
  • 网络Networking Academy
  1. 本文系统地介绍了思科网络技术学院质量保证体系中的任务与责任、质量评估方法、学院运行计划、教学体系计划等方面的详细内容,并总结出对完善我国远程教育质量保证的启示。

    Quality Assurance System of Cisco Networking Academy , including the task and responsibility , quality assessments method , academy program and teaching system plans , offers a case for the development of distance education in our country .

  2. 即发展和创新网络技术为独立学院大学生网络交往提供更好的条件;加强独立学院大学生的网络交往方法的教育;正确引导并充分发挥网络交往的积极作用;切实提高独立学院大学生的现实社会交往能力。

    Develop and innovate network technology to provide better conditions for independent college students ' communication ability by internet communication ; strengthen the network communication method education to independent college students ; properly guide and fully play the active role of internet communication ; effectively improve real social communication skills .

  3. 网络时代高等职业技术学院图书馆的信息服务策略

    On Information Service Tactics for Libraries of Higher Vocational and Technical Colleges in Internet Age