
  • 网络Information and Communication Technology;ict;ICTs;Information & Communication Technology
  1. 英语、数学、信息与通信技术和科学是必修科目。

    English , Maths , ICT and science are compulsory subjects .

  2. 在本书中,这三个定义被折合为一个广义的关于信息与通信技术的定义。

    In this book , these three definitions have been collapsed into a single , all encompassing , definition of ICT .

  3. 信息与通信技术(InformationandCommunicationTechnology,ICT)的发展给社会政治经济结构带来了很大的变化,为各国正在进行的治道变革提供了机遇和挑战。

    The development of information and communication technology ( ICT ) has changed the structure of society , politics and economy , and brings opportunities and challenges for the governance transform around the world .

  4. ICT(信息与通信技术)产业是高新技术产业的一个重要分支,它是IT与通信技术不断融合的产物,已成为衡量一个国家发展水平和综合国力的重要标志。

    ICT industry which is the abbreviation of information and communication industry is an important branch of the high and new technology industry . ICT industry syncretized by communication technology and information technology has become a vital symbol to scale the development level and overall capacity of a country .

  5. ICTs(信息与通信技术)的迅速发展促使目前信息社会特征日渐清晰,其特征的研究受到了越来越多的地理学关注,特别是在信息网络及其空间范围、结构等领域。

    The ICTs ( information and the correspondence technique ) quick development urge currently social characteristic of information gradually clear , the research of its characteristic was subjected to more and more geography concerns . Especially in the information network and its space scope , structure realms .

  6. 信息与通信技术对高等教育的影响

    Some consequences of the new information and communication technologies for higher education

  7. 对信息与通信技术在教学中作用的反思

    Reflection on the Function of Information and Communication Technologies in Teaching Process

  8. 信息与通信技术究竟捐献给技术对象的本体什么新奇的事物?

    What novelties do information and communications technologies contribute to the ontology of technical objects ?

  9. 而人们日益增长的需求也对信息与通信技术的发展提出了更高的要求。

    And the growing demand for information and communication technology has put forward higher requirements .

  10. 日本一些增长最强劲的领域,包括生物技术和纳米技术,信息与通信技术和机器人。

    Some of the strongest growth sectors in Japan include bio-and nanotechnology , information and communications technology and robotics .

  11. 随着信息与通信技术的飞速发展,信息安全、通信保密尤其是网络安全日益受到了人们的重视。

    With the rapid development of information and communication technology , people attach more importance to the information correspondence security , especially to network security .

  12. 各国之间以及一个国家的不同各校之间的情况千差万别,因此设计信息与通信技术课程时必须考虑课程实施的因素。

    Circumstances vary between countries and between schools within a country , and implementation factors have therefore to be taken into account when designing ICT curricula .

  13. 随着信息与通信技术的不断发展,社会信息化水平不断提高,但同时也带来了不同区域间信息化发展的不平衡;而电信资费在信息应用的推广过程中存在重大影响。

    Information and communication technology not only brings the development of the society , but also brings regional development imbalances . Telecommunication price level may have influence on informatization promotion .

  14. 国际竞争环境的日趋激烈、信息与通信技术的进步、全球服务市场准入障碍的减少和东道国投资环境的改善是研发离岸的主要外部因素。

    The major external drivers include more intensive international competition , advancement of information and communication technology ( ICT ), lower entrance barriers for the global service market , amelioration of investment environment of host countries and so on .

  15. 近年来,信息与通信技术的蓬勃发展推动我国城市信息化水平快速提高,这对城市道路规划管理工作提出了更高的要求。

    In recent years , the rapid development of information and telecommunication technology has given an impetus to the enhancement of our country 's urban information level , which put forward further requests to urban road planning and management .

  16. 电子治理简单的说即是指信息与通信技术在治理中的运用及其影响,他有一个终极的目标,那就是善治。电子治理及其善治目标的实现,依赖于安全的政府网站。

    Simply put , e-governance refers to information and communication technology in the use of governance and its impact , and e-governance there is an ultimate objective of good governance.E-governance and its goal of good governance rely on secure government web sites .

  17. 目前,随着我国与国际经济上的逐步接轨步,信息与通信技术的发展为各级政府及时获取和反馈大量的信息,协助预算规划、分析与执行工作提供了有利条件。

    Nowadays , with the linkage of economy between our country and the international community , the development of information and communication technique provides all governments with advantage to acquire and feedback considerable information , to assist the planning , analysis and performance of the budget .

  18. 随着互联网的飞速发展,用户规模和业务种类呈爆炸性增长,信息与通信技术产生的能耗越来越高,占全球能耗的比例越来越大。

    With the boom of the Internet and the rapid growth of network users and variety of services , the energy consumption caused by Information and Communication technology is increasing rapidly , leading to a larger and larger proportion of total global energy consumption year after year .

  19. 近几年来,随着信息技术与通信技术的融合,产生了信息通信技术这一新的概念,即为ICT。

    In recent years , with the integration of information technology and communication technology , a new concept & information and communication technology appeared , that is , ICT .

  20. 随着电子信息技术与通信技术的发展,无线通信业务不断增加,因此,对增加通信系统的容量、提供更高的数据速率、支持多媒体业务等提出了更高的要求。

    According the increasing of different wireless businesses , it needs to enlarge the system capacity and get higher data rate for multimedia business .

  21. 随着信息与通信网络技术的飞速发展,网络的规模和用户数量都在急剧增长。

    As the technology of telecommunication and information develop at very fast speed , the capacity of the network and the number of the user increase sharply .

  22. 现代信息技术与通信技术的发展为文献分类法整合数字信息资源、提高数字化信息服务的效率拓展了新的领域。

    Developments of modern information and communication technologies have opened up new fields for classification schemes to integrate digital and network information resources and to improve efficiencies of digitized information services .

  23. 伴随着电子信息技术与通信技术的快速发展,无线传感器网络技术也更加成熟、实用,被广泛应用于各个领域和行业。

    Along with the rapid development of electronic information technology and communication technology , wireless sensor network technologies become more mature and practical , are widely used in various fields and industries .

  24. 电子政务是以互联网为核心的信息技术与通信技术在政府管理与服务中的深层次应用,是政府信息化的主要表现形式。

    Electronic governmental affairs is the deep level of structure application on the government management and service with information technique and correspondence technique which regarding Internet as the core technology . Also is it the main manifestation of government informatization .

  25. 空间站信息系统与光纤通信技术

    Fiber Optical Communication and Information Systems in Space Stations

  26. 信息与通信以及多媒体技术己经渗透到人类生存与活动的各个领域中。

    Information , communications and multimedia technology has been penetrated into all spheres of human activities .

  27. 近几年来,随着信息科技技术与通信技术的飞速发展,消防信息化建设工作取得了卓有成效的进展。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of information technology and communication technology , the informatization construction in fire-protection area has been made great progress .

  28. 针对目前我国煤井下的煤的自燃条件风压和气压的实时检测、管理等方面存在的许多问题,我们设计了一种集信息处理与计算机通信技术于一体的矿井通风系统自动报警系统。

    According to the problems of real time examing and managing the wind pressure and the air pressure , we design a set of automatical system well ventilated system which includes information processing and computer communication technology .

  29. 信息与计算机通信网络安全技术研究

    Study of Information and Computer Communication Network Security Techniques

  30. 它综合了嵌入式技术、微电子技术、分布式信息处理技术与无线通信技术。

    It combines an embedded technology , microelectronic technology , distributed information processing technology and wireless communication technology .