
  • 网络temperature;Soil Temperature;Soil Thermometers
  1. 土壤温度对北京旱地农田N2O排放的影响

    Effect of Soil Temperature on N_2O Emission in Upland Farm of Beijing

  2. 双U形地埋管换热器冬季周围土壤温度变化

    Soil Temperature Change around Double U-type Buried Tube Heat Exchanger in Winter

  3. 土壤温度是控制土壤NMR的主要因子。

    Soil temperature is the most important factor for NMR .

  4. 土壤温度和土壤湿度是影响NO和N2O排放的重要环境因素;

    Soil moisture and soil temperature were important environmental factor which influenced N2O and NO emissions ;

  5. 土壤温度和湿度会影响N2O的排放。

    In addition , soil temperature and humidity also affect N2O emissions .

  6. 林龄为2a时,幼林的小气候效应对土壤温度产生影响;

    When it is of 2 years , it begins to influence the temperature of the siol .

  7. 采用ANSYS编写的程序得到地源热泵换热器的温度场分布,通过对运行结果分析得出:单管换热时埋管对周围的土壤温度影响半径;

    ANSYS procedures used to prepare the ground source heat pump heat exchanger temperature distribution analysis of the results : single-tube heat exchanger pipe to the surrounding radius ;

  8. 文中首先研究了土壤温度分布特性,确定了大地原始温度分布的计算式;野生型E(W~(?)

    The characteristics of soil temperature distribution are studied at the beginning of the paper , and the computational model of original soil temperature field distribution is established . The original E ( w (?)

  9. 土壤温度:不同耕作方式比较,深松覆盖和免耕覆盖土壤温度低温时有增温效应,高温时有降温效应。从不同土层看,浅层(0~15cm)土壤变化幅度较大;

    Firstly , the effects of different tillage systems on soil temperature existed difference .

  10. 除6月份外,孔隙水甲烷浓度与土壤温度和DOC浓度有显著的正相关关系,与NH4+-N和NO3-N均没有显著相关性。

    CH_ 4 concentration in the porewater was positively correlated to soil temperature and DOC concentration , excepting for June .

  11. 进而,利用禹城站的常规气象观测数据为输入文件,采用SHAW模型(theSimultaneousHeatandWaterModel)模拟玉米冠层中的以下因素:小气候要素、能量平衡、冠层温度、土壤温度以及冠层表面辐射。

    The , using the measured meteorological data in Yucheng , the SHAW ( the simultaneous Heat and Water ) model was used to simulate the following factors : microclimate variables , energy balance , canopy and soil temperature , and surface radiation .

  12. 土壤温度和CO2对根系呼吸的作用有一定争议,但普遍认为CO2体积分数升高大幅度降低根系呼吸强度,土壤温度升高会显著提高根系呼吸强度。

    The effects of soil temperature and soil CO2 on root respiration are controversial , but most researchers think that elevated CO2 can reduce root respiration rate and elevated soil temperature can enhance root respiration rate .

  13. 分析相关影响因素得知,土壤温度和土壤水分是影响大豆田释放CO2和N2O的重要因素。大豆植株对于N2O的排放具有不可忽视的作用。

    Soil temperature and moisture were two important factors that influenced CO2 and N2O emission in soybean fields , while soybean plant was another important factor that increased N2O emission fluxes ;

  14. 最后应用ANSYS软件对环境影响做了评估,进一步证实了新型空调系统在维持地埋管周围土壤温度场平衡方面的优越性。

    Then using ANSYS software to do an environmental impact assessment , and further confirmed that the advantages of the new type air-conditioning system in the maintenance of the soil temperature field around the underearth pipe to balance .

  15. 本文介绍了用IAP气候模式进行关于土壤温度异常和土壤湿度异常的敏感性试验研究,异常区域都取在中国范围内。

    Sensitivity experiments of soil temperature and soil moisture were carried out with IAP GCM . The anomaly domain was selected in the region of China .

  16. 同时发现任何处理的剖面土壤温度最大日变幅均有随土壤深度增加呈指数递减的趋势。(3)建立了BP人工神经网络土壤剖面温度预报模型,预测精度较高。

    Furthermore , we found maximal soil temperature at the soil profile changes exponential descending with the depth increasing . ( 3 ) Based on the BP ANN , the forecasting model of soil temperature was founded and takes better forecasting result . 2 .

