- 名herb;herbaceous ;herbage

[herb] 一年生、二年生或多年生的结种子的草质的或保持草质的植物
The medical uses of herbs are legion .
Many herbs can be grown indoors .
These vegetables and herbs have strong antiseptic qualities .
North American herb with bitter-tasting pinnate leaves resembling those of tansy .
Wild rice stem belongs to herb of marsh of gramineous vivacious perennial root .
In grasses the leaves elongate in the dark and break through the surrounding coleoptiles .
The banana plant , however , is considered a herb rather than a tree because it doesn 't have a strong , woody stem ( 、 ) .
Herbage can be divided into three categories : annuals , biennials , and perennials .
Contains natural plants essence which highly contain vitamin E plant protein increase metabolism provoke reproduction of hair papilla .
Ginseng ( Panax ginseng C. A. Mey . ) is the roots of perennial herbaceous plant .
There was a significantly positive correlation between Shannon-Wiener species diversity index of herb and soil pH.4 .
Higher P and K contents were observed in plants growing in higher P areas , but higher N / P and K / P were observed in lower P sites .
Based on the means of extracting DNA from herbage and RNA from microorganism , three new methods of extracting RNA from white birch stamen tissues are posed in this assay .
Stinging nettle ( Urtica dioica ) is a perennial plant .
Belongs to Polygonaceae , its root and rhizome have been used in traditional Chinese medicine .
Soybean originated from China and belonged to Legume Glycine , which was Annual herbaceous plant . It called " Shu " in ancient China and it seed contained rich protein . Chinese people had grown soybean for five thousand years .
A pot experiment with three levels of nutrient ( N , P , K ) supply was carried out to investigate clonal plasticity of stoloniferous herb Duchesnea indica Focke in response to nutrient availability . The plants had greater biomass at higher levels of nutrient availability .
Agrimony ( Agrimonia Pilosa Ledeb ) is the Rosaceae perennial herb agrimony of the whole plant .
Range of optimum temperature is wider , 19 ~ 28 ℃; compensation point of high temperature is about 63 ℃ that far go beyond the bounds of C 3 herb in the appropriate condition .
Panax notoginseng ( Burk ) F. H. Chen is one of the most famous Chinese traditional medicinal plants , which belongs to Panax genus under Araliaceae family .
Or catmint . Aromatic herb ( Nepeta cataria ) of the mint family .
, special product of China and named " China grass " is a herbaceous perennid which belongs to urticaceae family , boehmeria genus .
Dioscorea ( Dioscorea zingiberensis C.H. Wright ), which belongs to Dioscorea family in Dioscoreaceae , is a perennial twisted herb and a unique steroid hormone drug plant in China .
Castor is an annual herb in the north of China , perennial plant in mid & China , 5 ~ 10 meters high in the south of China , with a life of 10 to 15 years .
The decrease of vegetation coverage was due to decline of herbaceous coverage . The threshold depth of groundwater level for coverage degradation was 4 m. This depth was the same as the depth of groundwater for degradation of species diversity .
Trillium tschonoskii Maxim , locally named " a pearl on head " , a perennial herb of Liliaceae , mainly distributes in east Asia and north America . In China , T.
A variety of samples , such as terrestrial annual grasses , oceanic plants and atmospheric CO_2 from different areas of Hong Kong , have been collected . The  ̄( 14 ) C activity of them was measured and compared with that of cassia oil samples from Guangxi , China .
A filamentary virus is isolated from diseased radish ( Raphanus sativus ) with the symptom of reduction in growth leaf mosaic and distortion in Xinjiang . The virus is transmitted to 25 herbaceous species belonging to 9 different botanical families .
Grassland is also rich in medicinal herbs and mineral resources .
Niche of rare herbage plants in the upstream of Lancang River