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luò guǒ
  • fruit drop;premature drop;abscission of fruits
落果[luò guǒ]
  1. 银杏早实丰产的潜力及施磷、钾肥控制落果的效果

    Potentiality of early bearing , high production and effect of control abscission of fruits by application of phosphoric and potassium fertilizer on maidenhair trees

  2. 祝光苹果胚珠发育与生理落果的关系

    The Relation Between Development of the Ovule and Physiological Premature Drop in Apple

  3. 6-BA处理不能减轻落果,对成熟的效应也无影响。

    - BA treatment did not alleviate significantly fruit abscission and maturation - inhibition effect caused by micro-girdling .

  4. 伏令夏橙冬季落果与内源脱落酸(ABA)含量变化

    The Fluctuation of endogenous Abscisic Acid ( ABA ) Content of Fruit in Relation to the Win - ter Fruit Drop of Valencia Orange

  5. 在苹果六月落果期间分析测定了中心果和边果中过氧化物酶含量和IAA的分解代谢。IAA的极性运输及内源IAA的含量与苹果脱落的关系。

    During June drop of apple , the peroxidase activity and catabolism of IAA , polar IAA transport and endogenous IAA content were investigated .

  6. 同时,揭示了坐果期低水平的IAA、GAs及相对较低的(IAA+GAs+CTK)/ABA值是小核品种严重生理落果的主要原因;

    The lower content of IAA , GAs and lower level of ( IAA + GAs + CTK ) / ABA during fruit set in aborted-seed cultivar and normal seeded cultivars cause the serious fruit drop . Moreover .

  7. 由胡萝卜软腐欧氏菌ErwiniaCarotovora(Jones)Bergeey等引起的香榧细菌性褐腐病是危害香榧果实的一种重要病害,病斑呈褐色,常引起香榧落果而减产。

    Bacterial brown rot caused by Erwinia carotovora ( Jones ) Bergey et al is an important disease in Torreya grandis Fort .

  8. 结果表明,在小果期喷施蔗糖基聚合物可提高妃子笑荔枝座果率,提高SOD、CAT活性,降低POD活性,在植株的抗逆、抗病及防止果实落果方面效果显著。

    The results showed that sucrose-based polymers could increase the fruit setting rate , enhance SOD , CAT activity and decrease POD activity , and have remarkable effects on the adversity-resistant , disease-resistant and premature drop-prevention .

  9. 但夏橙果皮的Cx活性出现高峰值比脐橙果皮晚一个月左右,这符合夏橙果实生长期长的特性;并且夏橙和脐橙的果皮Cx活性在幼果期升高与此时的六月落果相关。

    But Cx activity of navel orange peel reached maximum earlier than Valencia Orange about one month and Cx activity of sweet orange were increased at young stage .

  10. 梅有2次落花落果高峰,分别在花后20d和35~40d,4月上旬后一般再脱落。

    Fruit-drop peaks are existed within 20 days and 35-40 days after flowering , and there is no more after the first 10 days of April .

  11. 为明确疏果剂PD3对'鸭梨'疏果效应和疏果后的落果动态,对此进行了研究。

    The fruit thinning effect of fruit thinning agent-PD3 with kinetics of blossoms removed and fruit drop was investigated on'Yali'pear trees .

  12. 本文总结1986~1996年对龙眼结果母校与产量的相关性、花芽分化及生理落果与内源激素(iPAs、GAs、ABa及LAA)的关系,以及外源激素对花芽分化及生理落果调控作用的研究结果。

    The correlation between the bearing basal branch and yield of longan , the relationship between floral bud differentiation , fruit-drop and endogenous iPAs , GAs , ABA and IAA , and the result of exogenous hormones regulation on the floral bud differentiation and physiological fruit-drop during 1986-1996 are summarized .

  13. 探讨了选用芒果落果、疏果为原料,加工芒果腌菜的工艺技术。

    Discussion on pickles in the innovation of traditional processing technology ;

  14. 落果对地面生物来说有如天上掉下来的礼物

    Fallen fruit provides a bonanza for creatures on the ground .

  15. 露地、温室大樱桃落花落果规律对比研究

    Comparative study of flower and fruit dropping of outdoor and greenhouse cherries

  16. 佛手早期落果生理原因的研究

    Study On the Physiological Cause of Early Fruitlet Drop of Fingered Citron

  17. 第一次生理落果发生在果实的第一速生期;

    The first is in the first high-speed growing stage .

  18. 丽水柿子落果原因调查与对策

    Investigations and Countermeasures of Fruit Drop of Persimmon in Lishui

  19. 2,4-滴丙酸对苹果树采前落果的控制与果实贮藏的效应

    Effect of 2,4-DP on controlling preharvest drop and fruit storage of apple

  20. 脐橙的夏季和夏&秋季落果

    Summer and Summer & Autumn Fruit Drop of Navel Orange

  21. 龙眼生理落果中的纤维素酶、果胶酶活性及脱落酸含量

    Cellulase and pectinase activities and ABA content in drop fruits of longan

  22. 模拟酸雨对龙眼落果及果实品质的影响研究

    Effects of simulated acid rain on fruit-dropping and fruit quality of longan

  23. 果蔬最少加工;荔枝果柄结构发育与落果的关系

    The Relationship between Structures of Fruit Stalks and Fruit Dropping in Litchi

  24. 核桃生理落果的解剖学观察

    Anatomical Observation on Early Physiological Drop of Walnut Fruit

  25. 6-苄胺嘌呤和赤霉素控制华盛顿脐橙生理落果的研究

    Studies on 6-Benzylaminopurine and gibberellin in controlling physiological drop of Washington navel orange

  26. 贵妃红荔枝开花与落果特性研究

    Study on the Flowering and Fruit Drop Characteristics in ' Guifeihong ' Lichee

  27. 油茶胚胎发育及落花落果的研究

    Premature drop , shedding and embryonic development of petals of the oil-tea camellia

  28. 温州蜜柑花期幼果期异常落果的温度指标研究

    Temperature Index during Abnormal Early Drop of Satsuma

  29. 化橘红果实发育特性和生理落果动态分析

    Characteristics of Fruit Development and Regularity of Physiological Fruit Drop of Citrus grandis Tomentosa

  30. 苹果采前落果与内源激素的关系

    Studies on the relationship between several endogenous phytohormones and preharvest fruit drop of apple