
  1. 不过天津市场上几十家小经销商之一王华表示,去年他售出了约2万辆SUV,其中大多为从中东进口的丰田(Toyota)普拉多(Prado)。

    But Wang Hua , who runs one of the dozens of small dealerships at the Tianjin market , said that he sold about 20,000 SUVs last year & most of them Toyota Prados imported from the Middle East .

  2. 不但王华喜欢跳舞,她的妹妹也喜欢。

    Not only Wang Hua but also her sister likes dancing .

  3. 嗨,王华,这是我的哥哥李明。

    Hi , Wang Hua ! This is my brother Li Ming .

  4. 听说过一个叫做王华的学生吗?

    Have you heard of the student called Wang hua ?

  5. 王华:鸡肉和可口可乐。

    Wang Hua : Chicken and coca-cola , please .

  6. 掌班王华更是影艺超群,威望甚高,乃影界第一权威。

    Wang is in charge of the film and performing arts classes Chaoqun , high prestige , is the first authoritative film industry .

  7. 王华,一位来自中国西北地区偏僻村落的12岁男孩,从没想到有一天他会有机会和一位太空科学家谈话。

    Wang Hua , a12-year-old boy in a poor corner of northwestern China , never thought that one day he would be chatting with a space scientist .

  8. 从而使王华对他很失望,嫌他不求艺术真谛,只图浮名,不时给予其眼色看。

    Wang for his so very disappointed too that he did not seek the true meaning of art , only the limelight at all , from time to time for their eyes to see .

  9. 韩增渐有察觉,私下问王海庆说:“为什么当观众为我叫好时,老爷子(指王华)总是捂起耳朵?”

    By becoming aware of South Korea have privately asked Wang Qing said : " Why is it that when the audience applauded for me , the Father ( referring to Wang ) always cover their ears from ?"