
luò yè shù
  • deciduous tree
落叶树 [luò yè shù]
  • [deciduous tree] 到冬季树叶枯黄凋落的树,如柳数、槐树等

  1. 太平洋沿岸高大的落叶树,叶深裂,具刚毛尖头。

    Large deciduous tree of the Pacific coast having deeply parted bristle-tipped leaves .

  2. 栎属的一种落叶树;有橡树果实,叶有裂片。

    A deciduous tree of the genus Quercus ; has acorns and lobed leaves .

  3. 杨树树皮储藏蛋白BSP是类似种子储藏蛋白的氮素储藏物,冬季在韧皮部薄壁细胞中大量积累,是落叶树氮代谢中的重要成分。

    Bark storage protein ( BSP ) of poplar , a nitrogen reserve similar to seed storage protein , plays an important role in the nitrogen metabolism of deciduous trees . They present in large quantities in the phloem parenchyma cells in winter .

  4. 热带落叶树降香黄檀次生韧皮部薄壁组织细胞超微结构的季节变化

    Seasonal Ultrastructural Changes of Secondary Phloem Parenchyma Cells in a Tropical Tree , Dalbergia odorifera

  5. “那些是郁金香树,它们是北美最大的落叶树”我跟朋友说。

    Those are tulip trees ; they are the largest deciduous trees in North America .

  6. 落叶树能抵御寒冬。

    Deciduous trees can persist winter .

  7. 就植物而言,落叶树比常绿树的耐污性要强;

    As to plants , there is greater endurance in the hardwood than in the evergreen .

  8. 什么是落叶树?

    What are deciduous trees ?

  9. 若是小雪过后,最美的要数那些落叶树了。

    But after a light fall , it is the deciduous trees that are the most beautiful .

  10. 在秋天落叶树的叶子颜色变化特征,是同衰老相联系的。

    The characteristic colour changes which are associated with the senescence of leaves of deciduous trees in autumn .

  11. 积热也是测定落叶树和果树芽分生组织活动的有效手段。

    Heat sum is a useful measure of the onset of meristematic activity buds in deciduous and fruit trees .

  12. 生产绿地中常绿树与落叶树数量比为1:23.7,即常绿树占落叶树的4.2%;

    In production greenbelt , the ratio of evergreens to hardwoods is 1:23.7 , which is corresponding to evergreens is 4.2 % hardwoods .

  13. 落叶树通常可以提供野生动物需要的常见籽粒和坚果。

    Deciduous plantings , plants whose leaves drop off in winter , generally bear the most fruit , nuts , and seeds for wildlife .

  14. 同时,为了给室内提供更为舒适的环境,设计师利用双层玻璃进行有效隔离。而在夏天,庭院中的落叶树给房屋提供了良好的荫蔽。

    All glazing are double-glazed to provide comfort to the interior , and the deciduous trees provide essential shading to the house during summer .

  15. 美国东部和中部的小落叶树,叶深绿色,琵琶琴状,羽状分裂,木材坚硬,抗潮湿,专门作栅栏用。

    Small deciduous tree of eastern and central United States having dark green lyrate pinnatifid leaves and tough moisture-resistant wood used especially for fence posts .

  16. 该住宅还配有一个舒适的庭院,庭院中央屹立着一棵高大的落叶树。这样的设计能让屋主在享受冬日暖阳的同时还能享有夏日的一片阴凉。

    The house has beautiful courtyards with deciduous trees that allow the entrance of sunlight in the winter and the preservation of shade in summer .

  17. 关于最靠近排气扇的一排树木,他们建议种植秋天落叶树或有着蜡质叶片的树木。

    For the first row nearest the fans , they generally suggested trees that lose their leaves in the fall or trees with waxy leaf surfaces .

  18. 但就像落叶树会在冬风来时抖掉一身落叶一样,往事只能回味。

    But be like deciduous tree would at the winter breeze come tremble the whole body defoliation similar , the things of the past can enjoy in retrospect .

  19. 柳树柳属的落叶树或灌木,叶子通常狭长,柔荑花序内有雌雄同蕊的花,其木质结实且轻。

    Any of various deciduous trees or shrubs of the genus salix , having usually narrow leaves , unisexual flowers borne in catkins , and strong lightweight wood .

  20. 几种高大落叶树的任何一种,圆形伸展树冠,树皮光滑,灰色,小的三角形的坚果由壳斗围着,香甜可食;生长于北部温带地区。

    Any of several large deciduous trees with rounded spreading crowns and smooth gray bark and small sweet edible triangular nuts enclosed in burs ; north temperate regions .

  21. 硬木浆:用硬木(落叶树)如橡树、桦树、榉树、油加利树等所造成的纸浆。有别于软木浆。

    Hardwood pulp : Pulp made from hardwood ( deciduous ) tree , e.g. oak , beech , birch , eucalyptus , etc. As distinct from softwood pulp .

  22. 分布于加拿大东南部和美国东北部的一种速生金字塔形落叶树,中等至高大,叶具深羽裂,秋季变鲜红色;在潮湿地区生长繁茂。

    Fast-growing medium to large pyramidal deciduous tree of northeastern United States and southeastern Canada having deeply pinnatifid leaves that turn bright red in autumn ; thrives in damp soil .

  23. 洋槐一种北美落叶树。尤指洋槐,生有复叶,花呈白色、下垂并有香味,木质耐用坚硬。

    Any of several North American deciduous trees of the genus robinia , especially r.pseudoacacia , having compound leaves , drooping clusters of fragrant white flowers , and durable hard wood .

  24. 其中,被子植物49科93属154种,裸子植物有5科10属19种。常绿树种52种,落叶树121种。

    There were 49 families , 93 genera and 154 families of angiosperms , 5 families , 10 genera and 19 species of gymnosperms and 52 evergreen trees , 121 deciduous trees .

  25. 落叶松属植物一种落叶树属的落叶性针叶树木,有成簇状针叶和重而坚硬的木质具有多环球花的松树属种,其花的孕育期会延续较长的时间。

    Any of several deciduous , coniferous trees of the genus Larix , having needlelike leaves clustered on short shoots and heavy , durable wood . In species of Pinus which are polycyclic flower initiation must occur over a wide time range .

  26. 通过对吉林市区内各类型绿地中典型绿地的调查,分析得出了绿地树种构成,其中非生产绿地树种组成结构为:常绿树与落叶树的数量比为1:50,即常绿树占落叶树的2%;

    In this thesis , we analyses the composing of greenbelt plant species through researching on all kinds of greenbelts in JiLin City . The ratio of evergreens quantities to hardwoods quantities is 1:50 , namely , the amount of evergreens account for 2 % hardwoods .

  27. 喜树(Camptothecaacuminata)是珙桐科(Nyssaceae)的一种落叶阔叶树,为我国南方特有树种,含有抗肿瘤作用的喜树碱。

    Camptotheca acuminata , a deciduous tree , which grows in the southern China , contains an alkaloid of anti-cancer properties named camptothecin .

  28. 从作用效果来看,落叶阔叶树类的吸碳放氧、降温效果和SO2的净化潜力最佳,其次为花灌木和针叶乔木树种,草类最差。

    See from the function results , it is best for deciduous broadleaf tree on the potential of absorbing carbon-releasing oxygen , decreasing temperature and purifying SO2 ; next is fewer shrub and coniferous tree , grass is the worst .

  29. 北京地区6种落叶阔叶树光合特性的研究

    Photosynthetic characteristics of six broad - leaved deciduous trees in Beijing

  30. 落叶阔叶树异戊二烯排放研究

    Study on emissions of isoprene from deciduous and broadleaf trees