
luò cháo
  • ebb;falling tide;ebb tide;turn;tide is low
落潮 [luò cháo]
  • (1) [ebb tide; tide is low]∶退潮;潮汐的倒流

  • (2) [turn]∶指从落潮到涨潮或从涨潮到落潮的转变

  • 你应该在落潮前半个小时出航

落潮[luò cháo]
  1. 在横向上表现出涨潮期南槽悬沙浓度大于北槽、落潮期北槽悬沙浓度大于南槽的特性。

    Alongshore , during the flood tide the suspended sediment concertration in the south channel is greater than that in the north channel while during the ebb tide it in the north channel is greater than that in the south channel .

  2. 其主要受自邻近河道排放水,上海市污水排放和涨落潮污水流向变化的影响,反映了河口区环境的复杂性。

    The water quality was mainly influenced by the flow from the adjacent rivers , by the sewage discharges from Shanghai and by the flowing direction changes of sewage during flood and ebb tide . These reflected the complexity of the estuary environment .

  3. 涨潮和落潮交替更迭。

    The flood and ebb tides alternates with each other .

  4. n.潮流;潮汐他们喜欢在落潮时沿着海滨散步。

    tide They liked to walk along the beach at low tide .

  5. 将该动边界技术引入POM模型中,成功地模拟了南通海域的潮流场,较好地重现了涨落潮造成的潮间带间歇性出没。

    The model with this drying-wetting moving boundary has successfully simulated the tidal current of Nantong sea area and reproduced the intertidal zone 's intermittent appearance .

  6. 改进了Gao等(1994)方法,并用以计算潮汐汊道口门落潮干道的垂线平均流速。

    Improvements to the Gao Collins ( 1994 ) method are suggested to obtain long term depth averaged current speeds within the central ebb channel of a tidal inlet system .

  7. 另外,计算得到的泉州湾内平均潮差约为4m,如此大的潮差是导致湾内浅滩和暗礁在落潮时干出、涨潮时重新被漫过的根本原因。

    Besides , the large tidal range with a mean value of 4 m is responsible for the alternate wetting and drying of shoals and submerged rocks during the flood and ebb , respectively .

  8. 该模型将Saint-Venant方程组进行求解,并根据涨、落潮流的水动力特性,分别进行涨、落潮糙率率定,准确计算出逐时段河道各断面的水位和流量。

    Basing on different hydraulic characteristics of flood and ebb tide , the Manning Coefficient was calibrated separately to calculate water level and discharge at each section on successive periods using the Saint-Venant equations with differential method .

  9. Rance大坝可以拦截Rance河的河口,此处涨潮和落潮时的水位差可以达到26英尺(8米)。

    The Rance barrage works by blocking the entrance to the estuary of the Rance River , where average difference between low and high tides is26 feet ( eight meters ) .

  10. 结果表明,潮波作用使涨潮历时延长、落潮历时缩短,但在长江口,每天向东海的平均输移速率仍可有17~28km左右。

    A net excursion rate in the estuary could , however , be estimated still in a range of about 17 to 28 km daily on an average towards the East China Sea .

  11. 建桥后桥墩起一定阻水作用,涨落潮时桥位下游流速均存在减小的趋势,而且岸边正好位于桥墩的密集区域,流速减小更为明显,这一区域流速值的减小范围在0.28m/s以内。

    As the result of water will be blocked by piers after bridge building , the velocities at downstream of bridge site have decreased tendency and more obviously near the river bank , the range of velocities decreased were less than 0.28m/s .

  12. 难道它没有伴着落潮高歌?

    Does it not also sing with the waves that fall ?

  13. 他们喜欢在落潮时沿着海滨散步。

    They liked to walk along the beach at low tide .

  14. 会是落潮。不过那样反倒安全。

    The tide will be out , it 'll be safe anywhere .

  15. 伶仃洋属于潮汐优势型河口,落潮时段会加大洪水的排泄。

    Lingding bay belongs to tidal-dominated estuary , and increase the flood discharge .

  16. 现在是涨潮还是落潮?

    Is the tide coming in or going out ?

  17. 渔船趁着落潮出航。

    Fishing boats were standing down with the ebb .

  18. 长江口涨、落潮槽底沙输移趋势探讨

    Bottom Sediment Transport in the Flood and Ebb Channels of the Changjiang Estuary

  19. 落潮历时一般大于涨潮历时,而落潮流速明显大于涨潮;

    The range and rotation during the flood is larger than during the ebb .

  20. 落潮时,你能看到许多赶海的人。

    When the tide is falling , you can see a lot for beach combers .

  21. 启蒙落潮与文体选择

    Initiation Ebb - tides and Style Trend

  22. 落潮时流出量中初次流出湾内的湾内水所占比率为41%;

    The first outflowing volume is 41 % of total outflowing volume in ebbing tide ;

  23. 落潮中的探索与发展&二十世纪九十年代革命历史战争小说论

    Exploration and Development in the Falling Tide Fictions on Wars of Revolutionary History of the 1990s

  24. 20世纪90年代军事文学创作呈现出明显的落潮态势,但是,作为它重要组成部分的革命历史战争小说创作并没停滞。

    Literary creation on military themes in the 1990s clearly shows a trend of falling tide .

  25. 涨、落潮悬沙浓度大小与流速大小密切相关,但存在着一定的滞后性;

    Suspended sediment concentration during the tidal cycle is related but lagged to the current velocity ;

  26. 涨潮必有落潮时。

    Every tide has ebb .

  27. 太阳引起的潮汐加到月亮引起的潮汐上,形成涨潮特高落潮特别低的大潮。

    Solar tides are added to lunar tides to form the unusually high and low spring tides .

  28. 水东潮汐通道的落潮三角洲处于均衡状态。

    We may consider that the ebb delta of Shuidong tidal inlet is in a balance condition .

  29. 结果表明:潮流历时涨潮比落潮短;

    Results show that ( a ) the flood tidal duration is shorter than the ebb tidal one ;

  30. 在落潮时,部分的珊瑚礁露出水面形成珊瑚岛。

    In Luo Chao , a portion of the formation of coral reefs are above the surface Island .