
xiàn shí zhǔ yì
  • realism;actualism
现实主义 [xiàn shí zhǔ yì]
  • [realism] 注重事实或现实;不受理想主义、臆测或感伤主义影响的客观过程;客观地而不凭感情地去处理思想和行动,反对一切不切实际或空想的性格

现实主义[xiàn shí zhǔ yì]
  1. 现实主义和自然主义都是一种模仿体系或表现性的做法。

    Both realism and naturalism are mimetic systems or practices of representation .

  2. 真诚的表演和对波士顿这一背景城市的真实刻画增添了电影的现实主义色彩。

    Sincere performances and gritty Boston settings add to the film 's realism .

  3. 我觉得自己不是一个愤世嫉俗的人,而是一个现实主义者。

    I see myself not as a cynic but as a realist

  4. 浪漫主义正重新流行起来,而现实主义过时了。

    Romance is making a comeback . Reality is out .

  5. 现实主义者可能会赞同许多这类批评。

    Realists would agree with many of these criticisms .

  6. 他早期的作品受到了20世纪30年代欧洲超现实主义的影响。

    His early work was influenced by the European surrealism of the 1930 's.

  7. 格林的小说有强烈的现实主义色彩。

    Greene 's stories had an edge of realism .

  8. 这种重回现实主义的趋势已经重新激起了人们对许多艺术家的兴趣。

    This return to realism has produced a revival of interest in a number of artists

  9. 格林的小说带有现实主义色彩,很容易让人忘记它们是虚构的。

    Greene 's stories had an edge of realism that made it easy to forget they were fiction

  10. 她与早期那些现实主义作家不同,就像立体主义和印象主义不同一样。

    She differed from early realists as much as cubism from impressionism .

  11. 传统艺术家的作品通常是在工作室完成的,他们的画作往往是现实主义,看起来和真实世界里的东西一样。

    Traditional artists always did their artwork in a studio and their paintings were realistic-they looked exactly like the real world .

  12. 我们是乐观主义者,又是现实主义者。

    We are optimist and realist .

  13. ATaleofTwoCities是19世纪英国现实主义文学最杰出的代表查尔斯·狄更斯的优秀代表作之一。

    A Tale of Two Cities is a masterpiece of Charles Dickens , one of the most outstanding representatives of British Realism Literature in 19th Century .

  14. 丹尼尔·笛福(DanielDefoe,1660~1731)被誉为英国小说之父和欧洲现实主义文学的先驱。

    Daniel Defoe ( 1660-1731 ) is widely regarded as father of English novel and one of the pioneers of realism in European fiction .

  15. 这是一个充满艰辛的过程。狄金森在她的诗歌中努力探寻并保持内心的真实性,评论家理查德·B·休厄尔(RichardB.Sewall)称她为美国产生的伟大的心理现实主义者。

    In the world of her poetry , Dickinson tries her best to seek and maintain the truthfulness of her mind . Richard B. Sewall calls her " the great psychological realist of America " .

  16. 伊丽莎白·盖斯凯尔(ElizabethCleghornGaskell)是19世纪英国文学史上不可忽略的一位现实主义女作家,曾与夏洛蒂·勃朗特齐名,并被看作是乔治·艾略特文学的重要先驱之一。

    Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell ( 1810-1865 ) is one of the important realistic novelists in 19th history of English fiction , she used to have same reputation as Charlotte Bronte , and she was also regarded as the avant-courier of George Eliot .

  17. 李名觉还跟舞台设计师鲍里斯·亚伦森(BorisAronson,与阿诺德·亚伦森没有关系)合作过。亚伦森博士说鲍里斯·亚伦森把抽象艺术运动带入了美国戏剧界,提供了“一种与梅尔齐纳的诗意现实主义相反的重要方法”。

    Mr. Lee also worked with the set designer Boris Aronson ( no relation to Arnold Aronson ) , who Dr. Aronson said introduced nonobjective art movements into the American theater , providing " an important counterpoint to the poetic realism of Mielziner . "

  18. 用生活来写作&七月派现实主义的缘起与表征片论

    Life : Origin and Token of " July School " Realism

  19. 有超现实主义扭曲的和即将发生危险的感觉。

    Characterized by surreal distortion and a sense of impending danger .

  20. 理解进攻性现实主义:继承、超越、困境和启示

    Understanding Offensive Realism : Heritage , Surpass , Dilemmas and Indications

  21. 路遥是中国当代现实主义作家,在当代文坛享有盛誉。

    Lu Yao is a famous contemporary realism writer in China .

  22. 论俾斯麦的现实主义外交策略与德国统一

    On Realism Diplomatic Strategies of Bismarck and the Unification of Germany

  23. 现实主义冲击波:工业文学起飞的信号

    Realism Shock Wave : the signal of the start of industrial literature

  24. 当下的现实主义艺术及其价值立场

    Present Situation of Realist Art and Its Stand of Value

  25. 魔幻现实主义与20世纪后期中国小说

    The Magical Realism and the Chinese Novels in the Later 20th Century

  26. 他憎恶表现主义和现代派艺术,提倡现实主义。

    Luld cs loathes expressionism and modernist art , but advocates realism .

  27. 法国浪漫主义和现实主义作家对法语的贡献

    The Contribution of French Romantic and Realistic Writers to the French Language

  28. 使用魔幻现实主义的最根本的目的仍然是反映现实。

    The real purpose of employing magic realism is to reveal reality .

  29. 我国当代现实主义对文学创作的兼容与吸收

    Acceptance and Absorbing of Literary Creation in the Chinese Contemporary Realist Literature

  30. 英国19世纪中期现实主义小说叙事理论综述

    Survey of English Realist Narrative Theory in the Mid-19th Century