
  • 网络database object
  1. 在DataSourceExplorer中,内含对象是指完全包含在选择的数据库对象中的对象。

    Contained objects are those that are fully contained within a selected database object in the Data Source Explorer .

  2. Oracle非法数据库对象引起的错误及解决

    The Mistake and Solution Caused by Oracle Illegal Database Object

  3. 从出现在层次结构中的DatabaseElements选项卡选择数据库对象。

    The database objects selected from the Database Elements tab appear in the hierarchy .

  4. SILVER对象数据库对象持久化JAVA实现

    Realization for object persistence of SILVER object-oriented database on JAVA

  5. 该工具将提供一种简单的方法来创建和公开所选数据库对象的Web服务操作。

    The tooling provides an easy way to create and expose Web service operations for the selected database objects .

  6. 引入IBM设计器用于编写脚本和创建DB2数据库对象。

    Introduction of IBM designers to script and create DB2 database objects .

  7. 缺省情况下,WebSphereProcessServerV6.1将所有数据库对象安装到单个数据库中。

    By default , WebSphere Process Server V6.1 installs all database objects into one single database .

  8. DataStudioAdministrator支持管理员随需求的变化灵活地修改多个数据库对象。

    Data Studio Administrator gives you the flexibility to change multiple database objects as the requirements come in .

  9. 不同字符集的ORACLE数据库对象和信息转换方法

    A Method to Convert ORACLE Database Objects and Information Between Different Charsets

  10. 浅谈VB中使用数据库对象变量创建应用程序

    Research on Creating Database Application Program Using Database Object Variable in VB

  11. IBM工具的独特功能是支持IBM设计器,从而能够创建数据库对象。

    Unique to IBM tools is the support for IBM designers that allows creating database objects .

  12. DataStudioAdministrator提供一系列视图,可以用它们排序和筛选数据库对象。

    Data Studio Administrator provides an array of views that enable you to sort and filter your database objects .

  13. DB2行压缩被设计用来减少数据库对象的磁盘存储空间需求。

    DB2 row compression was designed to reduce disk storage space requirements of database objects .

  14. DB2系统与数据库对象管理;提供了采用集成CommandEditor的交互式查询界面。

    DB2 system and database object management ; provides an interactive query interface using the integrated Command Editor .

  15. 这篇文章还包括基于Java的实用工具的源代码,该工具用于帮助生成迁移数据库对象时所需的脚本。

    This article also has the source code for a Java-based utility to help generate scripts to migrate the database objects .

  16. 如果您的数据库对象包含空格或下划线,那么您可以对您的JAVAbean和字段名轻松采用驼峰式大小写格式。

    You can easily camel-case your Java bean and field names if your database objects contain spaces or underscores .

  17. 这款新工具引进了一系列新的IBM设计器用于创建、更改和复制数据库对象

    The new tooling introduces a new set of IBM designers to create , alter , and clone database objects

  18. Name旁边提供的Select按钮将显示数据库对象的列表,在本例中为来自所选数据库的表列表。

    The Select button provided beside Name will show a list of database objects , in this case a list of tables from the selected database .

  19. 在DB2中,锁可以放置在数据库对象如表空间、表和行中。

    In DB2 , locks can be placed on database objects like table spaces , tables , and rows .

  20. 数据库对象引用只会在SQLDML语句中验证。

    Database object references are validated only in SQL DML statements .

  21. 在CopyOptions屏幕上,指定希望复制数据库对象或数据,或者两者都复制。

    On the Copy Options screen , you can specify if you want to copy the database objects , data , or both .

  22. 许多数据库对象特权还允许在GRANT语句中包含WITHGRANTOPTION子句。

    Many of the database object privileges also allow you to include the WITH GRANT OPTION clause in the GRANT statement .

  23. 其他数据库对象的GRANT语句语法是相似的,请参考DB2UDB文档。

    The GRANT statement syntax for other database objects is similar and is available in the DB2 UDB documentation .

  24. 为此,单击Add图标,然后选择数据库对象类型ForeignKeyConstraint,如图4c所示。

    To do so , click on the Add icon , and then select the database object type Foreign Key Constraint , as shown in Figure4c .

  25. DBA需要通过一个可控的过程管理对数据库对象的修改。

    DBAs need a controlled process to manage the constant changes of the database objects .

  26. 每个TP分区是一个单独的数据库对象(不同于其他作为单个数据库对象的表)。

    Each TP partition is a separate database object ( unlike other tables which are a single database object ) .

  27. 这种方法可以确保使用一个独立的用户ID与创建数据库对象、绑定包和授予特权的角色相关联。

    This approach ensures that a single user ID is associated with the role of creating database objects , binding packages , and granting privileges .

  28. OptimDevelopmentStudio(以前的DataStudioDeveloper):为构建数据库对象、查询、数据库逻辑和Java™pureQuery应用程序提供完整的开发和测试环境。

    Optim Development Studio : Provides a complete development and testing environment for building database objects , queries , database logic , and Java ™ pureQuery applications .

  29. 别名将远程数据库对象呈现给本地DB2服务器,并允许程序员把这些远程对象当作本地DB2表一样看待。

    Nicknames represent remote database objects to the local DB2 server and allow programmers to treat these remote objects as though they were local DB2 tables .

  30. 我们来考察一个Rails迁移的例子,该例子使用IBMDB适配器,并尝试一些与Rails应用程序变更相关的数据库对象更改。

    Let 's examine a Rails migration example using the IBM_DB adapter while attempting some database object changes related to a Rails application evolution .