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  1. 王建周三接受路透社(Reuters)采访时表示,中国到年底时将不得不开始下调利率。

    In an interview with Reuters on Wednesday , Wang said China would have to start cutting interest rates by the year-end .

  2. 王建其人其诗四代人的生活年轮

    Poem and Personality of Wang Jian The Life Profile OF Four Generations

  3. 论王建《宫词》的价值

    On the values of Palace Poems by Wang Jian

  4. 王建《宫词》分析

    The Analysis of Wang Jian 's Palace Ci

  5. 新罗后期分裂,最后被王建统一,建立了高丽王朝。

    The late Silla split Wang was finally unified , the establishment of the Korean dynasty .

  6. 诗人王建也是在这种诗风的影响下确立了自己独特的艺术风格。

    Wang Jian also establish his own unique artistic style under the influence of this poetic style .

  7. 论王建《宫词》的价值第三章探讨宫体诗学观。

    On the values of Palace Poems by Wang Jian Chapter Three discusses the concept on the Gong Ti poetry .

  8. 再次考察了张籍、王建的影响、贡献,及其诗歌在唐宋时期的流传。

    Finally , I made an investigation into the influence of Zhang Ji and Wang Jian and the wide circulation of their poems .

  9. 王建研究的全新里程碑&读王宗堂先生的《王建诗集校注》

    A New Milestone for the Study of WANG Jian & While reading The Collation and Annotation of the Collection of WANG Jian s Poems by Mr. WANG Zong-tang ;

  10. 王建《宫词》是唐代特定历史时期的产物。《宫词》所反映的对象、题材来源、内容情况,以及对《宫词》的评价等,对读者阅读和研究《宫词》有一定的指导意义。

    This article deals with the plot and subject of Wang Jian 's Palace Ci as well as various comments , which will act as good instructions for the readers .

  11. 并不离开圣殿&希律王建的圣殿非常大,有许多不同用途的屋子,亚拿就住在其中的一间屋子里。

    Never left the temple – Herod 's temple was quite large and included rooms for various uses , and Anna may have been allowed to live in one of them .

  12. 通过对张籍、王建诗歌深入细致地分析,力求对张籍王建体有新的认识。

    Through an in-depth and detailed study of the poems written by Zhang Ji and Wang Jian , the author is trying to make a better and new understanding of their poetry .

  13. “现在还没有得出结论,”中国民航浙江监管局空管处处长的王建说。

    " No conclusion has yet been drawn ," Wang Jian , head of air traffic control with the Zhejiang branch of the Civil Aviation Administration of China ( CAAC ), said .

  14. 刘隐建立的南汉、马殷建立的楚、王建建立的前蜀以及王审知建立的闵国。

    the state of Southern Han by Liu Yin , the state of Chu by Ma Yin , the state of Former Shu by Wang Jian and finally , the state of Min by Wang Shenzhi .