首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 王强与李明两人过去长期不和,现在成了好朋友。

    Wang Qiang and Li Ming , who were at outs with each other for a long time , have now become good friends .

  2. 王强以前面试时不打领带。

    Wang Qiang didn 't use to wear a tie to job interviews .

  3. 王强和玛丽都有弟弟。

    Both Wang Qiang and Mary have younger brothers .

  4. 你见到我的经理王强先生吗?

    Did you see MrWang qiang , our manager ?

  5. 王强不是美国人。

    Wang Qiang is not an American .

  6. 然而与王强一样,很多人都发现小型车没有大型车那样能令人满足。

    Like Wan Qiang , however , some people find that small cars are not as satisfying as full-size automobiles .

  7. 我记得我的班长王强是一个书癖,现在他也在新东方,是新东方教育研究院的院长。

    I remember my monitor Wang Qiang is a Book addiction , he is now in the new East , is the new East Education Research Institute director .

  8. “澳大利亚在干旱农业方面有相当丰富的经验,中国希望可以向它学习。”中国科技部国际合作司的官员王强说。

    " Australia has more experience in developing agriculture in arid areas , which we hope China can learn from ," says Wang Qiang , a senior official at China 's Ministry of Science and Technology .

  9. 公共安全部交通管理局副局长王强表示,新能源汽车车主们既可以更换新牌照,也可以保留旧牌照。

    Wang Qiang , deputy director of the Traffic Management Bureau with the Ministry of Public Security , says people who currently own a new energy vehicle will be able to replace their current plates or keep their existing ones .

  10. 这位神灵呆若木鸡,一言不发,等到王强逼他,他终于在宏亮的笑声中说出这样的话:朝生暮死的可怜虫,无常与忧患的儿子,你为什么强逼我说出你最好是不要听的话呢?

    The daemon remained sullen and uncommunicative until finally , forced by the king , he broke into a shrill laugh and spoke : " Ephemeral wretch , begotten by accident and toil , why do you force me to tell you what it would be your greatest boon not to hear ?