
xiàn dài yī xué
  • modern medicine
  1. 现代医学有大量可以用来治疗精神疾病的药物。

    Modern medicine has a large armoury of drugs for the treatment of mental illness .

  2. dna的解密为现代医学和农业带来了许多直接的好处。

    The deciphering of DNA has led directly to many of the benefits of modern medicine and agriculture .

  3. 他是现代医学实践的先驱。

    He is a pioneer in modern medical practice .

  4. 超声医学成象技术已获得普遍应用,但与X-CT等现代医学影象技术相比,超声成象目前的主要问题是分辨率较低。

    Medical ultrasonic imaging technique has been widely used clinically . Unfortunately , the resolution of ultrasonic imaging is much lower than that of X-CT .

  5. 现代医学影像技术在影像引导手术(IGS)中的应用

    Applications of Modern Medical Imaging Technology in the Imaging Guided Surgery

  6. 放射治疗的发展与现代医学影像技术密不可分,CT成像的空间分辨力和时间分辨力的提高使得动态CT日益成为临床应用的有效手段。

    The development of radiotherapy is closely linked with modern medical imaging technique . 4-dimensional CT increasingly becomes an effective measure due to the improvement of temporal and space resolution of CT imaging .

  7. 随着现代医学的发展,维生素K2的特殊药理作用备受人们关注。

    The special pharmacological effect of Vitamin K_2 is paid more attention with the development of modern medicine , but its application and improvement are hindered by higher cost for its biological extraction .

  8. 循证医学(EBM)反映了世界医学的发展趋势,代表着现代医学的方向,为越来越多的医学界人士关注和接受。

    Evidence based medicine ( EBM ) was the trend of medicine development and represented the orientation of modern medicine .

  9. 现代医学的发展和器官移植配型要求的提高,促进了分子生物学与HLA分型的结合,提高了分型的准确性及实用性。

    The development of modern medicine and tissue typing promotes the combination of molecular biology techniques with HLA typing , and improves the accuracy and practicability of HLA typing .

  10. 本文对肝病内伤发热与肠源性内毒素血症(Intestinalendotoxemia;IETM)进行相关研究,从中医学研究现状、现代医学研究、实验研究三个方面探讨其相关性。

    This paper studies correlation between fever in liver diseases and intestinal endotoxemia from aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine , modern medicine and experimental studies .

  11. 与现代医学比较,中医学侧重于诊察RA的症状描述与环境因素,并与RA中的细胞因子、神经内分泌因素具有一定关联。

    Compared with that of WM , TCM diagnosis on RA paid more attention to environmental factors and symptomatic descriptions , which showed definite association with the cytokines and neuro-endocrine factors in RA .

  12. 现代医学研究表明,肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)-α、转化生长因子(TGF)-β均是肺纤维化过程中最重要的细胞因子,在肺纤维化的炎症期及纤维化期均起着重要的作用。

    It is shown by the modern medicine research that both TNF - α and TGF - β are the most important cytokines in the course of PF that play significant roles during inflammation and fibrosis in PF .

  13. 如果医学CT的空间分辩率再提高到微米水平,即可清晰显示细胞和组织的微细结构,从而满足现代医学临床病理诊断金标准的要求。

    We suggest that if the spatial resolution of medical CT can increase to 1 or 10 micrometers in magnitude , then cells and tissues can be visualized and then the microscopic pathological diagnosis can be made by using the medical micro CT (μ CT ) .

  14. 探讨小儿胃脘痛对应于现代医学的疾病内涵,分析中医宏观辨证与胃镜辨病、粘膜微观辨证以及幽门螺杆菌(HP)感染的内在联系和规律性。

    We studied the diseases corresponding to Western Medicine included in Infantile Stomachache . Furthermore , we discussed the internal relationship and regularity in TCM syndrome , gastroscopic diagnosis , mucosa syndrome and helicobacter pylori ( HP ) infection .

  15. 现代医学认为血脂干预能有效改善冠心病患者的病死率、病残率及相关事件,冠心病发生及危害随TC、LDL-C水平增高而增加。

    Modern medicine interventions can improve blood lipids in patients with coronary heart disease mortality , morbidity , and related events . Coronary heart disease and damage with TC , LDL-C level was increased .

  16. CFS是现代医学新近认识的一种疾病,亦是近年来国内外医学界广泛关注的重要课题之一。

    CFS is a newly understanding disease in modern medicine , the disease is also widespread concerned in the medical of China and abroad in recent years as an important issue .

  17. 现代医学对于中老年男性雄激素部分缺乏症(PADAM)的影响因素和发病机制的认识存在一个漫长、充满争议的过程。

    Controversial results existed in risk factors and the pathogenesis of partial androgen deficiency in the aging male ( PADAM ) .

  18. 超声诊断与X-CT、核磁共振、核素扫描已成为现代医学的四大影像技术。

    Now ultrasonic diagnosis , together with X-CT , NMR and nuclide scan , have already become the four major imaging techniques in modern image medicine .

  19. 目前,现代医学对其发病机制尚未明确,主要认为DPN的发生与机体代谢障碍及血管损害密切相关,是多因素共同作用的结果。

    Currently , it is still uncertain to its pathogenesis on modern medicine , and considered the result of many factors , mainly related to metabolism disorder and vascular damage .

  20. 尽管现代医学对于慢性肾脏病的病理生理及诊疗方案已经较为系统,然而对于慢性肾脏病的治疗效果尚不能完全抑制疾病的进展和阻止终末期肾脏病(ESRD)的发生。

    Although modern medicine for chronic kidney disease has a systematic in pathological physiology , diagnosis and treatment scheme , yet it is not satisfied for chronic kidney disease treatment effect .

  21. BhushanPatwardhan、GerardBodeker和DarshanShankar.说,传统医学文化需要与现代医学结成真正的伙伴关系。

    Traditional medical cultures need a true partnership with modern medicine , say Bhushan Patwardhan , Gerard Bodeker and Darshan Shankar .

  22. 科学家倾向于对治疗师持怀疑态度,而sangomas也常常担心现代医学将会伤害他们的患者。

    While scientists tend to view the healers with scepticism , the sangomas often fear that Western medicine will harm their patients .

  23. 现代医学研究表明虫草菌素(cordycepin)是其重要的生物活性成分,用现代生物技术手段大规模深层培养蛹虫草生产虫草菌素具有重要的应用价值。

    This fungi produces an important bioactive compound , cordycepin ( 3 ' - Deoxyadenosine ) . How to enhance the cordycepin production is a bottleneck for commercial application of fungi fermentation technology .

  24. 结论:TA-RC可以为糖尿病中医症候研究提供一种可量化的方法,传统的中医症候的科学性可以被现代医学方法所证实。

    Conclusion : TA-RC could afford a quantitative method for the TCM symptoms study of diabetic patients . The science of the TCM symptoms can be confirmed by modern medical methods .

  25. 建立现代医学实验教学体系的实践与思考

    Practice and Thinking on Construction of Modern Medical Experimental Teaching System

  26. 现代医学监护仪器的应用特点及发展趋势

    The application characteristics and development trend of modern medical monitoring instrument

  27. 光声光谱技术在现代医学领域的应用

    Application of Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Technology in the Field of Modern Medicine

  28. 病理学诊断是现代医学诊断的金标准。

    Pathological diagnosis is the golden criteria of clinical medical sciences .

  29. 她说她不信现代医学。

    She says she has no faith in modern medicine .

  30. 论现代医学图书馆&访问美国医学图书馆启示录

    On modern medical library * some enlightenments from visiting American medical libraries