
  • 网络rushan city
  1. 乳山市金矿深部采矿方法数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation research of depth mining method for Rushan city Gold Mine

  2. 2009年乳山市戊型病毒性肝炎疫情分析

    Analysis of the Prevalence of Viral Hepatitis E in Rushan City in 2009

  3. 乳山市农村社区心脑血管疾病防治研究

    Intervention Study on Cardiovascular Diseases in Rural Population of Rushan County

  4. 可控源音频大地电磁法在矿体定位预测中的应用&以山东省乳山市蓬家夼金矿床为例

    Application Research of controlled source acoustic magnetotelluric in the location forecasting of buried orebodies

  5. 乳山市出口花生标准化生产技术规程的建立

    Establishment of Technique Regulations for Standardization Production System for Groundnuts Aiming to Export in Rushan MARKETING

  6. 一套太阳能吸收式空调及供热综合系统已在山东省乳山市建成。

    A solar absorption air-conditioning and heat-supply comprehensive system has been constructed in Rushan , Shandong Province .

  7. 乳山市黄金工业总公司

    Rushan Gold Industrial General Corp

  8. 乳山市中庄矿区位于胶东著名的牟乳成矿带中南部,金成矿条件较好。

    Zhongzhuang gold deposits lie in the center and southern part of the famous Mu-Ru ore-formed belt .

  9. 青岛市水产实业总公司(乳山市晶岩海藻工业有限公司)

    Qingdao Aquatic Industry Co.

  10. 乳山市老人最重要的经济来源为子女供给和政府补助。

    Rushan City , government subsidies and supply from their children are most important economic source for the elderly .

  11. 介绍了山东省乳山市大业金矿采用新工艺,创造性地利用选金尾矿生产加气砼砌块,使大业金矿的尾矿真正达到了综合利用,可在不久的将来实现零排放。

    The paper introduces a new technology , accepted in Daye Gold Mine , to produce aerated concrete building blocks with gold ore tailings .

  12. [结论]1.家族长寿是百岁老人长寿的重要生理基础,遗传基因为百岁老人长寿提供了先天优势,这一点在乳山市百岁老人调查中也得到体现。

    Family history of longevity is an important physiological basis of centenarians , genetic factors provide centenarians natural advantages , which can be reflected in the survey .

  13. 乳山市2006~2007年居民死亡水平、恶性肿瘤死亡变化趋势及其疾病负担研究

    Study on the Mortality Level , Variation Trend of Malignant Neoplasms and Its Burden of Disease ( BOD ) during 2006-2007 for Residents in Rushan City , Shandong of China

  14. 认为在乳山市金矿在-485m水平以下采用上向不胶结充填分层回采方法可以有效地降低矿石的二次贫化和改善安全生产条件。

    It is regarded that no-cement upper extraction with stowing of slicing method of more units may effectively reduce second impoverishment of ore and improve safety production condition below level of-485m in Rushan gold mine .

  15. 按照水样采集的标准分别在乳山市百岁老人集中分布的乡镇和村落的生活饮用水中采集了相应的水样,并在山东大学卫生分析测试中心对水样进行了检验。

    Collect water samples in accordance with the standards in both urban and rural districts of Rushan City where the centenarians are concentrated , then perform the essays of samples in the Analyzing and Testing Center of Health in Shandong University .

  16. 对不起,我只能说,乳山市的建筑,如桥梁,防水系统还没有准备好,灾害发生后,发送到需求修复,因此,再次是不一样的?

    I am sorry , I can only say that Rushan 's buildings such as bridge , waterproof system are not ready , the disaster has occurred , sent to demand to repair , so once again it is not the same ?