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mián hua
  • cotton;raw cotton;gossypium spp;algondon
棉花 [mián huā]
  • (1) [cotton]∶草棉的通称

  • (2) [raw cotton]∶棉桃中的纤维,它是一种柔软纤维状通常为白色的物质,附着于棉属 (Gossypium )各种植物种子的外面

棉花[mián hua]
  1. 所有床上用品全部用未经处理的天然棉花制成。

    All the bedding is made of simple , untreated cotton

  2. 他们一直用小麦交换棉花和木材。

    They have been bartering wheat for cotton and timber

  3. 去年棉花作物所遭遇的是彻头彻尾的灾难。

    Last year 's cotton crop was an unmitigated disaster

  4. 有些粮食作物歉收。但棉花的收成仍相当不错。

    Some of the food crops failed . However , the cotton did quite well

  5. 棉花价格始终保持坚挺,需求旺盛。

    Cotton prices remain firm and demand is strong

  6. 这个枕头里塞满了棉花。

    The pillow is stuffed with cotton .

  7. 地里种着水稻、棉花和蔬菜。

    The land is cultivated with rice , cotton and vegetable .

  8. 这棉花长得真叫棒。

    That 's what I call a really good crop of cotton .

  9. 这地太洼,不适于种棉花。

    This is low-lying land and not suitable for cotton .

  10. 这里的棉花产量为全国之冠。

    This area ranks first in the whole country for cotton output .

  11. 他们交售的棉花全部够得上一级。

    All the cotton they sold to the state was top grade .

  12. 棉花已摘下来,并已称重。

    Cotton was picked and weighed up .

  13. 棉花播种面积减幅达10%。

    The total area planted with cotton was reduced by10 % .

  14. 除水稻外,我们还种棉花和小麦。

    Besides rice , we grow cotton and wheat .

  15. 你们在小麦方面赢利,在棉花方面却亏损。

    You gained in wheat but lost in cotton .

  16. 棉花是这个地区的经济作物。

    Cotton is the economic plants of this region .

  17. 农业界院外集团,反对透过一项允许从埃及进口棉花的法律。

    An agricultural lobby is against a law to allow importing cotton from egypt .

  18. 棉花种植在南方。

    Cotton is grown in the south .

  19. 今年我们多种了一些棉花。

    We grew more cotton this year .

  20. 这片地出产棉花。

    This stretch of land affords cotton .

  21. 一两个星期之后,几乎所有有病的棉花都结桃了。

    After a couple of weeks , almost all the infected plants bore cotton bolls .

  22. 他是个有名的棉花耳朵。

    He is known for his credulity .

  23. 他是棉花大王。

    He is a cotton king .

  24. 布是用棉花织成的。

    Cloth is made from cotton .

  25. 他将棉花压紧打成棉花包。

    He compressed cotton into bales .

  26. 棉花是天然纤维。

    Cotton fiber is natural .

  27. 风越刮越大了,我们还是去把晒场上的棉花收进来吧。

    As the wind is getting up , we 'd better gather in the cotton from the threshing ground .

  28. 多年来政府一直保持棉花高价格

    For years , the government has been buoying up cotton prices .

  29. 棉花糖虽然是丝状的,但是它是用一种颗粒状的晶体--蔗糖制作而成。

    Cotton candy is filamentous , but it is a granular crystal-sugar produced .

  30. 瓷花瓶用棉花裹着。

    The porcelain vase is enveloped in cotton .