
  • 网络soil;Soil Type;soiltype
  1. GIS与遥感技术在土壤类型数据库中的应用&以珠江三角洲为例

    Founding Soil Type Database by using GIS and Remote Sensing Technique & A Case Study at the Pearl River Delta

  2. 运用GIS空间分析功能,定量探讨不同级别石漠化与土壤类型之间的空间相互关系。

    Finally , a connection between different degrees of rocky desertification and soil type , from the viewpoint of spatial correlation , is proposed .

  3. 结果表明,土壤类型、加入硅液的pH值、温度和有机质,是影响紫色水稻土对硅酸盐吸附的主要因子。

    Soil type , pH of the silicate solution added , temperature and organic matter in the soil were shown to be the major factors influencing silicate adsorption .

  4. 沿江从上而下,全N、全P、有效P含量较稳定,全K、有效K、碱解N含量变化较大。不同土壤类型肥力比较结果表明全N、全P含量为黄壤>水稻土>紫色土;

    The comparative results of fertility of different soil types show that the contents of N and P in the yellow soil is higher than those in rice soil and purple soil ;

  5. 根据实际采样诊断土壤类型并在GIS界面修正原始土壤分布图,完善了当地的土壤图,并且在制图过程中将研究区行政区划图根据最新情况做了修订。

    The original soil map was amended and perfected in GIS interface based on actual soil type diagnosis . The administrative map was revised according to the latest version and related information .

  6. 利用模拟淋溶实验、质量平衡法、PROFILE模型、MAGIC模型以及两种经验方法对中国十几种主要土壤类型的风化速率进行了研究。

    The weathering rates of soils in China were estimated through the mass balance approach , simulated leaching experiments , PROFILE model , MAGIC model , and two empirical methods .

  7. 根际土中VA菌根真菌孢子的数量分布无明显的地理分布规律。土壤类型对根系侵染率、孢子量及真菌组成有重要影响。

    The percentage of infection , spore numbers in the rhizosphere and VAM fungi were influenced by the soil type .

  8. 对临泽县主要土壤类型的有机质、全氮、全磷、速效钾、速效磷、全盐量、ph值进行了化验分析。

    Analyzing the organic matter , Nitrogen , Phosphorus , Fast working Kalium , Fast working Phosphorous , total salt quantity and PH value of the main type of soil in Linze county .

  9. 按土壤类型划分,水稻土土类重金属含量高于赤红壤土类(Hg除外);

    In terms of content of heavy metals ( except for Mercury ) paddy soils > lateritic red earth , according to soils type ;

  10. 在土地类型图、土地利用现状图、坡度图和土壤类型图制作的基础上,首次利用GIS技术进行图件叠加,生成了土地生态经济单元图。

    After they being created , land type diagram , the actual land using condition diagram , slope diagram and the soil type diagram were added by GIS to get the land eco-economy diagram .

  11. 结果同时显示,花生籽仁Cd污染程度与土壤类型之间存在着一定的关系。因此,摸清青岛花生产区Cd污染源及其与籽仁Cd含量之间的关系,是解决青岛花生Cd污染的首要条件。

    Identification of Cd source and the relationship between the source and soil types is , therefore , considered to be the prerequisite for minimizing of Cd contamination of Qingdao peanut .

  12. 分析表明,土壤类型、pH、地形地貌、耕作制度、栽培措施是影响该区小麦-杂草群落结构及分布的主要因素。

    Investigations indicate that the types of soil , pH , cultivation regime and topography are the main factors influencing the distribution and structure of Triticum aestivum-weeds communities in wheat fields in Jingqu basin .

  13. 本研究采用C4.5算法,计算土壤类型-环境因子和土壤有机质-环境因子之间的关系,分别得到它们的决策树模型。

    The C4.5 algorithm was used to extract the relation of soil type-landscape and SOM-landscape .

  14. 不同土壤类型中,土壤pH、速效磷、速效钾、交换性钙镁、水溶性氯及大部分微量元素都存在极显著差异性,潴育性水稻土各指标值相对较高。

    In different soil types , soil pH , available phosphorus , potassium , exchangeable calcium and magnesium , water-soluble chlorine and most of trace elements have extremely significant differences , Retention in paddy soil has high items relatively .

  15. 土壤类型主要以黄壤土为主,多为微酸性,pH值为5.5~6.5之间,土壤有机质含量丰富,磷、钾含量较高,土层比较深厚,比较适宜有机生态烟叶生长。

    The soil type is mainly yellow soil , mostly slightly acidic , PH value between 5.5 and 6.5 . Soil is rich in organic matter , P and K , rather deep and suitable for the growth of ecological tobacco .

