- 名modern medicine

Modern medicine has a large armoury of drugs for the treatment of mental illness .
The deciphering of DNA has led directly to many of the benefits of modern medicine and agriculture .
He is a pioneer in modern medical practice .
Medical ultrasonic imaging technique has been widely used clinically . Unfortunately , the resolution of ultrasonic imaging is much lower than that of X-CT .
Applications of Modern Medical Imaging Technology in the Imaging Guided Surgery
The development of radiotherapy is closely linked with modern medical imaging technique . 4-dimensional CT increasingly becomes an effective measure due to the improvement of temporal and space resolution of CT imaging .
The special pharmacological effect of Vitamin K_2 is paid more attention with the development of modern medicine , but its application and improvement are hindered by higher cost for its biological extraction .
Evidence based medicine ( EBM ) was the trend of medicine development and represented the orientation of modern medicine .
The development of modern medicine and tissue typing promotes the combination of molecular biology techniques with HLA typing , and improves the accuracy and practicability of HLA typing .
This paper studies correlation between fever in liver diseases and intestinal endotoxemia from aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine , modern medicine and experimental studies .
Compared with that of WM , TCM diagnosis on RA paid more attention to environmental factors and symptomatic descriptions , which showed definite association with the cytokines and neuro-endocrine factors in RA .
It is shown by the modern medicine research that both TNF - α and TGF - β are the most important cytokines in the course of PF that play significant roles during inflammation and fibrosis in PF .
We suggest that if the spatial resolution of medical CT can increase to 1 or 10 micrometers in magnitude , then cells and tissues can be visualized and then the microscopic pathological diagnosis can be made by using the medical micro CT (μ CT ) .
We studied the diseases corresponding to Western Medicine included in Infantile Stomachache . Furthermore , we discussed the internal relationship and regularity in TCM syndrome , gastroscopic diagnosis , mucosa syndrome and helicobacter pylori ( HP ) infection .
Modern medicine interventions can improve blood lipids in patients with coronary heart disease mortality , morbidity , and related events . Coronary heart disease and damage with TC , LDL-C level was increased .
CFS is a newly understanding disease in modern medicine , the disease is also widespread concerned in the medical of China and abroad in recent years as an important issue .
Controversial results existed in risk factors and the pathogenesis of partial androgen deficiency in the aging male ( PADAM ) .
Now ultrasonic diagnosis , together with X-CT , NMR and nuclide scan , have already become the four major imaging techniques in modern image medicine .
Currently , it is still uncertain to its pathogenesis on modern medicine , and considered the result of many factors , mainly related to metabolism disorder and vascular damage .
Although modern medicine for chronic kidney disease has a systematic in pathological physiology , diagnosis and treatment scheme , yet it is not satisfied for chronic kidney disease treatment effect .
Traditional medical cultures need a true partnership with modern medicine , say Bhushan Patwardhan , Gerard Bodeker and Darshan Shankar .
While scientists tend to view the healers with scepticism , the sangomas often fear that Western medicine will harm their patients .
This fungi produces an important bioactive compound , cordycepin ( 3 ' - Deoxyadenosine ) . How to enhance the cordycepin production is a bottleneck for commercial application of fungi fermentation technology .
Conclusion : TA-RC could afford a quantitative method for the TCM symptoms study of diabetic patients . The science of the TCM symptoms can be confirmed by modern medical methods .
Practice and Thinking on Construction of Modern Medical Experimental Teaching System
The application characteristics and development trend of modern medical monitoring instrument
Application of Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Technology in the Field of Modern Medicine
Pathological diagnosis is the golden criteria of clinical medical sciences .
She says she has no faith in modern medicine .
On modern medical library * some enlightenments from visiting American medical libraries