
mián bù
  • cotton;cotton cloth;chandar
棉布 [mián bù]
  • [cotton cloth] 用棉纱织成的布

棉布[mián bù]
  1. 棉布是由棉纺厂生产的。

    Cotton cloth is made in a cotton mill .

  2. 材料:专用布,三防布,塑胶布,PVC布,石棉布,阻燃布。

    Material : special cloth , protective cloth , plastic cloth , PVC cloth , stone cotton cloth , fire-retardant cloth .

  3. 印花棉布以每米13.95英镑的价格起售。

    Prices start at £ 13.95 a metre for printed cotton

  4. 她穿着一件漂亮的印花棉布裙。

    She was wearing a pretty flowered cotton dress .

  5. 她的棉布连衣裙前面都扯裂了。

    Her cotton dress had ripped down the front .

  6. 棉布更抗压,而涤纶更有弹性。

    Cotton is more resistant to being squashed and polyester is more resilient .

  7. 微纤维织物比棉布精细3倍。

    Microfibre fabrics are three times finer than cotton .

  8. 它较棉布和尼龙柔软,光泽则与丝绸相仿。

    It is softer than cotton and nylon and has a similar lustre to silk .

  9. 然后这些材料被放入棉布袋子里称重,接着再缝好。

    This material was then put into cotton bags which were weighed and then sewn up .

  10. 牛仔裤,这种适合各种用途的斜纹粗棉布裤子,已经有一百多年历史了。

    Jeans , the all-purpose denim trousers , have been around for over a hundred years .

  11. 她对几块印花棉布加以充分利用,设计出了一条裙子。

    She made full use of several pieces of calico and contrived a skirt from them .

  12. 水很容易渗透棉布衣服。

    Water will easily permeate a cotton dress .

  13. 在秋季,棉布服装没有销路。

    There 's no sale for cotton dresses in the autumn .

  14. 粗棉布和羊毛毡,煮过的法兰绒。

    Rough cotton and felted wool , boiled flannel .

  15. 这件衬衣是棉布的。

    This shirt is made of cotton .

  16. 保险粉-H2O2对棉布脱色的实验研究

    Study on Cotton Cloth Discolouration by Sodium Hydrosulfite-H_2O_2

  17. 其它一些公司也在这么做:最出名的戴尔(Dell)跟单定制电脑,还有Land'sEnd让客户定购量身定做的斜纹棉布裤;

    A few others carried on : most famously Dell with its built-to-order computers , but also Land 's End , which lets customers order tailored chinos ;

  18. 一个盒子投递到了纽约OneFineStay(一家安排在豪宅中的短期住宿的公司)的办公室,里面塞了一个套着廉价棉布枕套的大号枕头。

    The box was delivered to the New York office of One Fine Stay , a business that arranges short-term accommodations in luxury homes . Stuffed inside was a queen-size pillow in a cheap cotton pillowcase .

  19. 这家公司在它的eco,capitale和redtab系列中使用了有机棉,并一直在尝试完善一种使棉布柔顺的配方。

    The company uses organic cotton in its eco , capital E and red tab lines , and has been trying to perfect the formula of softening stiff cotton .

  20. 即使是芭比长期逆来顺受、总穿着斜纹棉布的男朋友肯(Ken),也做了美容,换了新发型。

    Even Ken , Barbie 's long-suffering , chino-wearing boyfriend , has had a makeover and new hairstyle .

  21. “ABC绸缎棉布行定于本月一日在本市开张,特此奉告。”

    " We inform you that on the 1st of this month , we established in this city a Dry-Goods Business under the firm-name of ABC . "

  22. 这位78岁的自称印花棉布王子(PrinceofChintz)的人终于出书了,这本书值得等待。

    The 78-year-old self-titled Prince of Chintz has finally published a book , and the results are worth the wait .

  23. 从理论上讲,周末在办公室以外上班时,你可以穿你喜欢的衣服,但我仍希望看到人们身着Polo衫与斜纹棉布裤。

    In theory , you can wear what you like on work weekends away , but I 'd still expect to see a fair amount of polo shirts and chinos .

  24. 本文由于P-N起协同效应,对棉布和涤纶布阻燃效果好,是多用途纺织品的阻燃剂。

    As the P-N bond coordination effect increase the retardant action for fabric of cotton and terylene . These material is a flame retardant for many uses textiles .

  25. 将这三个系列化合物分别应用于醇酸清漆,环氧树脂(E-44)和棉布中进行初步阻燃性能测试。

    We applied the Compounds to alkyd resin varnish , epoxy resin ( E ? 44 ) and cotton cloth to test their flame resistance .

  26. CRI新闻,傅玉(音译)报道。重点讲解:.制造业现正处于衰落中。例句:.在所有商品中,我对棉布特别感兴趣。例句:在困难面前我们应该坚持。

    Manufacturing business is now at a low ebb Among all the merchandise , I was interested in the cotton piece in particular We should hold on in the face of hardships .

  27. 本文对CA、SHP、柔软剂浓度以及焙烘温度和时间进行单因素分析和多元线性回归分析,确定了柠檬酸的棉布无甲醛耐久压烫整理的最佳工艺。

    The concentration of CA , SHP and softening agent and baking temperature and time are analyzed with single-factor and multi-factor linear regression . The optimum process of formaldehyde-free DP finishing on cotton fabrics with citric acid is determined .

  28. 用改装铝盒装的器械,无菌存放期达21d,双层棉布包装者14d。

    The duration of sterile storage of the medical appliances packed in the transformed aluminum box was 21 days , while that of the medical appliances packed by double-layer cotton cloth was 14 days .

  29. 结果,棉布与尼龙面料的防护服过滤效率只有6%~14%,完全不能阻挡水、人工血的渗透,对金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌F2噬菌体悬液渗透也无阻挡作用。

    Results : The protective clothing made of cotton and nylon fabric showed a filtering efficiency of only 6 % ~ 14 % , could not obstruct penetration of water and synthetic blood and also penetration of the suspensions of Staphylococcus aureus and F_2 phage of Escherichia coli .

  30. 结论在中频电治疗时导电橡胶电极与皮肤之间应加4层(0.5mm)湿薄棉布,以降低皮肤阻抗,利于治疗。

    Conclusion 4 layers of wetting cotton should be put between the electric conducting rubber electrode and the skin in medium frequency electrotherapy , which can decrease the skin resistance and be beneficial to the treatment .