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  1. 她把那些信都烧了以便永远不让她丈夫看见。

    She burned the letters so that her husband would never read them .

  2. 你的前后几封信都已收到。

    I 've received all your letters .

  3. 世界上最著名的信都是用笔写的。

    The most famous letters in the world were written with a pen .

  4. 她随即就把他甩了,甚至连封分手信都没有写

    She threw him over offhandedly without even a dear-john letter .

  5. 美国国会的两封信都提到了我与约瑟夫加尼翁(JosephGagnon)合作撰写的一篇研究报告。

    Both congressional letters refer to a study I wrote with Joseph Gagnon .

  6. 奥巴马在刚上台时曾天真地努力与平壤方面保持接触,甚至还以个人名义写信给金正日(KimJong-il)(信件内容迄今仍未公布,而前两任美国总统写的信都公布了)。

    On taking office , the US president naively tried hard to engage Pyongyang , even writing a personal letter to Kim Jong-il ( the contents of which have not yet been publicly released , unlike those written by the two preceding presidents ) .

  7. 那里他的信都被寄到广场饭店。

    Where he had his mail forwarded to the Plaza hotel .

  8. 所有的求职信都将发送到人事部。

    All applications for jobs had to be routed through HR .

  9. 她把他寄给她的信都撕了。

    She tore up all the letters he had sent her .

  10. 他们的信都乱七八糟地放在一个抽屉里。

    Their letters were all muddled up together in a drawer .

  11. 每一封信都如一颗种子撒入肥沃的心灵之土。

    Each letter was a seed falling on a fertile heart .

  12. 我很清楚因为这些信都是我收的

    I know I 'm the one who collected the letters .

  13. 我们把每一封求职信都看成是一个行为序列。

    We regard an application letter as a sequence of speech acts .

  14. 悔恨之下他把两封信都撕成了碎片。

    Regretfully , he tore both letters into small pieces .

  15. 所有的信都必须贴上面值恰当邮票。

    Every letter must be stamped with the correct postage .

  16. 这两封信都在送达之前被截获。

    Both of the letters were intercepted before they reached their targets .

  17. 我们最好把所有的信都马上发出去。

    We 'd better send out all the letters immediately .

  18. 我那些求职信都没怎麽达到目的。

    I haven 't had much success in my applications for jobs .

  19. 真奇怪,许多信都没有寄到。

    It 's strange many letters don 't come through .

  20. 哈利可以看见三封信都是用同样的绿色墨水写的

    Harry could see three letters addressed in green ink .

  21. 我固然得了重伤风,但是还不到连信都不能写的程度。

    I did catch a bad cold & but I could have written .

  22. 你是说,你把我写的信都扔了?

    You mean , you threw away all the letters I wrote you ?

  23. 邮戳显示这些信都是一年以前的。

    These are all postdated over a year ago .

  24. 她把信都烧了,这样一来她丈夫就绝对看不见了。

    She burned the letters so that her husband will never read them .

  25. 她在一阵悔恨之中把情人的信都烧了。

    In a fit of remorse she burnt all her lover 's letters .

  26. 还补招,我参加选举的时候不是信都不给一个么。

    I 'm not afraid to take a stand .

  27. 你连自己的信都不看却看我的?

    You won 't read your mail , but you 'll open mine ?

  28. 爸爸,你把信都藏起来了?

    Daddy , you kept his letters from me ?

  29. 以下几个事实,让你不信都难!

    You don 't believe me ? Well , here are the facts .

  30. 先生,没错,不过每封信都附有译文。

    That is correct , sir , but translations for each are attached .