
  • 网络cotton price
  1. 采用ARCH模型对我国国内短期棉花价格波动的影响因素进行了研究。

    This paper studies the influence factors of the short-term fluctuation of cotton price in China by ARCH model .

  2. 棉花价格对两个调查区域农户耕地总投入影响都为负,但棉花价格对江汉平原的农户影响更为显著。

    The impact of cotton price is both negative to the rural household in the two surveyed regions . And it is more significant to the households in Jianghan Plain than that in North Hillock Area .

  3. 棉花价格始终保持坚挺,需求旺盛。

    Cotton prices remain firm and demand is strong

  4. 伦敦洲际交易所(ICE)的12月棉花价格为每磅75.9便士,创今年1月份以来的最低水平。

    ICE December cotton is trading at 75.90 cents a pound , the lowest since January .

  5. 过去一年内,洲际交易所美国期货分所(ICEFuturesUS)的棉花价格上涨33%,逼近15年高位,主要原因是经济复苏鼓舞消费者大胆购物,新兴经济体快速增长。

    Cotton prices on the ICE Futures US exchange have gained 33 per cent in the past year , approaching 15-year highs , as the recovery emboldens shoppers and emerging economies grow at a rapid pace .

  6. 服装连锁店Primark的预算大约在今天加入了较高的棉花价格上都和其他成本的影响提出警告其他零售商。

    Budget clothing chain Primark today joined other retailers in warning about the impact on both higher cotton prices and other costs .

  7. levistrauss的发言人表示,鉴于涉及许多可变因素,“现在揣测当前棉花价格走势的长期影响为时过早”。

    A spokesman for Levi Strauss said that it was " premature to speculate on the long-term implications of the cotton prices we are seeing today " given the many variables involved .

  8. 为服务于政府的宏观调控,本文在研究开放条件下棉花价格形成的基础上,构建了棉花空间均衡模型(CSEM)。

    This paper employs Cotton Spatial Equilibrium Model ( CSEM ) to examine cotton price changes to provide information for government policy making .

  9. 棉花价格正在下跌,买主们都踟蹰不前。

    Cotton is falling in price , and buyers hold off .

  10. 没有这种支持之后,棉花价格下跌,产量也下降了。

    Without that support , prices fell and so did production .

  11. 生意好,是因为国际棉花价格上涨。

    Business is good & world prices for cotton are up .

  12. 生意很好,因为国际棉花价格大涨。

    Business is good -- world prices for cotton are up .

  13. 垄断资本家们串通一气抬高棉花价格。

    The monopoly capitalists ganged up to raise cotton prices .

  14. 不过,美国农户可能已经对棉花价格上涨作出了反应。

    But farmers may be responding to higher cotton prices .

  15. 继2月17日达到140年来最高位之后,棉花价格可能已经企稳。

    Cotton prices may have stabilized after hitting a 140-year high on February 17th .

  16. 棉花价格一直不稳定。

    The price of cotton has been erratic .

  17. 金属铜和棉花价格达到近期以来的最高点。

    Copper and cotton have hit record highs .

  18. 棉花价格不会大幅上扬

    The price of cotton won 't rise sharply

  19. 上涨的棉花价格减少了纺织厂的利润。

    Climbing cost of cotton squeezes mill profits .

  20. 为此,棉花价格已接近15年来的最高水平。

    That has pushed cotton prices close to their highest level in 15 years .

  21. 展望未来,公司表示,较高的棉花价格将打击其利润率。

    Looking ahead the firm said that higher cost of cotton would hit its profit margins .

  22. 国际市场上,棉花价格正在下跌,买主们踟蹰不前。

    The cotton was falling in price on the international market and the buyers held off .

  23. 棉花价格突然下跌使我改变了卖棉花的生意。

    The sudden drop in cotton prices has made me think again about selling the cotton .

  24. 棉花价格强劲以及土壤墒情好,鼓励农民多种棉花。

    Strong cotton prices and good soil moisture , to encourage farmers to a variety of cotton .

  25. 较之去年,棉花价格仍上涨了130%,这也给新兴市场带来了不良影响。

    Cotton is still up 130 % over the last year , which is also hurting emerging markets .

  26. 棉花价格低廉,意味着它不能够弥补其成本,这就造成外汇短缺。

    Low cotton prices meant it could not cover their costs , which led to foreign exchange shortages .

  27. 棉花价格的涨势,已轻松超越原油、铜等工业大宗商品的涨势。

    The rise in cotton prices has easily outpaced increases in more industrial commodities such as oil or copper .

  28. 但它警告说,在英国增值税增加和较高的运费和棉花价格将挤压利润空间。

    But it warned the VAT increase in the UK and higher freight costs and cotton prices would squeeze margins .

  29. 例如,去年棉花价格上涨幅度超过了150%。

    The price of cotton , for example , is up more than 150 per cent over the past year .

  30. 高额补贴导致全球棉花价格低靡,使得西非和其他地区的贫困棉农遭受收入损失。

    Huge subsidies depress the world price in cotton , taking income away from poor producers in West Africa and elsewhere .