
  1. 将Web服务器的信息服务能力和数据库的数据管理能力结合起来构造大规模的信息服务系统已成为目前数据库应用的一个发展方向。

    Constructing wholesale information server system by taking advantage of the ability of web server 's information server and database ' data management is a developing tide of database ' application .

  2. 利用Web服务器的信息服务能力和数据库服务器的数据管理能力来构造信息服务系统已成为人们关注的热点,其开发技术的关键是数据库网关的实现。

    Constructing information service system by utilizing Web server 's information service and database server 's data management is an attentive hotspot , where the key technology is the implement of database gateway .

  3. RSS技术的应用为图书馆提供了新的服务手段和新的服务项目,提升了图书馆信息服务能力,为用户获取信息提供了多方面的选择。

    The application of RSS can bring new service means and new service items . It promotes the ability of information service of library , and provides various selections for users to obtain information .

  4. ECSS将企业的信息化和通信需求有机的融合在一起,利用各种通信手段,提供强大的综合信息服务能力。

    Through all means of communication technology , ECSS caters for customers'information and communication needs and can provide comprehensive information service .

  5. 公共档案馆信息服务能力建设与发展定位

    On public archives ' information service capability construction and development orientation

  6. 加强技术应用总体研究促进信息服务能力建设

    Strengthening Overall Studies on Technical Application Promoting Information Service Ability Construction

  7. 医院图书馆管理人员科研信息服务能力提高探讨

    Discussion on Improving Hospital Library Manager 's Scientific Research Information Services Capabilities

  8. 依托网络优势提升信息服务能力

    Depend on the Network Superiority to Promote Information Service

  9. 科技服务机构的网络信息服务能力与北京市远郊区县的发展

    Promote the ability of network information services for the suburbs development of Beijing

  10. 这些问题很大程度都是由于第三方物流企业的物流信息服务能力低造成的。

    All of these problems are caused by the low information ability of the TPL enterprise .

  11. 真正实现了对信息服务能力评价的定性与定量分析。

    It actually achieved the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the evaluation of information service ability .

  12. 知识发现:提升数字图书馆信息服务能力的利器

    Knowledge Discovery : A Fine Tool for Enhancing the Ability of Information Service in Digital Library

  13. 因此,如何有效地对信息服务能力进行评价,成为图书馆评价研究的一个突显问题。

    Thus , how to evaluate information service ability effectively has been an extrusive problem in library evaluation .

  14. 医学图书馆参考馆员的信息服务能力需求与素质培训初探

    A Preliminary Probe for the Requirement of Information Service Ability and the Quality Training of the Reference Librarians

  15. 信息服务能力是图书馆运用信息资源满足读者对文献信息需求的能力。

    The information service ability is that library satisfies the ability of reader for information demands with information resources .

  16. 图书馆事业的深入发展及其信息服务能力的持续全面提升,无疑将为个人、国家乃至社会信息资源保障提供重要的支持。

    The in-depth development of library undertakings and information service ability will inevitably support the information resource acquirement of individual , the country and society .

  17. 但是,当前甘肃省地震应急信息服务能力还存在明显不足,与公众需求有一定差距。

    However , the current earthquake emergency information service capacity in Gansu province is obviously insufficient , there is some discrepancy with the public demand .

  18. 论述高校图书馆拓展信息服务能力的必要性、可行性,探讨和阐述拓展信息服务领域的有效途径及具体措施。

    It expounds the necessity and feasibility for extending college and university library information service area and also discusses the effective ways and specific measures .

  19. 本文,通过对基本概念的介绍,确定了信息服务能力评价的主要内容,定义了评价的实施过程。

    In this thesis , through the introduction to the basic concept , the main content of information service evaluation is ascertained and the implementation process is identified .

  20. 融合短信能力的即时消息服务器设计与实现知识发现:提升数字图书馆信息服务能力的利器

    The Design and Implementation of Instant Messaging Server Converged Short Message Capability ; Knowledge Discovery : A Fine Tool for Enhancing the Ability of Information Service in Digital Library

  21. 把握机遇,更新观念,加大投入,引进先进技术,提高情报信息服务能力,这是搞好医学情报事业的有力保证。

    Seizing opportunities , updating concepts , increasing input , introducing advanced technologies and enhancing information services capabilities are forceful guarantees for making a good job of the medical information cause .

  22. 移动电子政务可以提高政府办事效率,增强政府信息服务能力,同时提升政府的公信度和加大对政府行为的监管力度。

    The Mobile Government can improve efficiency of government work and enhance the ability of information service supplied by government , also including improving public credit of government and strength of supervision .

  23. 为塑造良好的产业发展环境,加强北京市文化创意产业的综合信息服务能力,建设一个立足北京,服务于文化创意产业的公共服务与管理平台就显得十分必要。

    To create a good environment in order to promote the industry development , and increase ability of information services for Beijing cultural and creative industry , to build a public service management platform is very necessary .

  24. 本文对高职院校图书馆信息服务能力存在偏低的现象,提出图书馆应积极投身到信息服务中去,把信息服务能力的培养和提高作为促进事业发展的基础。

    This essay according to the low-level of library information service in vocational college , advances that library should do the service actively and make the cultivation and improvement of the information service as the motion to advance the development .

  25. 因此,建立一个科学的图书馆信息服务能力评价体系,运用适当的方法,实事求是地对图书馆信息服务能力进行评价,是当前高校图书馆发展,乃至高等学校发展的必然要求。

    Therefore , it is inevitable to construct a scientific evaluation system of library information service ability and evaluate the library information service ability in a practical , realistic and also appropriate way for the development of college and university libraries , and even that of colleges and universities themselves .

  26. 投资集中于:信息服务、信息能力服务、药品和医疗、媒体、消费品和服务等。

    Focus on : IT Services , IT Enabled Services , Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare , Media and Consumer Products and Services .

  27. 健康素养是指个体具有获得、解释和理解基本健康信息与服务的能力,并能运用信息和服务来促进个体的健康。

    Health literacy means that individuals can obtain , interpret and understand basic health information and services , and use related information and services to promote the health of individuals .

  28. 馆员素质的现代化是图书馆现代化的先决条件,馆员素质现代化的核心是提高信息服务意识和能力,馆员应努力培养和提高自己的信息服务能力。

    The modernization of librarians ' quality is the essential condition of the modernization of libraries . The key to the modernization of librarians is to enhance their service idea and service ability . Modern librarians must improve their ability of information service .

  29. 结论各级领导应予足够的重视,指定责任心强的卫生监督统计人员,并做好其专业人员的培训工作,加强业务技术档案的管理,以不断提高报表的信息质量和服务能力。

    Conclusions With the strong support of leaders at various levels , the sanitation surveillance personals with higher sense of responsibilities were properly trained and designated so as to strengthen the technical document management and improve the quality and service ability of various environment & sanitation statistics and reports .

  30. 大连市低保管理信息系统在网上服务能力、网络信息安全性以及网络行政效率方面均取得了很显著的效果。

    The information management system of Dalian minimum living standard security has achieved significant effect on service capability on network , working efficiency and information security .