
  • 网络Guiding role;Guidance function
  1. 要发挥宽严相济刑事政策对诉讼的指引作用,就必须由程序来保障。

    In orde to make the guidance function of litigation by tempering justice with mercy , we need the criminal procedure to guarantee .

  2. 教育生态性是教育现代化进程中的一个重要问题,分析教育生态性可以帮助我们把握好教育的方向,这对大学教育的发展有着一定的指引作用。

    Ecological education is an important issue in the process of education modernization , by analyzing the ecological education can help people to seize the directions of education very well , especially to the university education with guidance function .

  3. 总之通过比较对各个阶段反补贴机制的功能理念和时代背景,明晰以往规则机制的不足,才能为新一轮的WTO谈判起到预测和指引作用。

    In one word , it will play a role in guiding and forecasting the new round of WTO negotiations by learning lessons and comparing the background , the concepts and the function of countervailing mechanisms of different stages .

  4. 而要让学生很好的投入到化学学习过程中,化学教师起着很重要的指引作用。

    Chemical teachers play a very important role in guiding students to study .

  5. 这将对我国商业银行操作风险度量的发展和完善起到一个指引作用。

    This we point a road to the development and perfection of the model of the operational risk .

  6. 但只要没有明确肯定,就存在不稳定性,缺乏指引作用,不利于商业方法和专利制度的发展。

    Without certainty , there is instability . Lacking of guidance role is not conducive to the development .

  7. 两位大臣称,街道路标的设立应有个度,才能起到指引作用。

    For signs to be most effective , ministers say , they should be kept to a minimum .

  8. 专业规范则说明翻译规范在翻译过程中的控制和指引作用。

    As for professional norms , they illustrate the controlling and guiding functions of translation norms in the translation process .

  9. 他们的研究不仅对这一重要过程具有指引作用,而且对临床治疗也将产生影响。

    Their studies shed light not only on this central process , but also can have consequences for medical treatment .

  10. 大陆法系的司法鉴定程序制度对我国的司法鉴定程序的建构一直起着指引作用。我国现行的刑事司法鉴定程序很大程度上受到以德国刑事诉讼法为核心的大陆法系的影响。

    The civil law system of forensic procedures on the construction of our judicial identification procedures has played a role in the guidelines .

  11. 刑事政策是为了适应当前的政治制度和经济体制的发展,对刑事犯罪起到积极的指引作用。

    Criminal policy is to adapt the current political system and economic system , development of guidelines on the positive role of criminal offenses .

  12. 尽管这只是一项基础的模拟研究,但实践证明这项模拟研究已经给生物孔道的科学研究和纳米科技的发展带来了很大的指引作用。

    Although , it is only basic research of simulation . In fact this kind of research is conductive to the development of nanotechnology .

  13. 中国投资法的基本理念是中国投资法的基本指导思想,对中国投资法律制度具有指引作用。

    The basic ideas of investment law is a mainly directive thought to Chinese investment law , which can direct the system of investment law .

  14. 一是国家《文化产业振兴规划》作为纲领性文件对文化产业改革、发展的指引作用将更加突出。

    First , China 's Cultural Industry Promotion Plan , as a programmatic document , will play a vital role in guiding the reform and development of cultural industry .

  15. 本研究对提升教师在英语课堂上运用脑科学策略的教学能力,提高英语课堂教学的有效性具有一定的指引作用。

    This study plays a guideline role on upgrading teachers ' teaching abilities of application the brain science strategies in classroom , as well as improving English teaching efficiency .

  16. 分为总则与分则两部分,指出总则中虽有关于暴力的规定,然而对分则不具有指引作用。

    General and sub-divided into two parts , pointing out that despite the general provisions of the provisions on violence , however , has not a guiding role of sub-not .

  17. 同时指出法院的判决有违罪责刑相适应的原则,没有能够正确发挥刑法的指引作用。

    At the same time , points out that the court had to adapt to violate the punishment principle , not able to play a guiding role in the criminal law .

