
xiàn cún liànɡ
  • Quantity on hand;standing crop, stock on hand
  1. 浮游动物与浮游植物的现存量没有明显的相关关系(p>0.05),仅依靠浮游动物不能对浮游藻类进行有效的控制。

    There was no pronounced relationship between the standing crops of zooplankton and of phytoplankton ( p > 0.05 ); so phytoplankton cannot be well controlled only depending on zooplankton .

  2. 这与以TOC为指标来推算东、黄海典型海域浮游植物现存量得出的结论大致相符。

    This conclusion matches with the conclusion of the standing crop of phytoplankton calculated by TOC .

  3. 群落的碳素现存量为66.113t/hm2,主要集中在乔木层或常绿树种内;群落的碳素存留量为5.691t/m2·a;

    The standing crop of carbon is 66.11t / hm2 , and it focuses on the tree layer or evergreen species .

  4. 林地枯枝落叶层现存量平均为6.660t·hm-2,最大持水率为269.4%。

    Maximum water retention ratio and water-holding capacity of litter were 269.4 % .

  5. 所获数据表明,地表凋落物数量(现存量干重)和质量(N和C/N)总体上表现为35年次生林最好,23年次生林次之;

    The results showed that both the quantity and quality ( N and C / N ) of litter in the 35-year secondary forest were higher than those of the 23-year secondary forest and the seasonal rainforest .

  6. 从3年的CCA可看出,明珠湖浮游植物的现存量和各环境因子的相关性都非常好。

    We can see from the result of CCA , it had a great relationship between environmental factor and the standing crop of phytoplankton .

  7. 土壤有机质、全N、有效N、有效K、pH值与细根现存量相关显著(P<0.05),细根对物理性状的影响主要体现在毛管孔隙度和总孔隙度上;

    Soil organic matter , total nitrogen , available nitrogen , available potassium and pH had significant correlations with fine-root biomass ( P < 0.05 ) . The effects of fine-roots on soil physical properties mainly reflected on soil capillary porosity and total porosity .

  8. 凋落物层现存量为11.23t/(hm2·a),占总生物量的7.95%,年凋落物量3.37t/(hm2·a),占总净生产力的45.60%。

    The litter was 11.23t/hm 2 , which was 7.95 % of the total biomass ; the yearly litter was 3.37t / ( hm 2 · a ), which was 45.60 % of the total net production .

  9. 7月和8月应当开始储备牧草,储备量为2460KgDM/hm2。同时指出牧草现存量是放牧管理的重要指标。

    The forage grass should be started to store in July and August , the storage was 2 460 kg DM / hm 2 , the amount of forage grass in stock was an important index to graze and manage .

  10. 在生物量、生产力研究的基础上,通过干重热值测定,对黄山松(Pinustaiwanensis)群落的能量现存量、能量净固定量及太阳能转化效率进行分析讨论。

    On the basis of the biomass and productivity research , and by means of calorimetry measurement , the standing crop of energy , net energy production and energy conversing efficiency of Pinus taiwanensis community were determined .

  11. 南京市城市森林绿地群落枯落物的现存量平均值为11.35t/ha,全氮平均含量为0.914%,磷元素平均含量为0.090%,最大持水率平均为188.86%。

    Standing pool of forest floor litter in Nanjing is 11.35t / ha , content of N and P is 0.914 % and 0.090 % , the max water holding capacity is 188.86 % .

  12. 尽管生态系统的最终产物(NBP或现存量)占光合总产量的很少一部分,但它是决定物质再生产的资本,维持和决定生态系统的物质再生产。

    Despite only making up a part of gross photosynthate production , final ecosystem production ( NBP ) is the capital for future organic matter reproduction and controls maintenance and development of the ecosystem .

  13. 黄海混合水区域虽然Chla浓度偏低,但DO饱和度较高,可能是浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食作用导致Chla的现存量低;剧烈的生物活动致使此区的pCO2处于欠饱和状态。

    Although the Chla density is somewhat low in the Yellow Sea mixed water , but the DO saturation is high . The reason possibly is that zooplankton feeds on phytoplankton , resulting the low value of Chla existing .

  14. 土壤含水量与枯落物现存量呈正相关性;

    The relationship between litter amount and soil moisture was same .

  15. 以植物现存量计算,草食性鱼类的年生产力应为78.75吨。

    The estimated potential annual production of herbivorous fish is 78.75 tons .

  16. 一种新的估测林木现存量数学模型的探讨

    The discussion on new mathematical model for estimating standing crop

  17. 杭州湾锋区浮游植物现存量和初级生产力

    Phytoplankton standing stock and primary production in the front of Hangzhou Bay

  18. 冷季天然草地牧草现存量估测技术研究

    Study on Estimation Method of Natural Grassland 's Standing Grass in Cold Season

  19. 马尾松人工林养分循环研究Ⅰ.不同坡位马尾松林生物量与养分现存量

    Studies on the Nutrient Cycle of Pinus massoniana Plantations I.The Biomass and Present

  20. 厦门西海域秋季浮游植物现存量、光合作用率的分级研究

    Size-fractioned Study of Standing Crop and Photosynthetic Rate in Western Xiamen Waters in Autumn

  21. 浮游植物生物现存量与初级生产力存在显著的正相关。

    There was a significant positive correlation between chlorophyll a content and primary productivity .

  22. 南大洋浮游植物现存量对颗粒有机碳的贡献

    Contribution of phytoplankton standing stock for the particulate organic carbon in the Southern Ocean

  23. 国内首次对水库中周丛生物群落结构和现存量进行了报道。

    The community structure and standing crops of periphyton in Chinese reservoir were first reported .

  24. 不同放牧率对内蒙古典型草原牧草地上现存量和净初级生产力及品质的影响

    Influence of Different Stocking Rates on Aboveground Present Biomass and Herbage Quality in Inner Mongolia Steppe

  25. 死细根现存量的最大值出现在2月份,最小值出现在8月份;

    While that of the dead fine roots is maximum in February and minimum in August .

  26. 荒漠草原不同放牧制度群落现存量与营养物质动态研究

    A study on the standing forages and nutrient dynamics of community on Stipa breviflora grassland under different systems

  27. 随着放牧强度的增大,草地禾本科牧草现存量呈现先增后减趋势。

    The variational current of the standing crop of the Gramineae pasturage rose firstly , and then declined .

  28. 白令海光合浮游生物现存量和初级生产力

    Primary productivity and the standing stock of photo-plankton in the Bering Sea during the summer of 2003 On Quantity

  29. 保安湖浮游物和颗粒有机碎屑现存量及季节变动与渔业生产

    Quantities and seasonal variations in seston and particulate organic detritus in Baoan lake and their relation to fisheries production

  30. 种、群、属组成各不相同。三亚湾秋季桡足类分布与种类组成及对浮游植物现存量的摄食压力

    Composition of the species , group and genus is different . SPECIES COMPOSITION OF COPEPODS AND FEEDING IMPACT ON PHYTOPLANKTON