
  • 网络Synthetic diamond
  1. 合成钻石及其鉴别技术的进展

    The Development of Synthetic Diamond and Its Identification Technology

  2. 这些紫外阴极发光谱在天然钻石和人工处理后的天然钻石中都没有发现,可能是Chatham合成钻石的特征谱,因而可能具有一定鉴定价值。

    We did not find the same ultraviolet cathodoluminescence peaks with natural diamonds , and believe that they may be characteristic peaks and valuable fingerprints of Chatham synthetic diamonds .

  3. 研究人员称,他们在实验中用到的最便宜的东西是以大约150美元(约合人民币1000元)购买的工业用合成钻石。

    The researchers say their industrial fabricated diamond , which cost about $ 150 , was the cheapest thing in their experiment .

  4. 在阴极射线的激发下,该合成钻石发射强蓝白荧光,并显示出独特的几何对称生长分区及镶嵌结构。

    Stimulated by cathode ray , this synthetic diamondproduces strong blue-white fluorescence and displays its specific cathodoluminescent geometric patterns , growth subdivisions and mosaic structure .

  5. 该处理方法的对象主要有天然钻石、高温高压合成钻石以及化学气相沉淀法合成钻石。

    The objects of the treatment method include mainly the natural diamonds , HTHP synthetic diamonds and chemical vapor deposition ( CVD ) synthetic diamonds .

  6. 经进一步完善后,紫外阴极荧光谱技术有望成为鉴别天然和合成钻石、不同公司合成钻石或同一公司不同批次合成钻石的有效方法。

    After being perfected , the technology of ultraviolet cathodoluminescence spectra might become an effective method for differentiating synthetic diamonds and natural diamonds , or synthetic diamonds from different company , or even synthetic diamonds from the same company but from different crops .

  7. 查塔姆合成无色钻石&一种Ⅱa~Ⅱb混合型品种

    CHATHAM SYNTHETIC COLOURLESS DIAMOND ── A mixed variety of ⅱ a ~ⅱ b types