  16. 此外,土壤类型不同,根际细菌和放线菌的数量也不一样,黄壤>黄色石灰土>中性紫色土,黄壤和中性紫色之间的差异达到显著水平(p<0.05)。

    In addition , the amount of rhizosphere bacteria and actinomycetes differed among soil types in accordance with yellow earth yellow rendzina neutral purplish soil . Moreover , Significant differences of rhizosphere bacteria and actinomycetes were found between yellow earth and neutral purplish soil ( p0.05 ) .

  17. 在用TM遥感图像对土壤类型进行非监督分类的基础上,建立了正向推理与逆向推理相结合的推理机制,对土壤类型进行分类识别决策。

    On the basis of non_supervising classification for soils with TM images , the author discusses the reasoning mechanism by combining the direct inference combined with inverse reasoning for soil classification and recognition decision .

  18. 营养元素背景值因土壤类型的不同而表现出一定的差异,Al、S、Fe、V、B、Zn和Co的背景值在不同类型土壤中差异极显著;

    The backgrounds of nutritive elements had some difference because of the different soil type . The backgrounds of Al 、 S 、 Fe 、 V 、 B 、 Zn and Co had very evident difference for the different soil type .

  19. 以1∶5万土壤类型图为数据基础,采用景观生态学结构定量分析方法,并以GIS技术为分析手段,对鲁西北地区土壤资源在空间上的分布格局进行了定量研究。

    This paper takes 1 : 50,000 soil type figure as dada base , adopts quantitative analysis for the structure of landscape ecology , using GIS technology as analysis method and conducts quantitative study on soil resources in north-west Shandong and their space distribution .

  20. 干旱胁迫对不同土壤类型中南天竹(Nandinadomestica)渗透调节物质的影响

    Effect of Drought Stress on the Osmotic Adjustment Materials of Heavenly Bamboo ( Nandina Domestica ) in Different Soil Types

  21. 结果表明:保护区永瓣藤生长的土壤类型以黄红壤为主、海拔高度为400~600m、坡度在20~35°之间;

    The results showed that the soil type was red-yellow soil , altitude was between 400 and 600 meter , slope was between 20 and 35 ° .

  22. 在不同温度条件下,对广西7个地区不同土壤类型的34个土壤样品,采用BrayⅠ法测定其速效磷含量。

    Under different temperature conditions , 34 samples of different types of soils in Guangxi were analysed to determine the contents of active phosphorus by method Bray I.

  23. 0~20cm土层碱解氮含量具有随纬度增加而增加的趋势,气候条件和土壤类型的差异是导致其纬向分布差异的主要原因。

    Soil alkali-hydrolyzed N content increased with increasing latitude , and climate condition and soil type were considered as the main reasons that induced the latitudinal differentiation of soil alkali-hydrolyzed N.

  24. SCS模型在降雨径流关系上,考虑了土壤类型、土地利用和前期土壤含水量状况,使产流计算建立在较合理的基础上。

    SCS model is a small basin design flood model proposed by Soil Conservation Service ( SCS ) of USDA . At rainfall-runoff relationship , SCS model gives consideration to land used , soil type and antecedent soil moisture .

  25. PnET模型可用来分析森林林木生长规律,不同土壤类型及气候条件对森林生态系统碳氮通量变化的影响;

    PnET model is a useful tool to analyze forest growth , effect of different soil types and climate conditions on carbon , nitrogen and water flux of forest ecosystem .

  26. 以研究区的滑坡点位资料、地形数据、土壤类型数据、岩石类型数据及遥感TM数据为基础资料,提取滑坡的影响因素。

    In the paper , based on the distribution of landslide points , topographical data , soil types data , lithology data , and remote sensing data of TM , the author extract landslide influence factors , and calculate the relationship between landslide and influence factors .

  27. 从土壤类型对水体中Atrazine含量的影响看,低位泥炭土的综合表征指数较高,泥炭沼泽土和水稻土的综合表征指数较小;

    With respect to the effect of soil on the atrazine in the water , the integrated token index of the low moor peat soil is the largest and the peat moor soil and the paddy soil are the lest .

  28. 本论文以郑州市蔬菜基地为例,通过外业调查并结合室内分析,利用spot-5影像图、土地利用现状图、土壤类型图以及社会和经济资料。

    This thesis takes vegetable base of Zhengzhou as a case , use spot-5 image through outside & investigation and lab analysis in door , using land use current map and the social and economic data .

  29. 紫色土是川渝地区最重要的农业土壤类型之一,但有关其N20排放强度与规律尚不清楚。

    Purple Soil is the most important agricultural soil type of Sichuan and Chongqing area , but its N2O emission intensity and rule are still not clear .

  30. 用TM6热红外图象作假彩色等密度分割处理,以提取随海而异的地面温度场和土壤类型垂直分带信息;

    The information of ground thermal field and soil vertical zonality which differ with elevation is extracted by using the TM6 thermal infrared image to make the pseudo-color-equidensity slicing ;