
wù yuè
  • Brumaire
雾月[wù yuè]
  1. 我既不懂雾月也不懂路易·波拿巴是谁。

    I didn 't know either what Brumaire was or who Louis Bonaparte was .

  2. 雾月是法国共和历中十二个月里的第二个月,在公历里它从十月中持续到十一月中。

    Brumaire is the second month of the twelve-month French revolutionary calendar ; it runs from mid-October to mid-November .

  3. 你把路易放在它的前面,雾月放在它的后面,①这人的整个命运便全显现在你面前了。这里又还有这么一个耐人寻味的特点,那就是开场是被结局紧跟着的。

    Place Louis in front and Brumaire behind , you have the whole destiny of the man , with this significant peculiarity , that the end treads close on the heels of the commencement .