
mián ǎo
  • cotton-padded jacket;cotton-padded jacket (coat);quilted jacket;lammy
棉袄 [mián ǎo]
  • [cotton-padded jacket (coat)] 絮了棉花的上衣

棉袄[mián ǎo]
  1. 我在那还买了一件棉袄都不太贵。

    I was also bought a cotton-padded jacket is not too expensive .

  2. 妈妈给我缝制一件新棉袄。

    My mother sewed a new cotton-padded jacket for me .

  3. 我这件棉袄凑合着还能穿一冬。

    I can make this padded jacket do for another winter .

  4. 我需要拿出我的厚棉袄了。

    I need to get out my heavy winter jacket .

  5. 穿着棉袄使她显得臃肿。

    Her padded coat made her look very bulky .

  6. 这孩子把牛奶撒了;奶渗进他的棉袄里去了。

    The child spilt the milk ; it soaked into his cotton-padded coat .

  7. 高档男女装棉袄面料,经过防水,防绒处理。

    High-grade fabric jacket for men and women , through water , down-proof handle .

  8. 夏天的棉袄、冬天的蒲扇、还有等我心冷后你的殷勤。

    Summer cotton-padded jacket , winter stalk , and your heart cold as diligent .

  9. 他们为什么一定要我围围巾,穿棉袄呢?

    Why must I be kept forever muffled up in a scarf and padded boots ?

  10. 我冷了,看见别人穿了一件厚棉袄,他就比我幸福;

    Wearing a thick cotton-padded jacket when I 'm cold , he is happier than I am .

  11. 今年,北京的妇女有了新的时尚&中国传统风格的棉袄。

    This year , ladies in Beijing have a new fashion : wadded jackets in traditional Chinese style .

  12. 他放下药箱,脱掉棉袄,开始拌起肥料来。

    Putting down his medicine-chest and stripping off his padded jacket , he started to mix the manure .

  13. 我儿子生下来就只给他上身穿棉袄,下半身是完全裹在包被里面的。

    My son was born to him only wearing cotton-padded jacket , lower body is completely wrapped in coated inside .

  14. 别的不多说了,如果你家还没有小棉袄,不如就直接领个小羽绒服回家吧!

    If you do not have a small cotton-padded jacket , it would better to bring this down jacket home !

  15. 而女儿是妈妈老了以后的小棉袄。居住在上海的张芸(音译)表示。

    A daughter is a warm jacket for a mother when she is old , says Zhang Yun , who lives in Shanghai .

  16. 所以,现在教育的问题是没有人会一丝不挂去洗澡,但太多人正穿着棉袄在洗澡。

    So now , education is no man will take a shower naked , but too many people are wearing cotton-padded jacket in a bath .

  17. 我这件棉袄凑合着还能穿一冬。他们干得这样欢,连棉袄都穿不住了。

    I can make this padded jacket do for another winter . They worked so hard that they could not keep their padded jacket on .

  18. 披上大棉袄,端起那个当茶碗用的小饭碗,他跑出去。

    He pulled his thick cotton quilted jacket over his shoulders , picked up the small bowl that he used for tea and ran out .

  19. 这个周三,一个穿着棉袄外套、背着淡蓝色书包的小朋友,开始了自己的求学之旅。而这个小朋友,也许有一天会成为国王哦。

    With a quilted coat and a light blue backpack , a boy who could one day be king set off Wednesday on his educational journey .

  20. 从即日起的每个周末,供水集团的“贴心小棉袄”便民服务队都将走进社区,为用户提供咨询、维护、检修等服务。

    On every weekend from now on , the " Warm Jacket " service team will visit different communities and provide consultation , maintenance and repair services .

  21. 然后赶紧就把棉袄给我穿上,我顿时感到非常的暖和,就这样,我跟爸爸有说有笑的走回了家。

    Then hurriedly brought cotton-padded jacket , clothed me , I immediately feel very warm , so , I was joking and laughing with dad walked home .

  22. 那个年轻的少妇领着两个小女孩走了出来,两个小孩都穿着白色的棉袄,一个穿绿裤子,另一个穿紫裤子。

    The beautiful young woman appeared again with two girls , both dressed very simply in white cotton jackets , one with green , the other with violet trousers .

  23. 这是一个年轻的女子,穿一件淡青湖绉棉袄,罩上一件玄青缎子的背心。她坐在床沿上埋着头在油灯光下看书。

    Slim , wearing a rust-coloured satin vest over a pale blue silken gown , the girl sat on the edge of the bed reading beside an oil lamp .

  24. 这里的校长是罗春梅,穿著棉袄招待我们,她一边讲解,一边呼著冷气,双手冻得缩在口袋里。

    The school mistress came to welcome us and while she explained what was going in the school we could feel the chill seeing the cold air from her mouth .

  25. 几个姐姐妹妹忙着端上早已热了几遍的饭菜来,有的忙着为我们洗衣服、烤棉袄,好不忙乱。

    Our sisters were busy re-heating the dishes , which had been heated many times before we arrived , washing the clothes , and drying the wet things by the stove for us .

  26. 给你点阳光你就灿烂,给你个笑容你就放电,给你件棉袄你就出汗,给你筐饲料你就下蛋。

    Give you point sunlight you brilliant , give you smiling face you turn on electricity and give you piece quilted jacket you perspire and give you basket animal feed you lay egg .

  27. 我有一个粉色的小衣橱,它里面藏有很多衣服:有短裙、连衣裙,有夹克、背心,有棉袄、长裤还有毛衣。

    I have a little pink closet , hidden inside it there are many clothes : a short skirt , dress , there are jackets , vests , a jacket , trousers , sweaters also .

  28. 这是个两岁多的孩子,穿着一身和她棉袄的花布一样花色的小棉袄,看来是个女孩,却又推了个平头,眉毛也很浓,长着一副男孩子的样子。

    The child was about two years old , wore a small wadded jacket , was the same cloth with her , that was a girl , but got a butch haircut , eyebrows were very thick , looked like a boy .

  29. “爸爸,我还有一件老式的棉袄,光景不是东洋货,可是穿出去人家又要笑我。”过了一会儿,林小姐从床上坐起来说。

    " Papa , I 've got an old style padded jacket . it 's probably not made of Japanese material , but if I wear it they 'll all laugh at me , it 's so out of date ," said miss lin , sitting up on the bed .