
  • cotton swab, cotton bud, a small stick with a small piece of cotton at each end;Swabs;Cotton Buds;Q-tip
  1. 用n-PCR方法测得吐出的唾液的总阳性率为73%,与同方法测得用无菌棉签采集的口腔湿润唾液标本比较,两者无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    The positive rate of saliva sample collected by spitting out was 73 % by using n-PCR , with no significant difference compared with that of saliva sample from sterile cotton swab ( P > 0.05 ) .

  2. 千万别把棉签等物品放入耳道,但是可以用棉签或布清理耳朵外部。

    You should never put a cotton swab or other object into the ear canal . But you can use a or cloth to clean the outer part of the ear .

  3. 用一根棉签把轮廓抹花。

    Smudge the outline using a cotton-wool bud

  4. DNA艺术的加工从接触过口腔的棉签开始。

    The artistic process begins with a cheek swab .

  5. 棉签上沾上人类细胞,细胞中含有DNA,Yonderbieology公司对DNA进行提取加工,在电脑上画出DNA图谱。

    The cells collected on the swab contain the DNA which Yonder biology extracts and processes to the point where it can be imaged on the computer .

  6. 结果无菌棉签在启封后1h即被污染,且随着时间延长、抽取次数增多,污染程度逐渐加重。

    Cotton Beach And with the cotton roots , the G. Results The sterilized cotton stick was contaminated by bacteria one hour after unsealing .

  7. 专家已经提出警告说细菌感染,乙型和丙型肝炎,甚至可能HIV正通过针灸时感染的针头,棉签和热敷包进行传播。

    Experts have warned that bacterial infections , hepatitis B and C , and possibly even HIV are being transmitted via acupuncture through the use of contaminated needles , cotton swabs and hot packs .

  8. 研究者再用棉签刮取志愿者口腔的细胞,这样他们就能确定志愿者是否含有或者是否含有多个争对PTC的“敏感型”受体基因。

    Swabs were also taken of the volunteers'cheek cells so that researchers could determine whether they carried none , one , or two'sensitive'copies of the taste receptor gene that allows taste of PTC .

  9. 印第安纳波利斯(Indianapolis)的网络商务经理霍利?凯尔(HollyKile)说:“我很喜欢把耳朵掏干净。”她说,她每天用棉签掏耳朵,每隔几个月用耳烛吸一次耳垢,她12岁的儿子也是如此。

    I absolutely love to have my ears cleaned , ' says Holly Kile , an online business manager from Indianapolis who says she uses cotton swabs daily and has her ears candled every couple of months , as does her 12-year-old son . '

  10. 无菌棉签开封后有效使用时间探讨

    Probe into effective time of sterile cotton bud after unsealing

  11. 棉签棒用于近掌指关节静脉穿刺固定的效果观察

    Effect Observation of Tampon Rod Fixation After Interphalangeal Joint of Hand Venipuncture

  12. 他们崇拜这根棉签儿我都不在乎。

    They can worship this Q-tip for all I care .

  13. 我想可能是棉签,我也说不准

    I think it might be q-tips . I can 't tell .

  14. 碘酊棉签连续消毒瓶塞效果的试验观察

    Experimental observation on efficacy of iodine swab in continuous disinfection of bottle stopper

  15. 你丢掉的脱脂棉签已经没有吸引力了。

    Your discarded q-tips have lost their allure .

  16. 双层纸包装无菌棉签启封后细菌污染状况的研究

    The study on the status of bacterial contamination Among unsealed packed sterilized cotton stick

  17. 不同包装的无菌棉签在使用过程中的细菌污染程度

    Levels of Bacterial Contamination in the Course of Use of Package-different Aseptic Cotton Carriers

  18. 这种装置测试的物质是用棉签快速从人的喉咙处采集的。

    The device tests material collected from a quick swab of a person 's throat .

  19. 因为棉签可能会伤到鼓膜。

    Because it can damage the eardrum .

  20. 要想清洁角落与插口,不要用棉签,要用无纺泡沫材料。

    To clean corners and around ports , use lint-free foam rather than cotton Q-tips .

  21. 斯泰西,你有棉签吗?我耳朵进水了。

    Stacy , do you have q-tips ? I 've got water in my ears .

  22. 方法采用棉签拭子法查蛲虫卵,透明胶纸法作流行因素调查。

    Study on the epidemic factors and control methods of the maize rough dwarf virus disease ;

  23. 但这些棉签真的太棒了。

    But these q-tips are amazing .

  24. 比较安尔碘与复合碘消毒棉签的皮肤消毒效果。

    To compare the disinfection efficacy of skin disinfectant Anerdian with Compound iodine disinfectant cotton stick .

  25. 嗯,只需要用棉签在舌头上涂一两滴食用色素。

    And – well , it just takes a drop or two of this food dye .

  26. 但是你可以用棉签或者布清理耳朵的外部。

    But you can use a swab or cloth to clean the outer part of the ear .

  27. 小包装无菌消毒棉签使用存在污染的危险。

    Results : There were some risks in the application of small packages of aseptic cotton buds .

  28. 装在玻璃管中的灭菌棉签适合干剖检时用来采集接种物。

    Sterile cotton-tipped applicators in individual glass tubes can be conveniently used to obtain inoculum during the necropsy .

  29. 结果表明:不同包装的无菌棉签在启封使用过程中均受到不同程度的污染,时间愈长污染愈重。

    Results showed that unsealed aseptic cotton carriers all were in varying degrees contaminated during the using process .

  30. 采用观察和访谈式调查,了解小包装无菌消毒棉签使用情况。

    Methods : Application of small packages of aseptic cotton buds was investigated by adopting observation and interview .