
  • Falling motion;fall phonometer
  1. 因为当m1=0时,m2相当于自由落体运动。

    Because if I make m1 zero , m2 goes into free fall .

  2. 阻尼落体运动的分析力学研究

    Study of the damped motions of falling body in analytical mechanics

  3. 因为车会做自由落体运动。

    Because the van will be in free fall .

  4. 她们跳下去了,作自由落体运动。

    And they are gone , free falling down .

  5. 若剪断电梯钢缆,还是自由落体运动。

    And if I cut the cable completely you go into free fall .

  6. 此刻失重,自由落体运动。

    You are now weightless , you are free-falling .

  7. 在跳进无尽的未知世界后,他开始了自由落体运动。

    After leaping into the great unknown , he went into a free fall .

  8. 改进的自由落体运动实验

    Ameliorating the experiment of freely falling body motion

  9. 其他市场房价也正处于自由落体运动中。

    Other markets are still in free fall .

  10. 热涨落对斜面落体运动的影响

    Effect of Thermal Fluctuation on the Movement of a Falling Object on the Inclined Plane

  11. 这是身体,不可能一自由落体运动通过的路径最阻力。

    It is physically impossible for a falling body to pass through the path of most resistance .

  12. 在第四章中所讨论的自由落体运动是抛体运动的特殊情况。

    The motion of a freely falling body discussed in Chapter 4 is a special case of projectile motion .

  13. 并且,将自由落体运动常用的学科教学知识整理出来,初步建立一个学科教学知识库的网站。

    And the paper puts the pedagogical content knowledge of free fall motion to establish a teaching knowledge base website .

  14. 好吧,我们先不管他,让他再做一会儿自由落体运动,然后再回过头来讲他。

    OK , we 're gonna leave him suspended in free fall for a minute and come back to him .

  15. 最普通的匀加速(近似)运动的例子,是落体运动。

    The most common example of motion with ( nearly ) constant acceleration is that of a body falling toward the earth .

  16. 自由落体运动实验改造研究&计算机辅助普通物理实验教学的尝试凝固点下降法测分子量实验改造与计算机采样

    Research of the Improvement about Experiment of Freely Falling Body Motion Improving the Experiment of Determining Molecular Weight with Freezing Point Depression and Its Computer Data Acquistion

  17. 此时重量比平时大很多,然后它还会,弹起到空中,并再次做自由落体运动。

    It will become way heavier than it was before and then it will even be bounced back up in the air and it goes again into free fall .

  18. 受该消息刺激,惠普盘中曾有一瞬间突然上涨(涨幅一度高达8.3%),但很快急转直下,追随其他各股大做自由落体运动。

    The news allowed HP stock to fight a disastrous tape for a nanosecond ( up 8.3 % at one point ) but the shares soon joined the rest of the known world in free-fall .

  19. 经过一些时间的自由降落后,落体运动得很快,以至空气拽力(阻力)与落体的重量相等,于是就没有加速度了。

    After some time of uninterrupted fall , the body is moving so rapidly that the drag of the air is as great as the weight of the body , so that there is no acceleration .

  20. 自由落体运动定律可叙述如下:如无空气,落体的速度不取决于其重量而只取决于下落的时间。

    The law of freely falling bodies is stated as follows : in the absence of air the speed of a falling body does not depend on the body 's weight , but only on the time of the fall .

  21. 这个苹果使他想知道落体的运动。

    The apple set him to wondering about the movement of falling things .

  22. 将衬垫抽象为某一质量m、质心O(a,b)的准自由落体,其运动为自由落体基本运动和绕固定点回转的牵连运动。

    The lining is abstracted to be a quasi freely falling body with mass m and centroid O ( a , b ) ; and its motion , to be basic motion of freely falling body and involving motion revolving around fixed point .

  23. 重力场的非均匀性对落体偏南运动的影响

    The Effect of Non - Uniform Property of Gravity Field on the South Deflection of Falling Body