
luò shuǐ dòng
  • sinkhole;aven;channelling;dolinae doline;catavothre
落水洞[luò shuǐ dòng]
  1. 塌陷地形的规模从小落水洞到几百米宽如墨西哥Golondrinas崩塌坑不等。

    Collapse features range in scale from small sinkholes to hundreds of meters in such features as the Golondrinas collapse pit in Mexico .

  2. 基于落水洞的岩溶半分布式水文模型的构建及其应用

    Development of a Karst Sinkhole-based Semi-Distributed Hydrological Model and Its Application

  3. 黄土落水洞初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Loess Doline

  4. 落水洞-畔山一带:该区找到小型矿点、浅表矿点的可能性较大,可作为下一步工作的重点。

    Luoshuidong-Panshan area : the area to find small-scale mining points , superficial likely mine sites can be used as the next focus of work .

  5. 丹库区水文地质条件复杂,在峡谷库段,碳酸盐类岩石裸露,岩溶裂隙水活动形成一系列落水洞、漏斗和溶洞。

    The hydrological condition of Danjiang reservoir is very complex , where carbonate rock distribute in the canyon areas , and a series of funnels are formed .

  6. 对地质条件复杂,裂隙、落水洞发育,地下水位高的黄土地区深窄结构的地下防渗墙施工具有一定的实用价值。

    It has practical value for underground anti-seepage wall engineering with complex geological conditions , fissure , ponor development , and high level of groundwater in loess area .

  7. 黄土落水洞在滑坡、泥石流发育过程中起着重要作用,它是黄土高原地区地下水补给的重要通道。

    Loess dolines play an important role in the developing process of landslide and debris flow and are the important channels of ground water recharge in the loess area .

  8. 广西的岩溶峰丛洼地是岩溶地貌的典型代表,是自然条件最恶劣、生态环境最脆弱的区域。其类型主要有落水洞、溶洞、暗河、石林、湿地、盲谷等。

    The peak-cluster depression in Guangxi is the representative of Karst physiognomy , where the natural condition is abominable and eco-environment is fragile . The main geologic relic Landscape is karst physiognomy .

  9. 已建和在建的黄土地区的很多隧道出现了地表变形灾害,黄土隧道的地表变形一般有以下三种类型:地表裂缝,地表塌陷和陷穴、落水洞。

    Ground deformation diseases arise in building and built tunnels in loess area . The ground deformations in loess tunnels are divided into three types , namely ground fracture , ground collapse and settlement pit , and ponor .

  10. 由于岩溶区特殊的水文地质背景,地表水与地下水之间转换迅速,导致地表的污染物质极易通过落水洞等进入地下河系统,从而污染地下水。

    As a result of special hydrology geology background in karst areas , the surface water and the ground water transforms rapidly , it causes the surface contamination fall into the underground systerm easily through karst tunnel cave , thus the groundwater is polluted .

  11. 其表现为北东侧和南西侧以地表溶沟和少量漏斗等为主,不发育;场区中部表现为岩溶漏斗、土洞和落水洞等岩溶塌陷数量多,呈串珠状,规模较大,很发育。

    Northeast and southwest are mainly the melting groove on surface and a small amount of funnel with no growth . The central part is mainly the dissolves funnel , soil cave and sinkholes , which are in large scale , bead-like and well developed . 4 .

  12. 在这个无光的世界中,只有深海含水层与落水洞,犹如坠入淡水迷宫一般。这些甲壳类动物是少数几种能适应此种环境的物种,它们属于地区性生物,仅存在于少数含水层中,在世界上的其他地方都未曾发现。

    These colorless crustaceans are among the few creatures that have adapted to the lightless world at the bottom of the region 's aquifers , springs , and sinkholes . Many species who make their homes in these freshwater labyrinths are endemic to only a handful of aquifers and are found nowhere else in the world .