
  • 网络elemental;Elements;The Four Elements
  1. 老师:什么是自然界的四大元素?学生:火,空气,土,和….老师:和什么?

    Teacher : What are the four elements of nature ? Student : Fire , air , earth , and … . Teacher : And what ?

  2. 世上存在着火,气,水,土,四大元素。

    There are four elements fire , air , water and earth .

  3. 老师:自然界的四大元素是什么?

    Teacher : What are the four element of nature ?

  4. 他认为世界有四大元素,土,火,水,气。

    He 's got four essences : Earth , fire , water , air .

  5. 营业推广与广告、人员推销和公共关系是促销组合策略的四大元素。

    Business extention together with advertisement , personal selling and public relations constitute promotion mix .

  6. 衣、食、住、行是人类生活的四大元素。

    Clothing , food , house and transportation are human basic needs in social life .

  7. 湖怪由土和水制成,这便占了四大元素中的两个。

    The afanc is creature make from earth and water , that 's two of the four base elements .

  8. 四大元素&风、水、火、土是我们星球最基本、最稳定的物质基础。

    The four elements air , water , fire and earth are the most basic and stable foundations of our planet .

  9. 当我们在提婆和四大元素的帮助下压制风水线时,我们所做的一切应是严密正确的。

    And that is exactly what we have done when we neutralize geopathic lines with the help of the devas and elementals .

  10. 如果地、水、火、风这四大元素失衡我们就会产生很多的困难。

    If the water , wind , earth or fire elements are out of balance then it will cause us trouble and create difficulties .

  11. 跟它一起销声匿迹的还有嘻哈乐四大元素热:涂鸦、D舞元素(或叫霹雳舞)、打碟和说唱。

    Gone as well is an embrace of hip-hop 's four elements : graffiti writing , the dance element ( or what some call break-dancing ), DJing and MCing .

  12. 科学研究者在亚特兰蒂斯的西部工作和生活,他们对低下的自我让步,为了权利和荣耀而想“控制”四大元素。

    Those in the scientific fields that lived and worked in the West Quarter of Atlantis , conceded to their lower selves , and considered'control'over the elements as power and glory .

  13. 空气、土、水、火四大元素是古代西方宇宙起源说的构成要素。

    The four elements , namely , air , earth , water , and fire , are composing factors of the theory about the origin of the universe in the ancient West . T.

  14. 本研究结果表明:(1)对国内外学业评价文献进行整理的基础上,归纳出评价理念、评价内容、评价方式、评价主体是构成学业评价系统的四大元素。

    The results show that : ( 1 ), based on domestic and international academic evaluation literature , the concept of evaluation , its content , evaluation methods , evaluation subject was considered as the four main elements that constitute the academic evaluation system .

  15. 2)通过对审批工作流的四大元素(即人员、资源、事件、状态)的分析研究,我们设计实现了一个审批工作流引擎。

    2 ) Based on the analysis and research four major elements of the examination and approval system ( namely personnel , resource , incident , state ), we design the system architecture and the algorithms of the workflow engine . The implementation technologies are discussed in detail .

  16. 这个融资体系涉及中小企业、政府、金融机构和社会等四大主体元素,其中,政府承担着重要的协调职能。

    This financing system involves SMEs , government , financial institutions and the society etc. The government undertakes important coordinated function .

  17. 近年来,硫被认为是植物四大营养元素之一,主要以硫元素和硫酸盐为硫源。

    Sulfur , recently rated one of the four most important plant nutrients , is most commonly applied in the form of elemental S and sulfates .

  18. 以“音乐,舞蹈,雕塑,绘画”生活的四大基本元素为线索,在赋予其各自特色文化的同时又把“生活”的纽带结合一起,让人美不胜收,乐在其中。

    With the theme of " music , dancing , sculpture and drawing ", the Garden is a very beautiful place to live in and enjoy life .

  19. 因此,硫素在植物生长发育及代谢过程中具有重要的生理功能,硫素肥料已被认为是继氮、磷、钾后的第四大营养元素肥料。

    Therefore , sulfur has many important physiological functions in the plant growth , development and metabolism . And the sulfur fertilizer is considered as the fourth fertilizer after the nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium fertilizers .

  20. 第五种要素在古代和中世纪的哲学中,除了土、空气、火和水四大基本元素以外的第五种也是最高的精髓,被认为是天体的组成物质并潜伏在于所有事物之中。

    In ancient and medieval philosophy , the fifth and highest essence after the four elements of earth , air , fire , and water , thought to be the substance of the heavenly bodies and latent in all things .

  21. 浙江省四大平原区土壤元素背景值特征

    Background characteristics of soil elements in four plains of Zhejiang Province

  22. 四大骑士团象徵著诸神用来创造世界的四大元素。

    The four knight orders represent the four elements that God used to create the world from .

  23. 特别是运用战略理论,提出了可持续的、有竞争力的城市建设发展战略的四要素菱形模型图和制定城市建设发展战略的四大元素。

    The breakthroughs in this article are the 4 factors in making municipal construction development strategy as well as the 4-factor-diamond pattern .