
xiāo suān xiān wéi sù
  • nitrocellulose;cellulose nitrate
  1. 再将硝酸纤维素滤膜置于含碱的湿滤纸上,碱的作用是使DNA变性。

    The nitrocellulose filters are then placed on wet filter paper containing alkali , which denatures the DNA .

  2. 硝酸纤维素(NC)膜是最早商业化的微孔膜,近十几年来由于其对生物大分子物质的非特异吸附性能而被广泛应用于生化领域。

    Nitrocellulose ( NC ) membrane is the fist commercialized micro-porous membrane , which was widely used in the last twenty years in the fields of biology and medicine because of its strong absorption ability for biological macromolecules .

  3. 孔B、C移植人工形成缺损时的骨粉,在孔B移植骨粉的两面用硝酸纤维素膜隔开颅骨外膜和硬脑膜,形似一个汉堡包。

    Defect B was grafted with autogenous skull bone dust with two pieces pyroxylin membrane placed on two side like a hamburger .

  4. 硝酸纤维素膜为HBsAg载体消毒试验法的研究

    Study on method of disinfection test using cellulose nitrate membrane as carrier of HBsAg

  5. 以4种消毒剂进行对硝酸纤维素膜上HBsAg消毒的研究。

    Study on disinfection of HBsAg on cellulose nitrate membrane with four kinds of disinfectants was carried out .

  6. 直接将细胞色素C吸附在硝酸纤维素(NC)膜上,进行了基质辅助激光解吸电离-飞行时间-质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS)分析。

    Cytochrome C absorbed on nitrocellulose ( NC ) membrane was directly analyzed by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry ( MALDI TOF MS ) .

  7. 方法:增殖纯化HSV-1抗原并包被于硝酸纤维素膜,自制胶体金并用于标记羊抗人IgG,自制斑点金免疫渗滤检测装置,用于检测血清中抗HSV-1IgG。

    Method : A nitrocellulose membrane coated with HSV-1 antigen was used to exam anti-HSV-1 IgG in sera .

  8. 用基因工程重组的丙肝抗原包被于硝酸纤维素膜,建立了检测丙肝IgG抗体的斑点免疫渗滤法。

    A dot immunofiltration assay ( DIFA ) of detecting HCV IgG antibody was established by coating recombined HCV antigen on the nitrocellulose membrane .

  9. 方法以硝酸纤维素膜代替常规ELISA中的固相载体聚苯乙烯板,其余步骤按ELISA方法操作。

    Methods The solid state carrier with nitrocellulose membrane substituting for polystyrene plate among the convention ELISA , the other step was operated according to ELISAs method .

  10. 设计与合成用于鉴定分枝杆菌菌种的16SRRNA寡核苷酸探针,点于硝酸纤维素膜上。

    The oligonucleotide probes of 16S rRNA used for identification of mycobacterial species were prepared and droped on nitrocellulose membrane .

  11. 在一硝酸纤维素膜上两个不同位置分别点加另一抗人血红蛋白抗体和羊抗鼠IgG。

    In a piece of nitrate fiber membrane another antibody protein against human hemoglobin and goat 's antibodies against mouse IgG were spotted on two separate points .

  12. 目的探讨硝酸纤维素膜为固相载体的酶免疫测定法检测甲胎蛋白(AFP)。

    Objective The enzyme immunoassay in which the solid state carrier is served as the nitrocellulose membrane was used to detect α - fetoprotein ( AFP ) .

  13. 血清中的AFP与金标记抗体结合,沿着硝酸纤维素膜移动,与膜上的固相抗体结合可形成肉眼可见的紫红色线条。

    The gold anti AFP binding with AFP in serum migrates along the nitrocellulose membrane and forms a aubergine stripe binding with the anti AFP in solid phase .

  14. 选用硝酸纤维素(NC)膜作固相载体,建立检测NDV抗原的斑点间接酶联免疫吸附试验诊断方法。

    The working concentration of the HRP conjugated IgG was 1 ∶ 1000 . An indirect dot ELISA was developed using nitrocellulose ( NC ) filter as solid carrier .

  15. 本文用硝酸纤维素膜为固相支持物进行斑点免疫结合试验(DIA),检测50例活动性结核血清中抗结素蛋白多肽IgG水平。

    DIA using nitrocellulose membrane as the solid carrier was used to determine the titer of serum antituberculin protein peptide in 50 cases of active tuberculosis .

  16. 一种用硝酸纤维素膜的斑点法鉴定个体小菜蛾的抗性AChE不敏感性的应用技术,提供了早期侦测和随后监测田间种群抗性的可能性。

    A dot-blot on nitrocellulose membranes technique for identification of insensitive AChE in single insect provides the opportunity for early detection and subsequent monitoring of resistance in field population .

  17. 以红色胶体金标记鸡新城疫(ND)抗体,兔抗鸡ND抗体和兔抗鸡二抗包被于硝酸纤维素膜上,研制出快速诊断鸡新城疫的免疫层析测试条。

    Chicken 's ND antibody was labeled by red colloidal gold , the rabbit anti ND antibody and rabbit-an ˉ ti-chicken antibody were fixed on nitrocellulose membrane and immunochromatography testing strip was manufactured for ND diagnosis .

