
cǎo diàn
  • marshy grassland;grassy marshland;meadow;pelouse
草甸[cǎo diàn]
  1. 施入菌泥可使草甸土微生物数量增加2.34倍,风沙土微生物数量增加0.44倍,盐碱地微生物数量增加0.56倍。

    Applying the bacterial sludge , the microorganism number on the grassy marshland soil can increase by 234 % , that on the sandy soil by 44 % , and that on the alkaline soil 56 % .

  2. 由于气候条件的差异,内蒙古草原自东向西出现了由草甸草原、典型草原向荒漠草原和荒漠的过渡。

    There is a transition from grassy marshland grassland and typical grassland to deserted grassland and desert because of the difference of climate . And this change is from east to west in Inner Mongolia .

  3. 上个星期,这个部门的筑路机开始将特怀福德丘陵地带的浸水草甸推平。

    Last week , the department 's road builders began to bulldoze a water meadow on Twyford Down .

  4. P添加对亚高寒草甸植物群落影响不显著。

    The influence of P addition are not significant to sub-alpine meadows community . 4 .

  5. 为研究封育对不同退化山地草甸物种多样性的影响,以C。

    In order to study the effects of enclosure on species diversity of degraded upland meadow , C.

  6. 研究结果表明:1.亚高寒草甸退化显著减少S(P0.05)。

    Sub-alpine meadow degradation significantly reduced S ( P0.05 ) .

  7. N、P和K含量在暗棕色森林土和草甸沼泽地土壤上较高;

    Leaf N , P and K were higher of blueberry cultured on dark brown forest soil and meadow bog gleyed soil .

  8. 叶片中Mn、Fe含量在水湿地潜育土和草甸沼泽地土壤上很高;

    Leaf Mn , Fe were significantly high of blueberry cultured on meadow bog gleyed soil and meadow bog soil .

  9. 在全球碳预算研究中,青藏高原高寒草甸土壤有机碳库不可忽视。随着全球变暖,表层土壤有机碳分解释放的CO2将增加。

    Soil organic carbon pool of the alpine meadow is ignorable in the carbon budget both of the globe and China .

  10. 棕壤、暗棕壤及草甸土的H/F值相比较,以暗棕壤最大,草甸土次之,棕壤最小;

    The H / F ratio is the highest for dark brown soil , while the smallest for brown soil and intermediate for meadow soil .

  11. 本文探讨了全球变化对塔里木盆地北部盐化草甸净第一性生产力(NPP)和群落演替的影响。

    The impact of global change on net primary productivity ( NPP ) and community succession of salinized meadow in north of Tarim Basin was discussed .

  12. 采用静态箱&便携式红外色谱法对青藏高原风火山地区沼泽草甸和高寒草甸两类生态系统CO2排放通量进行了研究。

    The results showed that the CO_2 fluxes were significantly different between the swamp meadow and alpine meadow ecosystems and between the different degenerate meadows , correspondingly .

  13. 结果表明,MDM可显著改善草甸碱土的理化性质。

    Results showed that MDM could obviously improve the physical and chemical properties of the alkali soil .

  14. 通过本研究我们得出以下主要结果:(1)高寒草甸种子雨主要由近60种植物种子组成,隶属17个科,种子密度约为2528粒/m2-15599粒/m2。

    The main results were follows : ( 1 ) The alpine meadow seed rain has 60 kinds of plant seeds approximately which belong to 17 family .

  15. 除连续2年施用大量有机肥的草甸棕壤土样中Hg对中性磷酸酶有显著的激活作用外(P<0.05),其它土样无显著变化,表明中性磷酸酶活性对Hg污染反应不敏感。

    Soil neutral phosphatase was not sensitive to Hg contamination , except that it was significantly activated by Hg in the meadow brown soil applied with plenty of organic fertilizer .

  16. 亚高寒草甸退化减少地上生物量、叶面积指数(LAI)和改变物种组成,因而改变S。

    Sub-alpine meadow degradation is expected to change S because of reduced vegetation biomass and leaf area index ( LAI ) as well as changed species composition .

  17. 以大量的室内模拟培养实验,以内蒙古温带草甸草原土壤为研究对象,利用AIM乙炔抑制法,模拟野外条件对原样土壤样品进行N2O产生过程进行研究。

    In this paper , A lots of laboratory experiments using the acetylene inhibition method ( AIM ) were carried to investigate the N2O production processes in chernozem soil of meadow grassland in Inner Mongolia .