  18. 运用分类研究方法对强制缔约制度进行研究,有利于揭示该项制度的实质,并对其适用有着较好的指引作用。

    The application of classification method in the research of the compulsory contracting will help to reveal the substance of this system and have a better effect to guid its application .

  19. 在此,笔者结合具体的案例,对交通肇事逃逸致人死亡的有关问题进行粗浅的理论探讨,以期对司法实务有一定的指引作用。

    This paper tries to superficially discuss about the theory of " death caused by escaping crime scene " in the crime of traffic accident , with a view to a certain degree of judicial practice guidelines .

  20. 体外预应力技术充分发挥体外预应力可更换和二次张拉调索的突出优点,将推动桥梁结构的大发展,对研究新型桥梁结构、大跨度桥梁结构具有极大的指引作用。

    External prestressed concrete technology full display through removable and re-stressed , will impel the bridge structure the big development , to will study the new bridge structure , the great span bridge structure has the enormous direction function .

  21. 民间借贷的规制需要打破金融抑制理论的压制,突破正规金融对民间借贷的压制,因此理念对于立法者制定法律有着重要指引作用。

    Regulation of private lending need to break the financial repression theory of repression , to break through the formal financial repression on private lending , and therefore has an important role in the guidelines concept for lawmakers to make laws .

  22. 证人作证行为作为法律行为理应受到法律规范,明确直接言词原则在理论与立法上的指引作用,进行系统化的规制尤为重要。

    As an act of law , testifying should be ruled by law , thus it is very important to definite the leading role of the direct and oral principle in both legal theory and legislation in order to make a systemized standard .

  23. 商人自治组织在发展中形成的商人自治规范,不仅对组织内部成员事务有约束、指引作用,其对商法在治理整个商业秩序过程中也起着重要的补充作用。

    Businessmen in the development of an autonomous organization formed in the self-regulating business , not only on the internal affairs of members bound by the guidelines , Commercial business in order to the whole process of governance plays an important complementary role .

  24. 其中土地制度与产业结构转型是促生上海空间结构演变的内在机制,社会基础设施与交通通达性是影响多中心发展的重要因素,而政策规划的引导对于城市空间有着指引作用。

    It could be summarized that the land system and the transformation of industrial structure were the internal mechanism to promote the spatial structure development , infrastructure and the traffic accessibility were important to the development of polycentric structure , whereas the planning policy played a role of guidance .

  25. 住房政策体系是政府调控房地产业的集中体现,也是一项国家关于房地产业的起着指引性作用的政策系统。

    Housing policy system is a guiding system that the government could regulate the real estate .

  26. 特殊性融资在新兴产业发展初期,起到了非常重要的促进作用。政策性融资虽然融资规模较小,但其所起到重要的指引性作用。

    Special financing plays an important role in the early , and policy financing guidelines for the plays an important role .

  27. 高中生正处于人生发展的特殊阶段,发展他们的独立个性,不仅可以为其终身发展奠定坚实的基础,而且可以为其以后的发展起到导向和指引的作用。

    Senior high school students are just living in a special period . The development of independent personality can not only establish a solid foundation for students ' lifetime study and development but also guide their development directions .

  28. 从社会现象学、犯罪学等多方面看待问题,最终提出合理可行的经济犯罪刑事政策策略,从而对我国的经济犯罪切实起到指引的作用。

    From a social phenomenology , look at the issue and other aspects of criminology and ultimately reasonable and feasible strategy for the criminal policy of economic crimes , economic crimes in China to effectively play the role of the guidelines .

  29. 企业财务报告的目标具有指引方向的作用,会计信息质量、财务报表要素等都必须体现目标的要求。

    Objectives of financial report direct its contents , therefore accounting information and elements of financial statements must follow them .

  30. 竞争战略属于公司层面的战略,起到明确目标和指引方向的作用,但竞争战略需要销售策略、人力资源、运作管理等相关实施策略的支持。

    Although as a corporate-level strategy , competition strategy plays a role in specifying goals and providing guidance , it is in need of support of the execution of strategies in sales , human resources and operation management .