
  1. n.潮流;潮汐他们喜欢在落潮时沿着海滨散步。

    tide They liked to walk along the beach at low tide .

  2. 另外,计算得到的泉州湾内平均潮差约为4m,如此大的潮差是导致湾内浅滩和暗礁在落潮时干出、涨潮时重新被漫过的根本原因。

    Besides , the large tidal range with a mean value of 4 m is responsible for the alternate wetting and drying of shoals and submerged rocks during the flood and ebb , respectively .

  3. Rance大坝可以拦截Rance河的河口,此处涨潮和落潮时的水位差可以达到26英尺(8米)。

    The Rance barrage works by blocking the entrance to the estuary of the Rance River , where average difference between low and high tides is26 feet ( eight meters ) .

  4. 建桥后桥墩起一定阻水作用,涨落潮时桥位下游流速均存在减小的趋势,而且岸边正好位于桥墩的密集区域,流速减小更为明显,这一区域流速值的减小范围在0.28m/s以内。

    As the result of water will be blocked by piers after bridge building , the velocities at downstream of bridge site have decreased tendency and more obviously near the river bank , the range of velocities decreased were less than 0.28m/s .

  5. 他们喜欢在落潮时沿着海滨散步。

    They liked to walk along the beach at low tide .

  6. 落潮时,你能看到许多赶海的人。

    When the tide is falling , you can see a lot for beach combers .

  7. 落潮时流出量中初次流出湾内的湾内水所占比率为41%;

    The first outflowing volume is 41 % of total outflowing volume in ebbing tide ;

  8. 涨潮必有落潮时。

    Every tide has ebb .

  9. 在落潮时,部分的珊瑚礁露出水面形成珊瑚岛。

    In Luo Chao , a portion of the formation of coral reefs are above the surface Island .

  10. 落潮时由于潮流变小,异轻流输沙量变大,此时泥沙异重流的含沙量降低。

    At the ebb , the sediment concentration of the hyperpycnal flow reduces as more sediment disperses with the hypopycnal flow .

  11. 因此,涨潮时北半部形成一个半封闭式的逆时针向环流,落潮时则形成半封闭式的顺时针向环流。

    For these reasons , a half-close and clockwise or counter-clockwise flow circulation is formed at the north of the bay during tide falling or rising .

  12. 浮游动物的生态特征与潮汐关系密切,涨潮和落潮时的物种多样性、优势种的种类及优势度等均呈现出一定差异。

    The ecological characteristics of zooplankton were also related to tide ; species diversity , dominant species and the dominance were different during flood and ebb tide .

  13. 湾内泥沙浓度落潮时大于涨潮时,涨潮时内湾口两侧岬角会出现泥沙的较大值。

    The sediment concentration is larger at ebbing time than at flooding time , and there is high concentration at cape around the inner mouth of the bay .

  14. 莱州湾区涨潮时,南岸潮流流向西,西岸顺时针转向北,与河口南侧的南西向涨潮流相顶托;落潮时,潮流流向均向东北方向。

    During the high tide , the flow of the south bank trend of the West and the West Bank clockwise turn to the north , jacking with the south west rising tide of the south estuaries ; during the falling tide , the tide flows northeasterly direction .

  15. 通过应用拉格朗日积分控制单元体,建立了海底输油管道溢油的近区浮射流模型,模拟比较了涨潮时和落潮时不同的海流情况下对海底管道溢油在近区输移扩散的影响。

    The near-field buoyant jets model of the oil spill from seabed pipeline was established with Lagrangian integral control cells . The model assessed the influence imposed by spilled oil in near field transport and diffusion processes under different ocean current , flood tide and ebb tide conditions . 3 .

  16. 然而中国新文学主体的自觉和文学相对独立性的实现,却并非产生于这一启蒙运动的高峰而是在其落潮之时。

    However , the self awakening of new writers and the relative independence of literature appeared when the tide of the enlightenment movement began to ebb , rather than when it was at its peak time .