
jī máo
  • chicken feather
鸡毛[jī máo]
  1. 一种脱水的药棉或亚麻纤维。鸡毛角蛋白脱色剂处理中药废水的实验研究

    The Experiment Study of Chicken Feather Keratin for the Treatment of Chinese Herbal Medicines Wastewater

  2. 运用正交实验研究了以鸡毛为原料硫酸水解生产复合氨基酸的水解条件。

    Sulfuric acid-hydrolysis conditions for compound amino acid production from chicken feather were studied by using orthogonal test .

  3. 她拔鸡毛时看上去很轻松。

    She looked relaxed as she plucked a chicken .

  4. 我要么想办法让Doc不赌了要么学会怎么拔鸡毛

    I either had to stop Doc from gambling or learn how to skin chickens .

  5. WalterSchmidt自90年代就开始寻找鸡毛的新用途。

    Walter Schmidt has been working to find uses for chicken feathers since the nineteen nineties .

  6. 这份请愿书如此写道:“我们就此事向政府当局请愿:请调查ABC电视网《吉米鸡毛秀》儿童圆桌会议”‘政府关门’主题一集”。

    It reads : ' We petition the Obama administration to : Investigate Jimmy Kimmel Kid 's Table Government Shutdown Show on ABC Network .

  7. 在吉米鸡毛秀(JimmyKimmelLive)中,凯特进行了相当满意的采访,承认有足够的空间供杰克和罗斯待在门上。(注:此处门是指罗斯在海上充当临时木筏的门)

    In a most satisfying interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live , the actor admitted there was PLENTY of room for Jack on The Door with Rose .

  8. 脱口秀节目《吉米鸡毛秀》的“儿童圆桌会议”环节中一名儿童戏称要“杀死所有中国人”,这句话使节目陷入水深火热的境地之中。目前ABC广播公司已经公开道歉。

    Jimmy Kimmel Live found itself in hot water after a remark during the Kid 's Table section of the show when one youngster joked about ' killing everyone in China " and its network ABC has now apologised .

  9. IMDb表示,这部网飞原创剧集第二季渐入平淡内敛,而不是聚焦狗血和鸡毛。

    The Netflix original series carried a lighter tone into its second season , without skimping on the drama or emotion , IMDb said .

  10. 图书馆管理员平斯夫人朝他挥舞着一把鸡毛掸。

    Madam Pince the librarian brandished a feather duster at him .

  11. 苗族鸡毛服饰与祖灵崇拜

    The Chicken Hair Dress of Miao and the Worship of Ancestral Soul

  12. 我用鸡毛掸子把桌上的灰尘掸掉。

    I used a feather duster to dust the table .

  13. 一些鸡毛用来制作枕头,外套和其他产品。

    Some go into pillows , coats and other products .

  14. 包塑料藤柄双长尖鸡毛帚

    Cock saddle feather duster with plastic coated rattan handle

  15. 地上扔满了空的白兰地酒瓶和鸡毛。

    There were empty brandy bottles and chicken feathers all over the floor .

  16. 鸡毛掸子,爸爸每天都用它叫我起床。

    A feather duster , with which father wakes me up every morning .

  17. 鸡毛居然飞上天去了。鸡毛确实要上天了。

    Chicken feathers really are flying up to heaven .

  18. 氮肥对鸡毛菜硝酸盐积累及其酶活性的影响

    Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Nitrate Accumulation and Reductase Activity of Chinese Cabbage

  19. 论地方政府在市场培育、发展与完善中的作用&从鸡毛换糖货郎担到义乌国际商贸城的启示

    A Probe on the Role of Regional Government in Cultivating and Developing the Market

  20. 比如说他们会把鸡毛做成棒球手套。

    He was gonna take the chicken PAILLARD and make them into baseball mitts .

  21. 大部分鸡毛都被扔掉了。

    Most of their feathers are thrown away .

  22. 藤柄分色双花鸡毛帚

    Colour sorted chicken feather duster with rattan handle

  23. 第二十一节鸡毛信,骡车,电话线。

    Chicken Feathers , Stagecoaches and Telephone Lines .

  24. 她拿着鸡毛掸子的把。

    She held her feather duster by handle .

  25. 但是无数的鸡毛都浪费了。

    But countless chicken feathers go to waste .

  26. 汤姆:鸡毛掸子,爸爸每天都用它叫我起床。

    Tom : a feather duster , with which father wakes me up every morning .

  27. 我不是拔雉野鸡毛的人,我是他的助手。

    I am not the pheasant plucker ; I 'm the pheasant plucker 's mate .

  28. 汤姆:“鸡毛掸子,爸爸每天都用它叫我起床。”

    Tom : " A feather duster , with which father wakes me up every morning .

  29. 一些鸡毛可以制成塑料产品,而不用被埋在垃圾填埋场里。

    But instead of being buried in landfills , some feathers could find a future in plastics .

  30. 没见到什么暴力的迹象,仅仅在后门处有一根黑色鸡毛。

    There were no signs of violence , only a single black feather near the back door .