
  • 网络Master of Finance;MSc Finance;MFin;Msf
  1. 尽管mba以及金融硕士的就业市场形势依然严峻,对学历相对较低人员的聘用需求却很强劲。

    While the jobs markets for MBA and masters in finance alumni has remained tough , recruitment at the more junior level is strong .

  2. 在芝加哥洛约拉大学昆兰商学院(LoyolaUniversityChicago'sQuinlanSchoolofBusiness)攻读金融硕士学位的12名学生中,11名都是外国留学生,其中八名来自中国。

    Eleven of the 12 current finance master 's students at Loyola University Chicago 's Quinlan School of Business are international , with eight from China .

  3. 这位踌躇满志的21岁女孩希望在明年夏季获得法国巴黎HEC商学院(HECbusinessschool)国际金融硕士学位后开启财富管理的职业生涯。

    The ambitious 21 year old wants to start a career in wealth management next summer following a masters in international finance at HEC business school in Paris .

  4. 英国金融硕士毕业,并是英国ACCA注册会员。

    Master from British University , and member of ACCA .

  5. cfa的优势不断提升,如今全球有93所商学院对金融硕士的部分课程进行调整,以与cfa课程保持一致。

    So dominant is the CFA becoming that 93 business schools worldwide now align part of their masters in finance programmes with the CFA curriculum .

  6. 现在她已经就读麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院(MITSloanSchoolofManagement)的金融硕士项目。Ding所在的班级大约有85%的学生是外国留学生,学院方面表示,那些学生很大一部分来自亚洲。

    Now enrolled at MIT Sloan School of Management 's M.S. in Finance program , about 85 % of Ms. Ding 's class is international , and the school says a large share of those students are from Asia .

  7. 但是如果你申请金融硕士,就可以比较容易地得到资助。

    But if you apply for an MS in Finance , you may easily get financial aid .

  8. 估价评估是一个国际金融硕士组成部分,是建立在信用制度为基础。

    Assessment is an integral part of the MSc International Finance and is based on a system of credits .

  9. 实际上,2014年一个英国无工作经验要求金融硕士项目招收的学生中,有94%来自海外。

    Indeed , 94 per cent of students enrolled in a UK MiF pre-experience programme in 2014 were from overseas .

  10. 比美国同行更专注于金融硕士学位的欧洲的商学院看到,申请其项目的人数正在不断增加。

    In Europe , where business schools have specialised in Masters in finance degrees more so than their US counterparts , schools are seeing increased applications for their programmes .

  11. 例如,卡耐基梅隆大学就说,他们的计算金融硕士项目的申请者到目前为止已经增长了21%,去年这个数字是48%。

    Carnegie Mellon university , for example , reports a21 % increase in applications for its computational-finance master 's so far this year , after a48 % jump last year .

  12. 魏德海管理学院目前的金融硕士项目的申请者中,85%以上来自中国,而目前由58名学生组成的班级中,中国人所占比例超过了80%。

    More than 85 % of applicants to Weatherhead 's current Finance master 's program came from China , and more than 80 % of the 58-student class is Chinese .

  13. 或许更令人吃惊的是,那些申请有工作经验要求的金融硕士学位的人,甚至愿意为了攻读学位而放弃在金融业的工作来自失业者的申请相对较少。

    What is perhaps more surprising is that those who have applied for the post-experience degree are willing to give up a job in the financial sector in order to do so there are relatively few applications from those who have lost their jobs .

  14. 麻省理工(MIT)斯隆商学院(SloanSchoolofManagement)9月1日宣布新设立一个金融学硕士项目,以满足学生及行业对一种更专业化商科教育的需求。

    The MIT Sloan School of Management will today reveal a new masters in finance degree programme in response to student and industry demand for a more specialised approach to business education .

  15. 被选中的参加者会在ESCP学习1年,在麻省理工学习1年,攻读斯隆管理学院的管理理学硕士(masterofscienceinmanagementstudies,MSMS)或金融学硕士(masteroffinance)。

    The selected participants spend one year at ESCP and one at MIT , studying on either Sloan 's master of science in management studies ( MSMS ) or its master of finance .

  16. Egea,24岁,正读国际金融的硕士学位,预计明年7月毕业。

    Egea , 24 , is doing his master 's degree in international finance and is expected to graduate next July .

  17. 这一出色的研究品质反映在金融经济学硕士。

    This excellent research quality is reflected in the MSc in Financial Economics .

  18. 我希望我的背景条件能够被美国金斯敦大学金融工程硕士课程录取。

    I hope my background and qualifications are found suitable for admission to M.Eng in Financial Engineering program at Kingston University , USA.

  19. 商学院将颁发所有的研究生商学学位,比如金融学硕士和管理课程硕士。

    The latter will now house all the postgraduate business degrees , such as the masters in finance and masters in management programmes .

  20. 应用金融学硕士项目的申请量在最近几年急剧增长,差不多完全是因为来自中国的申请增加而引起的。

    Application volume for the master 's in Applied Finance program has soared in recent years , fueled almost entirely by increases from China .

  21. 斯隆管理学院已经宣布开设金融学硕士课程,今后肯定还会设立更多的专业化硕士课程。

    The school has already announced that it will launch a specialised masters degree in finance and more specialised masters look set to follow .

  22. 我发现金斯敦大学的金融工程硕士课程非常好,因为它兼顾理论与实践能力的发展。

    I strongly feel that M.Eng in Financial Engineering program at Kingston University is a highly structured program because it provides the right balance between theory and practice .

  23. 我们于1973年设立银行与金融文学硕士,是英国第一所创立此类专业的大学,也是第一所提供银行与金融学工商管理硕士的大学。

    We established the first MA in banking and finance offered by any UK university in1973 and also were the first to offer an MBA in banking and finance .

  24. 王燕玲在澳大利墨尔本皇家理工大学亚获得商业会计学士学位,并在麦考瑞大学获得应用金融学硕士学位。

    Yen Leng obtained both her Bachelor 's degree ( Business in Accounting ) from RMIT and Master 's degree ( Applied Finance ) from Macquarie University in Australia .

  25. 她不会在比赛上说些有关慈善爱心的陈词滥调,作为牛津大学的金融学硕士,她谈论的话题则可能是有关全球的经济动态。

    For Lois there will be no platitudes about working for charity-instead she can talk about the MSc in Financial Economics she is studying at the university 's Sa ? d Business School .

  26. 格拉齐亚迪奥工商管理学院2009年秋季招生的应用金融学硕士班收到了158份申请,126份来自中国,去年秋季招生的应用金融学硕士班收到了497份申请,其中471份来自中国。

    The Graziadio School of Business and Management received 158 applications for the class that started in fall 2009 ─ 126 of which were from China ─ and received 497 for the class that started last fall , with 471 from China .

  27. 新加坡管理大学也同厦门大学、华中科技大学、西南财经大学合作设立了金融经济学的硕士学位。

    SMU 's School of Economics has also tied-up with Xiamen University , Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Southwest University of Finance and Economics for its Master of Science in Financial Economics programme .

  28. 普通MBA仍然有用,但我能看出,未来金融类理学硕士(M.S.)将成为首选。

    The generic MBA will still have a function , but I could see a future where the Masters of Science degree in finance becomes the preferred path .

  29. 为什么选择会计与金融专业理学硕士课程?

    Why study the MSc Accounting and Finance ?

  30. 在我们的帮助下,他拿到了英国诺丁汉大学金融和投资专业硕士录取通知书。

    We helped him with the application of MSc in Finance and Investment at University of Nottingham .