
  • 网络Seismic;seismic station;seismostation;seismicstation
  1. 广州数字地震台IP传输质量分析

    IP transfer signal quality analysis for Guangzhou Digital Seismic Station

  2. 临汾地震台VS型垂直摆倾斜仪运行资料分析与讨论

    Analysis of the VS vertical pendulum tiltmeter observations at Linfen Seismic Station

  3. 概述广州数字地震台数据传输的现状和IP传输技术的应用。

    The current situation of data transmission and the application of IP transfer technique for Guangzhou Digital Seismic Station have been reviewed .

  4. 用分布在北京地区各方位上,震中距在20°&100°范围内的120次远震在本区15个地震台上的P波到时,研究北京地区地壳和上地幔的三维速度结构。

    By use of the teleseismic P arrival times at 15 stations of Beijing network for 120 events distributing over various azimuths , we studied the three-dimensional P velocity structure under Beijing region .

  5. 使用喀什地震台记录的伽师&巴楚震群序列目录,采用em/∑e、Δm方法对序列早期震型进行判定。

    Author used Jiashi-Bachu earthquake cluster sequence catalog recorded by Kashi station , E_m / Σ E and Δ M methods to determine the earthquake sequence early kind .

  6. F-K分析在上海地震台阵建设中的应用

    The application of F-K analysis in construction of Shanghai Seismic Array

  7. 利用流动地震台阵记录的地震数据,通过地震层析技术反演了天山&帕米尔结合带的P波速度结构,揭示出地壳结构的非均匀特征及其与地震活动的对应关系。

    Using recording data from a temporary seismic network , we obtained P wave velocity structure of the Tianshan-Pamir conjunctive zone by tomographic inversion , revealing the heterogeneity of crustal structure and its relations to seismic activity .

  8. 本文采用简单延时相加方法,并用不同频率下的波数k为上海地震台阵计算并绘制二维与三维的波数响应图。

    The wave-number response figures with two-dimension and three-dimension are computed and drawn for Shanghai Seismic Array from wave-numbers ( k ) with different frequencies by using the method of simple delay-beam .

  9. 大连地震台GM3磁通门磁力仪的维护与应用

    Maintenance and application of the GM3 Fluxgate Magnetometer in Dalian Seismostation

  10. 泾阳地震台近震震级(ML)误差分析及其校正

    Error analysis and correction for local magnitude ( m_l ) at Jingyang seismic station

  11. 利用FK扫描技术实现上海地震台阵资料的特殊震相识别

    Identification of the special seismic phases in the data recorded by Shanghai seismic array with FK scan technology

  12. 频率-波数(F-K)谱分析是地震台阵数据处理基本方法之一。

    The spectrum analysis of Frequency-wavenumber ( F-K ) is one of the traditional methods of data processing for seismic array .

  13. 海拉尔兰州核查地震台阵的勘址和地动噪声功率谱的计算其模拟结果表明,该方法不但能有效地获得AR模型参数的最佳估计,而且能实现低信噪比的信号检测。

    Array site survey for two new IMS primary stations in China and their power spectrum estimations of ground motion noise Several signal spectrum estimations have been obtained by means of this kind of parameter estimation .

  14. 佳木斯地震台DSQ水管倾斜仪对日本及日本海域地震的前兆反映

    The precursor response of DSQ water pipe clinometer at Jiamusi Seismic Station to the earthquakes in Japan and Japan Sea area

  15. 对夏县地震台地下流体观测工作的实际需求进行分析后,编写了《夏县地震台地下流体观测数据管理及分析系统》。该程序采用VISUALBASIC6.0编程,利用Jet数据引擎调用Acess数据库。

    Based on the requirement of observation , the software of management and analysis system for the database of subsurface fluid observation in Xiaxian Seismostation is developed with Visual Basic 6.0 language and Jet data engine for Access Database .

  16. 崇明地震台FGE磁通门磁力仪D分量基线值的确定

    Determination of the base-line value of D component for FGE fluxgate magnetometer in Chongming Seismic Station

  17. 厦门地震台RTP-1观测仪电源故障处理

    Power Failure Treatment of RTP-1 Observation Instrument in Xiamen Seismostation

  18. 震中附近的3个地震台记录的S波偏振方向在5.4级地震前出现由原来与区域应力场一致的NE向转为NW向震后又转回NE向。

    Before the shock , the S-wave polarization direction that recorded by 3 stations around the epicenter turned to NW from NE consistent with the direction of regional stress field ; but after the shock , it turned to NE again .

  19. 在研究中使用了地方和区域地震台所记录的433个浅源和中深源地震的到时资料来反演求解深至200km的三维速度结构。

    We used arrival time data from 433 shallow and intermediate - depth earthquakes recorded by local and regional seismic stations to invert for the three - dimensional ( 3-D ) seismic velocity structure .

  20. 利用德令哈地震台DD-1记录到的746个近震,对其测定的震级偏差进行统计计算,发现DD-1测定的震级偏小。

    The magnitude deviation is statistically calculated by 746 local earthquakes recorded by DD-1 at Delingha station , and it is found that the magnitudes by DD-1 are smaller .

  21. 反演结果表明,石岛地震台下方地壳分为3层:约5km以上有一速度梯度带,S波速度从1.5km/s逐渐增加到3.5km/s,其间有若干小的分层;

    The result indicates that the crust can be divided into three layers : above 5 km where there is a gradient zone including several small layers , in which shear wave velocity increases from 1.5 to 3.5 km / s gradually ;

  22. 对云南23个数字地震台11次地震的SKS记录,采用理论切向分量与实测切向分量拟合的方法,确定了快S波的偏振方向和快、慢波之间的时间延迟。

    Shear wave phase SKS of 11 earthquakes , collected from 23 stations of Yunnan digital seismic network , is analyzed by fitting the theoretical transverse component with the observed one for determining the orientation and extent of polarization seismic anisotropy of upper mantle .

  23. 本文从楚雄地震台FSQ型水管仪的原始资料出发,探讨了澜沧、耿马大震前地形变前兆信息量的问题,指出了孕震体的变化过程。

    Based on the original data recorded by type FSQ float water piper from Chuxiong station , the authors made an approach on quantity of precursory informations of deformation and put out the process of seismogenic varying body before the great Lancang Gengma shock .

  24. 把地震学中的G-R公式应用到冲击地压中,通过对北京矿务局房山采区地震台资料的分析,得出冲击地压也基本符合G-R公式,从而为冲击地压的预防提供了一个新的思路。

    The G-R relational expression in seismology was applied to forecasting mining induced earthquake . After the analysis of the data from Fangshan seismic station in Beijing , we know that mining induced earthquake also coincides with the G-R relations producing a new method in forecasting mining induced earthquakes .

  25. 浅谈小型地震台加强管理深化改革的体会

    Humble Opinion on Strengthening Management and Deepening Reformation of Simplified Seismostation

  26. 银川地震台重力观测在民乐山丹地震前异常分析

    Analysis of gravity anomaly in Yinchuan Seismic Station before Minle-Shandan earthquake

  27. 高台地震台依法保护地震监测环境的经验

    Experiences of protecting seismograph monitoring environment by laws at Gaotai Seismostation

  28. 上海地震台阵地动噪声功率谱分析

    Power spectrum analysis of ground motion noise in Shanghai Seismic Array

  29. 宁波地震台垂直摆分钟值矢量图特征

    Minute Value Vectorgraph Characteristic of Vertical Pendulum at Ningbo Seismostation

  30. 攀枝花地震台应变固体潮调和分析

    Harmonic analysis on strain solid tide at Panzhihua seismic station