  18. 25年来,高海拔的草原、草甸以及高山植被NPP呈显著增大趋势,其它植被NPP增大或减小趋势均不显著。

    In 25 years , NPP increased significantly in grassland , meadow and alpine vegetation in the high-altitude area , increasing or decreasing trend in other vegetation were not significant .

  19. 说明了灌丛土壤的主要养分元素N、P、K在转化过程中相互影响,且这种关系在灌丛下更为密切,即灌丛对该高寒灌丛草甸的土壤资源的空间分布有影响。

    It showed that the main soil nutrient such as N , P , K are translating and affecting each other , and the relation is more osculation under shrubs , and that shrubs have effect on the space distributing of soil resources in Alpine shrub meadow .

  20. 总体而言,金露梅灌丛的DLR、ULR变化值明显比矮嵩草草甸的高。

    Overall , ULR and DLR of Potentilla fruticosa shrubland was much higher than that of Kobresia humilis meadow .

  21. 研究了脲酶抑制剂(NBPT)、硝化抑制剂(DCD)及二者组合在草甸棕壤上施用对尿素态N转化及土壤总有效态N、微生物量N的影响。

    With an aquic brown earth as test soil , this paper studied the effects of urease inhibitor ( NBPT ), nitrification inhibitor ( DCD ) and their combinations on the dynamics of soil available N and microbial biomass N.

  22. 典型草原撂荒地Shannon-Wiener多样性指数的平均值为1.5481,是天然草地的55%,草甸草原带撂荒地Shannon-Wiener多样性指数的平均值为1.3492,是天然草地的50%。

    The average of Shannon-Wiener diversity index was 1.5481 in typical steppe abandoned land , which was only 55 % of natural grassland , while it was 1.3492 in meadow steppe abandoned steppe .

  23. 湿草甸蚯蚓平均种群密度(151条/m~2)和生物量(36.16g(Fw)/m~2)为最高;

    Maximum of average population density ( 151 / m ~ 2 ) and biomass ( 36.16g ( FW ) / m ~ 2 ) occured in wet meadow .

  24. 锡林郭勒盟草甸草原区、典型草原区、荒漠草原区和沙地植被区实测草地牧草产量与三种不同植被指数的相关性存在一定差别,其中EVI与草甸草原区的相关性最好;

    The grassland biomasses of meadow steppe , typical steppe , desert steppe and sand grassland have different correlations with three types of vegetation indices , EVI has the best correlation with meadow steppe ;

  25. 研究了不同放牧强度下高寒矮嵩草草甸建群种矮嵩草(Kobresiahumilis)构件种群的数量在放牧第四年(1991年)和停牧1年后(1993年)的季节动态特性与反应。

    The seasonal dynamics and grazing responsiveness of modular populations of Kobresia humilis were studied at the fourth year ( 1991 ) of grazing under different stock intensities and after resting for 1 year ( 1993 ) in alpine meadow .

  26. 重庆山区草甸草地作为一种特殊的草地类型,主要分布于巫溪县及巫山县海拔约2000m以上的山地地区,具有占地面积广、资源特色明显、开发潜力大等特点。

    Mountain meadow as a special type of grass in Chongqing city mainly distributes in Wuxi and Wushan County , at an elevation of above 2000 meters in mountainous areas , which covers an area with broad and obvious characteristics of resources and great potential for development .

  27. 内蒙古草甸草原开垦后30年后,与天然草原相比,在休闲年份0~20cm土壤有机碳和土壤微生物量碳含量均没有显著下降,但开垦导致土壤易分解碳下降了24%。

    After cultivated for nearly 30 years , there was no significant decline for soil organic carbon and soil microbial biomass ( SMB-C ), but a significant decrease ( 24 % ) of soil labile C ( Lab-C ) was found in the 0 ~ 20 cm soil depth .

  28. 祁连山东段的高寒草甸开垦为人工草地10后,土壤有机碳、全氮含量分别降低了8-19%,4-17%;土壤有机碳、全氮储量(0-30cm)显著降低了6%,5%。

    After Alpine Meadow distributing in the eastern of Qilian Mountain was cultivated for 10 years , SOC and TN contents decreased by 8-19 % and 4-17 % . SOC and TN stocks ( 0-30cm ) significantly decreased by 5.7 % and 4.9 % .

  29. 青海高山草甸土的形成及其肥力评价

    Formation and fertility of the alpine meadow soil in Qinghai Province

  30. 耐盐牧草籽粒苋对河西走廊草甸盐土改土培肥效应

    Effect of Salt Tolerant Herbage on Meadow Soil in Hexi Corridor