
shù yè
  • sap
树液[shù yè]
  1. 枫糖是由枫树的树液制成的。

    Maple sugar is made from the sap of maple trees .

  2. 曾经在树林里,它树液充沛,枝叶繁茂;

    Once it was in a forest , full of sap , leaves and boughs to its trunk .

  3. 槭糖浆是用糖槭树中提取的树液制成的。

    Maple syrup is made from SAP extracted from the sugar maple tree .

  4. 在供试种源分布区范围内,树液流动期和6月旺盛生长期的叶P含量与纬度成显著负相关;

    In distribution regions of the test provenances , there is a significantly negative correlation between the latitude and the leaf P content during the stage of sap start to flow and peak of growing in June ;

  5. 在树液流动期‘红地球’、‘红光无核’、‘MBA’及‘康拜尔’4个品种的结果母枝在-8℃条件下也未受冻害。

    There was no damages to the bearing mother branches of ' Red Globe ' , 'Flame Seedless ' , 'MBA ' and ' Campbell Early ' at-8 ℃ during sap movement stage .

  6. 树液流动密度(SFD)随边材径向深度的变化对于准确估测流经边材的树液通量是非常重要的,后者又制约着HeatPulse的应用精度。

    Radial variation in sap flux density ( SFD ) as a function of sapwood thickness is of importance in accurately estimating sap flux through sapwood area which , in turn , decides the precision of heat pulse application .

  7. 施肥后盆栽树液中的No3-N、NH4-N浓度的上升较与对照相差不大,但氨基酸态氮浓度的增加却比对照树慢的多。

    After fertilizer was ap-plied , increase of NO_3 - N , and NH_4 - N concentrations was not significant difference be-tween POT and CK , but increase of nitrogen in the form of amino acid was slower than that of CK ;

  8. 树木树液上升机理研究进展

    Research progresses of the mechanism of the sap flow in trees

  9. 我清楚地了解流动在树干里的树液。

    As I know the blood that flows in my veins .

  10. 糖枫的树液制成的糖。

    Sugar made from the sap of the sugar maple tree .

  11. 树液化石又称为琥珀。

    This fossilized tree sap * Which we call " amber " .

  12. 红色的树液一点点渗出来,宛如鲜血。

    Driblets of reddish sap were forming , very much like blood .

  13. 这些蚁牛喝的树液自身吸收不完。

    These cow bugs drink much more sap than they can use .

  14. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。

    Let 's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass .

  15. 时值春天,树液正在增长。

    It was spring , and the sap was rising in the trees .

  16. 天气在转暖,槭树的树液在上升。

    The weather is warm up and the sap is rising in the maple .

  17. 浓缩糖枫树的树液制成的糖浆。

    Made by concentrating sap from sugar maples .

  18. 用棕榈树液制成的未经精炼的棕色糖。

    Unrefined brown sugar made from palm sap .

  19. 天气转暖,枫树的树液在逐渐增多。

    The weather was warming up and the sap was rising in the maples .

  20. 多树液的枫树;多汁的燃木。

    Sappy maple trees ; sappy kindling wood .

  21. 还长着的树有树液,潮湿不容易点着。

    Living trees have sap , which feels wet and doesn 't burn easily .

  22. 泊肃叶方程与苹果木质部的树液输导及矮化机理关系的研究

    Application of the Poiseuille Law to Xylem Sap Flowing and Dwarfing Mechanism in Apple Trees

  23. 树液从树中渗出。

    The sap bled from the tree .

  24. 这是夏天里树叶旺盛时所特有的红色树液,并不意味着秋天的红尘。

    This is the red sap of summer , not the red dust of autumn .

  25. 除了酒精以外,海椰子树液还可以用来生产其它三种产品并盈利。

    Apart from alcohol , three alternative products might also be profitably made from Nipa sap .

  26. 当从糖枫树上采集到树液之后,树液就会被送往制糖场进行熬制。

    After liquid sap is taken from sugar , it goes to a where the sap is boiled .

  27. 任何的一种从发酵的棕榈树液或发酵的糖蜜蒸馏提取出来的烈酒。

    Any of various strong liquors distilled from the fermented sap of toddy palms or from fermented molasses .

  28. 农民管理棕榈主要为获取树液产品,生产以糖为主的次生品。

    The farmers manage the palm mainly for sap production with which sugar based secondary goods are manufactured .

  29. 含有世界上最小基因组的记录被一种寄生在以树液为食昆虫中的细菌打破了。

    The record for world 's smallest genome has been smashed by a bacterium that lives inside a sap-feeding insect .

  30. 当糖枫树的树液开始向外流淌时,他们便切割这些枫树皮。

    This is the right season for sugaring off . They tapped the sugar maples when the sap began to flow .