
  • 网络Acta Geologica Sinica;Acta Geological Sinica;Acta Geological Sinica-English Edition
  1. 《工程地质学报》2006年总目录

    General contents of Journal of engineering geology

  2. 我国主要综合类地质学报的引文分析及评价

    Citation Analysis and Evaluation of the Main Comprehensive Category of Journals of Geology in China

  3. 《河北地质学院学报》一九八六年总目录

    Contents of Journal of Hebei College of geology in 1986

  4. 30年来的中国地质高校学报

    Academic Journals of Geological Institutions in China . A Thirty Year Perspective

  5. 《河北地质学院学报》引证分析与质量评价

    The Quoting Analysis and Quality Evaluation of the Journal of Hebei College of Geology

  6. 《中国地质大学学报(社科版)》2002&2006年主要文献计量指标评析他是研究中国古代天文学文献的专家。

    Evaluation on the Main Bibliometric Indicators of Journal of China University of Geosciences ( Social Sciences Edition ) in the Period of 2002-2006 He was an expert on ancient Chinese astronomical literature .