
jīn mén dǎo
  • Jinmen Islands
金门岛[jīn mén dǎo]
  1. 金门岛上污染源对沿岸水质之影响

    Influences of land effuent from Jinmen Island on coastal waters

  2. 福建金门岛的藻类植物

    Algae of freshwater from Jinmen Island in Fujian Province

  3. 金门岛13万居民中只有6万人是永久居民。

    Only about 60 thousand of the 130 thousand registered population are permanent residents .

  4. 引用李沃士县长的话说,金门岛的居民真应该好好反思。

    The islanders , Wo-Shi had been quoted as saying , should have a hard think about this .

  5. 福建金门岛东北海区牡蛎礁的发现及其古地理意义

    The discovery of oyster reef in waters northeast to the Jinmen Island , Fujian and it 's paleogeographical significance

  6. 在福建省金门岛西岸的滨海滩地浯江溪口进行了为期2年的调查。

    A 2 years with twice a month spotted census of birds was conducted at Wujiang estuary of Jinmen Islet , Fujian Province .

  7. 绿泥石的分布趋势与伊利石相反,在富含基性火山物质的金门岛附近海域中,蒙脱石的含量相对富集。

    The distribution pattern of chlorite content is relatively higher in vicinities of the Jinmen Island , where the basic volcanic substances are rich .

  8. 最著名的情节是,据林毅夫本人对朋友讲,他是从金门岛游到大陆的。

    Most famously , Prof Lin , according to the story he himself has told friends , swam from Taiwan to reach the mainland .

  9. 在厦门的海岸金门岛附近还有通往台湾多个内陆机场的通道。

    From nearby Jin'men island , which lies just off the coast of Xiamen , there are also connections to all of Taiwan 's domestic airports .

  10. 我们沿着两连灌木篱笆墙的狭窄小道驱车浏览金门岛,路两旁不断有带标志性花纹的金门戴胜鸟飞起,它们的羽毛冠醒目地竖立着。

    We drove around the island , along narrow hedgerowed country lanes , where hoopoes , Kinmen 's emblematic striped bird , stood in our way , their feathered crowns defiantly erect .

  11. 陈对我说,这些马尾树特别能防风,军方种它们,是想让金门岛绿树成林,从明代起,岛上的树就被砍伐一空,用来建造船只。

    These trees , very wind resistant , explained Chen , were planted by the military to reforest the island , which had been denuded by shipbuilding dating back to the Ming era .