
kuài chē dào
  • fast lane;express lane;fast traffic lane
  1. 在快车道上骑自行车,可真悬。

    Cycling in the fast traffic lane is really dangerous .

  2. 在媒介融合时代,需利用网吧院线、视频网站等新的产业增长点,推动电影产业化发展走上快车道。

    In media convergence era , new industry increasing space such as , cinema line of internet bar , video website and implanted advertisement , will get Chinese film industry moving on a fast traffic lane so as to develop advantage of film industry .

  3. 它正以78英里的时速在快车道上疾驶。

    It was travelling in the outside lane at 78mph .

  4. 在快车道上骑车不行。

    Cycling along the motorway is not allowed .

  5. 及物动词fast-track指“加快进程”;它也可以做形容词,意思是“直通的,加急的”,比如afast-trackapplicationservice特快申请服务。例句这个课程为志愿走上事业成功快车道的大学毕业生提供辅导。

    The course provides guidance for graduates who wish to get on a fast track to a successful career .

  6. 我们正行驶在快车道上。

    We 're driving on the freeway .

  7. 为了完成有12个成员国参加的太平洋贸易谈判,他需要获得美国国会的快车道(FastTrack)谈判授权。

    To wrap up the 12-member Pacific trade talks , he needs fast-track negotiating authority from the US Congress .

  8. PCA对快车道心脏手术后病人血浆ANP的影响

    Effect of PCA on plasma ANP of patients after fast-track cardiac surgery

  9. 乔治w布什总统不是人们称之为快车道上谋生的贴广告小孩。

    Prsident George W.Bush is not what you 'd call a poster child for life in the fast lane .

  10. 基于这些原因,国会应该授予巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)他所需要的快车道授权,以达成协议。

    For these reasons , Congress should grant Barack Obama the fast-track authority he needs to conclude a deal .

  11. 中国加入WTO后,经济运行将要驶入国际快车道,这对于发展中的我国来说是个机遇,但同时又是个挑战。

    It 's an opportunity and also a challenge for our country as a developing one as the running of economy will follow the international way after we entered WTO .

  12. 按照中国加入WTO后的承诺,2005年中国的服务业将全面对外开放,中国物流业的发展必将走上一个快车道。

    According to the promise of China entering the WTO , Chinese service industry will face opening to the world in 2005 , development of logistic industry will be very quick .

  13. 这位名叫娄震(LouZhen,音译)的司机在事故中并未受伤。上周,他驾驶的特斯拉S型(TeslaModelS)在北京一条快车道上,撞上了非法停靠的一辆大众(Volkswagen)汽车。

    Lou Zhen was unharmed when his Tesla Model S collided with an illegally parked Volkswagen car on a motorway in Beijing last week .

  14. 关于网络中立,他们拒绝赋予联邦通信委员会(FCC)权力,使其可以阻止企业在互联网上设立快车道和慢车道。

    On net neutrality , they declined to give the Federal Communications Commission the authority to prevent companies from creating fast and slow lanes on the internet .

  15. 从长远看,其战略价值不可小觑,安倍表示。此言可能有助于影响美国国会中对于是否授予奥巴马(Obama)快车道谈判权限举棋不定的共和党人。

    Long-term , its strategic value is awesome , said Mr Abe , in a message that may help sway congressional Republicans wavering about whether to give fast-track negotiating authority to Mr Obama .

  16. 他将敦促美国国会给予美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)他所需的快车道授权,以达成《跨太平洋伙伴关系》(Trans-PacificPartnership,简称TPP)。

    He will urge Congress to give Barack Obama , the US president , the fast-track authority he needs to conclude the Trans Pacific Partnership .

  17. 他仍然要尴尬地依赖国会中的共和党多数派给予他推进TPP所需要的快车道谈判授权。

    He remains uncomfortably reliant on the Republican majority in Congress to grant him the fast-track authority he needs to push it over the line .

  18. 美国的共识是,国会可能会在两三个月内就快车道授权进行投票,TPP将在之后不久达成。

    The consensus in the US is that Congress is likely to vote on fast-track authority within two-three months and that a TPP deal will be closed shortly thereafter .

  19. 《跨太平洋伙伴关系》(Trans-PacificPartnership,简称TPP)不包括中国的12国贸易协定近日获得推动,因为美国参议院的一个委员会批准了授予奥巴马其所需的快车道谈判权力的法案。

    The Trans-Pacific Partnership , a 12-nation trade agreement that does not include China , received a fillip when a Senate panel approved a bill that would give Mr Obama the fast-track negotiating authority he needs .

  20. 对奥巴马来说,更糟糕的是,如果他无法获得国会的快车道授权,确保刻意将中国排除在外的跨太平洋伙伴关系协定(TPP)谈判达成协议,他在亚太地区的地位还会进一步削弱。

    Worse for Mr Obama , his standing in the Asia-Pacific region will deteriorate even further if he cannot secure congressional fast-track authority to seal the deal on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade talks , which pointedly exclude China .

  21. 这次研讨会将包括以下简短的介绍之后,麦克风将开放供与会者询问任何有关的问题的IDN域名快车道过程。

    The workshop will be comprised of the following short presentations , after which the microphone will be open for participants to ask any questions related to the IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process .

  22. 京津城际进展顺利铁路客运专线建设驶入快车道

    Construction of Special Passenger Transportation Railway Line Driving to Fast Lane

  23. 这是一条很高级的快车道,而且很宽。

    This is a good quality highway , and very wide .

  24. 经济转轨的最终态势:快车道理论应用研究

    Final Position of Economic Transform : Application Research of Turnpike Theorem

  25. 电子商务&陕西经济腾飞的快车道

    Electronic Commerce & The Speedway for Developing the Economy of Shaanxi

  26. 记住,今天快车道上的经理人,就是明天的废物。

    Remember today 's fast-track manager is tomorrow 's redundancy candidate .

  27. 汽车减慢了和快速地拉扯了快车道。

    Cars swiftly slowed and pulled off the fast lane .

  28. 你不该在快车道上停车。

    You oughtn 't to have stopped on the motorway .

  29. 还包括公共快车道和一条新的地下铁路线。

    It also includes express bus lanes and a new subway line .

  30. 我们希望终极快车道与终极速度。

    we want the ultimate fast lane , with the ultimate speed .