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luò dì
  • fail in an imperial examination
落第 [luò dì]
  • [fail in an imperial examination] 科举考试未中。又指输掉

落第[luò dì]
  1. 落第诗作为一种重要的文学现象,出现于唐代并贯穿其始终。

    Misty Poetry and third-generation poetry are two important poetry phenomena in1980s Chinese literature .

  2. 卡洛斐、卡隆、格拉勃利亚少年,都及格了,落第的有三四个人。

    Garoffi , Garrone , the Calabrian promoted . Then three or four sent back ;

  3. 落第举子是中国古代文人中的不幸者,他们虽然生活贫苦,却富有创造力,不仅促进了中国文化的发展,也推动了中国社会的发展。

    They have promoted the development of not only Chinese culture , but also Chinese society .

  4. 后来,他说到他的落第是神的安排,要保证他遇到基督徒牧长们并找到耶稣的救恩。

    He later said that his failures were divinely arranged to ensure he met the Christian fathers and found salvation in Jesus Christ .

  5. 在参加高考两次落第之后,他最终进入了杭州师范学院,并于1988年毕业。

    After twice failing China 's national university entrance exam he was eventually admitted to Hangzhou Teacher 's Institute , where he graduated in 1988 .

  6. 红黑军会张开双臂迎接乌克兰人,但是按切落第也知道,该名前锋离开兰军的机会微乎其微。

    The Rossoneri would welcome back the Ukrainian with open arms , but Ancelotti is aware the striker 's chances of leaving the blues are slim to none .

  7. 先生和他父亲说:“不要这样,落第并不全是小孩的不好,大都由于不幸。

    But the master said to the father : -- " No , sir , excuse me ; it is not always the boy 's fault ; it is often his misfortune .

  8. 唐人传奇《柳毅传》不仅具有较为丰富的思想内涵,而且具有一定的史证价值,今人藉此可以管窥唐朝中期的若干时代特征及部分落第文人之心态。

    As a legend written by Li Chaowei in the Tang Dynasty , the Tale of Liu K is not only rich in ideas , but also has some value of historical testimony .

  9. 从王铎死因看晚唐藩镇之祸及落第士人的心态怨毒心态与唐末落第士子的人生选择

    Late Tang Dynasty Disaster and the Mental States of the Poor Scholars : Analysis of the Cause of WANG Duo s Death ; Enmity Mentality And Life Choice Of Scholars Who Fail In An Imperial Examination