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yīn liánɡ chù
  • shade;shaded/cool place;bower
  1. 咱们在阴凉处坐一会儿吧。

    Let 's sit in the shade for a while .

  2. 阴凉处的温度骤升至100多度。

    The temperature soared to above 100 degrees in the shade

  3. 他们在阴凉处吃吃喝喝懒懒地闲坐着。

    They ate and drank and lounged in the shade

  4. 我本应该像其他旅游者一样呆在阴凉处的,那么我就不会晒伤了。

    I should have been in the shade like all the other tourists , then I wouldn 't have got burned

  5. 咱们坐在阴凉处乘乘凉吧。

    Let 's sit in the shade and keep cool .

  6. 此药宜置于阴凉处。

    The medicine should be kept in a cool , dark place .

  7. 如果你发现了这些症状,要立即给它降温,可以用冷水淋湿你的狗狗或者把它带到有空调的地方或者阴凉处。

    If you notice any of these signs , cool your dog immediately by thoroughly wetting him with cold water and getting him into the shade or an air-conditioned area .

  8. 尽可能呆在阴凉处。

    Stay in the shade whenever you can .

  9. 午后很多人在阴凉处小睡。

    Lots of people were taking a short siesta in the shade .

  10. 在一张图片里她身穿小裙子,头戴太阳帽,摆好姿势坐在豪华别墅的游泳池的阴凉处,啜着一杯无酒精鸡尾酒,活脱脱一个百万名媛。

    In one she sits dressed in shades and a sun hat , perched posing by an empty pool at a luxury villa2 sipping3 at a non-alcoholic cocktail4 with the air of a millionaire lady .

  11. shade是遮阳处,阴凉处,背阴处。而shadow是物体投下的阴影。如果你不想太晒就站在背阴处。

    You should stand in the shade if you don 't want to get to hot .

  12. 这是非常好的推动在所有条件下,其方便性和实用性使几乎所有其他的SUV在阴凉处。

    It 's excellent to drive in all conditions , and its convenience and usability put almost every other SUV in the shade .

  13. 我总是尽量把车停在阴凉处。

    I always try to park my car in the shade .

  14. 坐在树、墙等的阴凉处

    Sit in the shade of a tree , wall , etc

  15. 这些部件要放在阴凉处以免损坏。

    Those components are kept cool so that they last .

  16. 呆在阴凉处。不要被晒伤了。

    Stay in the shade . don 't get sunburnt .

  17. 阴凉处测量的温度接近105度(童子军活动)

    The temperature was nudging 105 degrees in the shade ( Scouting )

  18. 你应该在阴凉处坐一会。

    You should sit in the shade for a while .

  19. 结论:84溶液应密闭、避光、阴凉处存放使用。

    Conclusion : 84 solution must be kept tightly in cool place .

  20. 结论:消洗王溶液应密闭,阴凉处存放使用。

    Conclusions Xiaoxi-wang must be kept tightly in cool place .

  21. 我们坐在阴凉处吃午饭。

    We sat in the shade and ate our lunch .

  22. 丝绸,合成纤维和比较精细的布料在阴凉处晾干。

    Dry silk , synthetic , and fine fabrics in the shade .

  23. 储存:存放于乾燥阴凉处。

    Storage : Store in dry and cool place .

  24. 咱们座到阴凉处去。

    Let ` go and sit in the shade .

  25. 沙漠里几乎没有阴凉处。

    There is almost no shade in the desert .

  26. 把这瓶药放在阴凉处。

    Store the bottle of medicine in the shade .

  27. 蜂蜜要用密封容器包装,存放于阴凉处。

    Store honey in a cool , dark place in an air-tight container .

  28. 他们蹲在阴凉处等候。

    They squatted down to wait in the shade .

  29. 他总是存在的,在树下,在阴凉处。

    He is always there , under the tree , in the shade .

  30. 进入有空调的建筑里,或至少转移到阴凉处。

    Get inside an air-conditioned building or at least go under some shade .