  18. 主要介绍了以丙烯酸树脂,硝酸纤维素,金属铝银粉,精选助剂制成ABS塑料自干银色涂料及该涂料的施工应用。

    This paper introduced the production of air-drying metallized acrylate resin coatings for ABS by using acrylate resin , pyroxylin , metal aluminium and silver powder and aids , and also presented the construction and application .

  19. 结果纯化的旋毛虫肌肉期幼虫膜抗原与患者血清中特异性抗旋毛虫IgG抗体通过渗滤在硝酸纤维素膜上反应,10min内即可直接观察结果。

    Results T. s IgG and its corresponding antigen reacted on the membrane by filtration , and the result could be observed with naked eyes within 10 min.

  20. westernblot分析:将样品加适量样品悬浮缓冲液后,超声破碎,离心取上清,考马斯亮蓝法测定蛋白浓度。用10%SDS-PAGE电泳后,将PAGE凝胶中的蛋白转移至硝酸纤维素膜。

    Western blot analysis : Add appropriate amount of sample suspension buffer to sample , sonication , the centrifugal supernatant , Coomassie-blue method for the determination of protein concentration . 10 % SDS-PAGE electrophoresis , the PAGE gel , proteins were transferred to nitrocellulose membrane .

  21. 应用自制的两种抗甲胎蛋白(AFP)单克隆抗体A6C6和G4,分别包被硝酸纤维素膜及制备胶体金结合物,建立了检测AFP的滴金免疫测定法。

    A dot immunogold filtration assay for the determination of Alpha-fetoprotein ( AFP ) in serum has been established by using two matched monoclonal antibodies ( A_6C_6 and G_4 ) prepared in Our laboratory .

  22. 在37℃孵箱振荡30min后,硝酸纤维素膜用PBST洗3次。

    After 30 minutes shaking in the incubator at 37 ℃, the NC membrane was washed in PBST for three times .

  23. 本文将弓形虫抗原包被于硝酸纤维素薄膜上,用来检测肿瘤患者血清中的弓形虫IgG抗体,通过胶体金&SPA直接显色,阳性者出现红色斑点。

    Using A nitrocellulose membrane coated with Toxoplasma gondii antigen was used to exam Toxoplasma gondii antibody IgG in serum of the tumor patients , when adding serum sample on the membrane , the positive will visualized red dot by SPA Colloidal gold .

  24. 研究了家蝇AChE在三种微孔滤膜(尼龙、醋酸纤维素和硝酸纤维素,孔径均为0.45μm)上的固定化效果,确定硝酸纤维素膜的固定效果较好。

    Research the immobilization effects of AChE from Musca domestica on the three microvoid filter film ( nylon , acetate and nitrate film ) . It is found that the immobilized results of AChE on nitrocellulose membrane is the best .

  25. 主要条件为硝酸纤维素膜应用15%小牛血清封闭2h,被测血清作1:40稀释,酶标抗体作1:800稀释。

    Results : The main conditions are as follows : The nitrocellulose membrane was blocked in 15 % bull serum solution for 2 hours ; the patients ′ serum was diluted at 1:40 while labeled antibody at 1:800 ;

  26. 将病鸭的肝脏匀浆冻融后点于硝酸纤维素膜,建立了检测鸭肝炎病毒抗原的Dot-ELISA法,对采集的52份肝脏检测表明,鸭肝炎病毒的检测率为73%(38/52)。

    Dot-ELISA was established for detection of duck viral hepatitis antigen from 52 attacked ducks liver samples . The results showed that the positive rate was 73 % ( 38 / 52 ) .

  27. 为建立一种快速、简易胶体金免疫层析法(GICA)用于检测血清中的甲胎蛋白(AFP),将AFP单克隆抗体分别标记胶体金并包被硝酸纤维素膜,制成免疫检测层析试剂。

    To establish a rapid and simple gold immunochromatography assay ( GICA ) for detecting AFP in serum , the gold immunochromatography reagent was developed by labeling monoclonal anti AFP with colloidal gold and coating another monoclonal anti AFP on nitrocellulose membrane .

  28. 方法:用抗人IgMμ链包被硝酸纤维素膜,捕获血清中的IgM抗体,以甲肝抗原为桥,连接胶体金标记的抗HAvIgG,阳性反应有红色斑点出现。

    METHODS : Anti human IgM μ coated on nitrocellulose membrane was used capture IgM antibodies in human sera . HAV Ag was added as a bridge to connect the captured IgM with colloidal gold labeled anti HAV IgG . Red dots were considered positive .

  29. 用HRP-3B9在硝酸纤维素膜上采用直接和间接斑点免疫结合试验(DIBA)对灰飞虱体内RSV进行了检测。

    Enzyme-linked antibody HRP-3B9 was selected to detect RSV in Laodelphax striatellus Fallen with direct dot immunobinding assay ( DIBA ) and indirect DIBA , and the detection results showed that the .

  30. 在研究中我们发现,PNIP和PNIP与酶标抗体的复合物可以快速紧密地吸附到醋酸、硝酸纤维素膜上。

    We found that both PNIP and PNIP & enzyme labelled antibody ( Ab ) could adhere quickly and tightly to the cellulose acetate and nitrate membrane .