
  • 网络Modern mathematics;contemporary mathematics
  1. S.莱夫谢茨是拓扑学的先驱,拓扑学是普林斯顿数学系的核心,也是现代数学的重要进展。

    S. Lefschetz was a pioneer in topology , which was at the centre of Princeton mathematics , and indeed a principal growth point of modern mathematics ,

  2. 第一章首先介绍连续型Hopfield神经网络参数及其工作机理,随后运用现代数学方法讨论了Hopfield型神经网络的平衡点的存在与唯一性问题。

    In chapter 1 , the structure and the parameter of continuous Hopfield Neural Networks are introduced . Then the existence and uniqueness of the balance point is studied with the modern mathematics methods .

  3. 氢原子狄拉克方程在现代数学物理教科书中已精确求解,例如B。

    The Dirac equation for the hydrogen atom has been treated in modern mathematical physics textbooks , such as B.

  4. 本研究通过野外调查采样、室内分析,运用回归分析方法、克立格插值等现代数学方法和地理信息系统(GIS)、计算机等现代高新技术,建立了样区土壤模型库及预测系统。

    A sample model storehouse and forecast system of soil attribute are established by investigation sampling , lab analysis , regression analysis , Kriging-interpolating , and computer technology in the research .

  5. 近年来,由于序与偏序集理论在组合数学、Fuzzy数学、计算机科学、甚至社会科学中得到了广泛的应用,因而使格论有了较大的发展,逐渐成为现代数学的重要分支之一。

    In recent years , as order and partial ordered set theory were widely applied in the combinatorics , Fuzzy mathematics , computer science , and even in the social science , the lattice theory has became an important branch of mathematics . Since F.

  6. ERP(EnterpriseResourcePlanning)成为当今企业管理的解决方案,它是由信息技术支持的,运用现代数学方法、组织行为学等手段解决企业管理的问题,ERP的本质是一场管理革命。

    ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning ) has become the solution of enterprise management . Supported by information technology , ERP solute problem of enterprise management by means of modern mathematic method and science of organizational behavior . The essence of ERP is a revolution management science .

  7. 现代数学教师的职业内涵

    On The Connotation and Sense of Mathematics Teaching as a Profession

  8. 一个可供现代数学分析研究的气候动力学模型

    A Mathematic Model of Climate Dynamics Suitable for Modern Mathematical Analysis

  9. 温籍数学家群体与中国现代数学

    A Mathematician Group from Wenzhou and the Modern Mathematics in China

  10. 现代数学的发展离不开计算机的运算能力,本文的所有数据处理都必须在计算机上进行。

    Calculation of large amount of data must be processed by computer .

  11. 浅谈现代数学思想的社会化

    A Brief Discussion on the socialization of the Ideas of Modern Mathematics

  12. 在现代数学教学观指导下的微格教学实践探索

    Exploration of Micro-teaching Practice under the Guidance of Modern Mathematics Teaching Conception

  13. 现代数学在高师数学教学中的定位

    Position of the Modern Mathematics in the Mathematics Teaching of Normal University

  14. 公理化思想在现代数学,尤其是纯粹数学中占据着统治地位。

    Axiomatic thought dominates the area of modern mathematics and pure mathematics .

  15. 现代数学基础理论中的一个不可解危机

    An Unsolvable Crisis in the Foundation of Modern Mathematics

  16. 陕西现代数学研究肇始

    The Start of Modern Mathematical Research in Shaanxi Province

  17. 大众数学教育是现代数学教学改革的一个重要方向。

    Mass mathematics education is a reforming direction of modem mathematics teaching reform .

  18. 试论现代数学理论的评价标准

    The Discussion on The Judical Standard of Modern Mathematics

  19. 我国近现代数学教学法发展研究

    The research on mathematics teaching methods in modern China

  20. 论现代数学发展的外部动力机制

    The Simple Discussion about the External Power System of the Development in Modern Mathematics

  21. 论现代数学教育理论中的情境关注及启示

    On " Situated " Focusing of the Modern Mathematics Education Theories and Some Illuminations

  22. 现代数学优教原理探索

    Quest of the Principle about Modern Mathematics Teaching

  23. 精简传统内容、渗透现代数学观点;

    Simplifying traditional contests and soaking modern viewpoints ;

  24. 横向渗透和高度统一&现代数学规律和趋势的研究之二

    Cross Osmose and High Unity in Modern Mathematics

  25. 中国现代数学精英师承关系及其特征状况研究

    A Research on the Mentoring Relationship & Status of China 's Modern Mathematic Elites

  26. 人们已经成功地对许多生命现象建立了数学模型,并运用现代数学理论加以研究,不断取得令人鼓舞的进展。

    A lot of mathematical models are successfully established for various life phenomena already .

  27. 论现代数学教师的能力结构

    On the Ability Structure of Modern Mathematics Teachers

  28. 本文首先简要的回顾了现代数学的发展历程。

    Firstly , This paper looked back the development process of the modern maths .

  29. 函数空间在经典数学和现代数学中都起着非常重要的作用。

    In the classical and morden mathematics , function spaces play an important role .

  30. 从现代数学的角度看来,它们都是符号。

    From a modern mathematical point of view , they were all alike symbols .