  17. 土壤温度高于0℃时,净生态系统碳交换量与5cm深土壤温度呈指数相关变化。

    The net ecosystem carbon exchange ( NEE ) showed an exponential regression relationship with 5 cm depth soil temperature when the later was above 0 ℃ .

  18. 利用AMTIS数据反演植被和土壤温度

    Retrieval of Plant and Soil Temperature by AMTIS Data

  19. 结果表明:15℃、20℃土壤温度处理与对照(CK)相比提高了叶芽和花芽的萌芽率,使花期提前5~6d,加速了果实的发育和新梢的生长。

    The main results were as follows : Both 15 ℃ and 20 ℃ soil treatments improved germination rates of leaf buds and floral buds , flowering 5-6 days earlier than normal trees . So the development of fruits and shoots was accelerated .

  20. 分别用ANSYS软件和有限元法对不同季节、不同管道运行状况下的管线周围土壤温度场进行了数值模拟。

    The important content in this thesis is as follows : 1 . The numerical solution of the temperature distribution of the soil around the pipeline under the condition of the different season and the different operating condition is obtained by using finite element method and the ANSYS software .

  21. 由于土壤温度和水分变化较为缓慢,各负载工作时间错开,设计PMOS开关控制负载供电,减少了系统功耗。

    Because soil temperature and moisture changes relatively slowly and loads ' working time is stagger , we design PMOS switches to control power supply of every load to reduce the system power consuption .

  22. 随着用量的增加土壤温度的降低,DMP-D的硝化抑制效果更为显著。

    With the increasing amount of application or the decrease of the soil temperature , the nitrification inhibition of DMP-D would become obvious .

  23. 覆膜对5cm土层土壤温度的影响呈“U”型变化,即在作物生长前期和后期影响显著,中期影响较小;

    And the effect of plastic film mulching on soil temperature in 5 cm layer changes as the " U " pattern , that is , the effect was significant at early and latter growth stage , and was insignificant at middle growth stage ;

  24. 湿地水文条件是决定CH4排放的关键控制因子,表层土壤温度与CH4排放通量成正相关关系,土壤中氮含量也对CH4排放通量起作用。

    Among these factors , the hydrological condition is a key dominant factor for the discharge of CH4 . There is a positive correlation between topsoil temperature and CH4 discharge flux . Besides , CH4 flux is also influenced by soil nitrogen content .

  25. 2覆盖量为1.62t/hm~2时,保护性耕作农田的土壤温度比传统翻耕低。

    When residue cover maintained at 1.62t / hm2 , soil temperature of conservation tillage was lower than conventional tillage all the time .

  26. 根据表征土壤温度日变化的土温方程一阶近似解,提出一种利用一日中任意时刻NOAA-AVHRR图像数据估计地表温度日较差的简易推算方法。

    A simple method to estimate the daily range of surface temperature is presented by using daily arbitrary time NOAA AVHRR Graph data based on the soil temperature equation which can express the daily variation of soil temperature .

  27. 利用线性回归方法建立了边材液流速率与环境因子关系的多元线性模型,影响边材液流速率的主导因子是5cm和20cm土壤温度、太阳辐射强度、空气湿度和风速。

    Multiple linear models of sap flow velocity and environmental factors were developed at significant level , of which the important factors were soil temperature in depths of 5 cm and 20 cm , solar radiation , air humidity and wind speed .

  28. 结果表明:(1)植物群落内的光照度、地表(0cm)温度、表层(-5.0cm)土壤温度、空气温度、空气湿度的日变化曲线与对照(裸地)日变化曲线相似。

    The study results showed that : 1 ) The annual change curve of light , surface temperature , soil humidity , atmospheric temperature and atmospheric humidity were similar to that of the control ( bare land );

  29. 土壤温度降低区(10月到来年2月份)。

    Soil temperature reducing zone ( December to next February ) .

  30. 土壤温度可能是影响出菇的关键因素。

    Furthermore , soil temperature may be important for fruiting initiation .