一系列可供用户查看污染数据的iPad和iPhone应用。

    But now Beijingers have a new tool to deal with the smog : a range of apps for iPads and iPhones that allow users to check pollution data .

  22. 可口可乐公司(Coca-ColaCo.)本周表示,将向其驻华外籍员工提供环境困难补贴。中国部分城市的雾霾污染已达到有害的水平。

    Coca-Cola Co. now offers environmental hardship pay for employees who have relocated to China , where smog has reached harmful levels in several cities , the company said this week .

  23. 雾霾神经网络模型对水平能见度小于1km雾的预报好于事件概率回归预报模型。

    BP Neural Network model is better for fog which horizontal visibility less than lkm .

  24. 去年,中国以145GW的累积风电装机容量略微超过历史长得多的欧盟(EU)风电市场。努力减轻困扰中国大城市雾霾问题的中国政府设定了目标,到2020年时将这个数字提高到200GW。

    China last year edged past the EU 's much older wind market with a cumulative capacity of 145 gigawatts that the government aims to boost to 200GW by 2020 as it strives to cut the smog choking its biggest cities .

  25. 张超意识到他可能会让公众失望,因为他没能展示出PM2.5的内部结构。PM2.5才是雾霾成分中最臭名昭著的。

    Zhang realizes that he may have disappointed the public because he can 't show the inner construction of PM2.5 , today 's most notorious element in smog .

  26. 麻省理工学院(MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology)及其他三所高校近期研究显示,受雾霾天气的影响,中国北方人的平均预期寿命会减少五年多。使用煤炭供暖和发电在一定程度上造成了雾霾天气。

    Northern China 's smog fed by in part by the burning of coal for heat and electricity has been shown to shorten average life expectancy by more than five years , according to a recent study by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and three other universities .

  27. 根据环保组织绿色和平组织(Greenpeace)整理的数据,北京和上海等中国东部城市的雾霾正在减少,而中国内陆城市的雾霾却在加重。

    The smog is thinning in China 's eastern cities such as Beijing and Shanghai , but worsening in the country 's interior , according to data collated by environmental group Greenpeace .

  28. 根据环保组织绿色和平(Greenpeace)整理的中国数据,随着整治污染的各项措施收到效果,笼罩北京的出名的雾霾在今年第一季度大幅好转。

    The notorious smog that blights Beijing improved sharply in the first quarter this year as measures to curb pollution took effect , according to Chinese data collated by environmental group Greenpeace .

  29. 来到展会的参观者最有兴趣了解新款运动型多功能车(SUV),一些人似乎并不关心汽车尾气排放问题,尽管尾气是造成许多城市出现雾霾的原因。

    Visitors to the show are most interested in checking out the latest sport utility vehicles , and some appear unconcerned about car emissions , even though they contribute to smog in many cities .

  30. 在线旅游代理携程(CTrip)和国有保险公司平安(PingAn)联手推出“雾霾险”,面向受到雾霾困扰的7个城市的游客和市民。

    CTrip , an online travel agent , and Ping An , the state-owned insurance company , have teamed up to offer " smog insurance " to travellers and residents in seven cities plagued by smog .