
yě mén
  • Yemen
也门[yě mén]
  1. 也门完全控制着红海南端的海峡。

    Yemen commands the strait at the southern end of the Red Sea .

  2. 12月1日,联合国安全理事会的轮值主席国职位自动地由美国移交给也门。

    On 1 December the presidency of the Security Council automatically transfers from the US to Yemen .

  3. 如果目前的趋势不改变,到2050年,俄罗斯的人口将达到也门的人口规模。

    If current trends don 't bend , Russia 's population will be about the size of Yemen 's by the year 2050 .

  4. 这项调查将关注于BumiResources的开发基金,包括为一个也门石油勘探项目设立的基金。

    The investigation will focus on Bumi Resources ' development funds , including one for a Yemeni oil exploration project .

  5. 约旦、叙利亚、突尼斯以及也门都已增加了向贫困人口发放现金和福利的国家项目预算,增幅略低于gdp的0.5%。

    Jordan , Syria , Tunisia and Yemen have each increased the budgets of national programmes that give cash and benefits to the poor by just under 0.5 % of GDP .

  6. 也门里尔或也门第纳尔(货币代码YER)是也门的货币。

    The Yemeni rial or Yemeni riyal is the currency of Yemen .

  7. 也门问题专家,英国达拉莫大学的RodneyWilson表示,在也门,英国长期以来一直是恐怖主义袭击的目标。

    Yemen specialist Rodney Wilson of Britain 's Durham University says Britain has long been a target for terror attacks in Yemen .

  8. 他甚至都比不上也门的阿里•阿卜杜拉•萨利赫(AliAbdullahSaleh),后者至少有很强的幽默感。

    And he could not compete even with Yemen 's Ali Abdullah Saleh , who at least had a sharp sense of humour .

  9. 大量人群在也门首都萨那举行抗议活动,仍然要求总统萨利赫(AliAbdullahSaleh)立即下台。

    Large crowds have been protesting in the Yemeni capital Sana ' a to repeat their demand that President Ali Abdullah Saleh leave office immediately .

  10. 我在一所拥挤的网吧里意识到,所谓“真正的也门”,是一个卡车司机在网吧门外按着喇叭,车上大声播放着墨西哥民歌《小蟑螂》(LaCucaracha)。

    The " true Yemen , " " I realized inside a crowded Internet cafe , was the sound of " La Cucaracha " " playing loudly as a truck driver sounded his horn outside .

  11. Sieghart是也门水利和环境部的一位环境管理专家,她对也门的水资源问题再也熟悉不过了。

    Sieghart is all too well aware of Yemen 's water problems .

  12. 布伦特(Brent)原油上周五创8个月新高,报每桶120.70美元,投资者担心伊朗供应问题以及南苏丹和也门的生产中断问题。

    Brent crude hit an eight-month high of $ 120.70 a barrel on Friday , amid worries about Iranian supplies and production disruptions in South Sudan and Yemen .

  13. 视频分享网站YouTube删除了数百份与也门传教士相关的视频,因为他们称这些视频会煽动暴力。

    YouTube Removes ' Violent ' Videos from Site The video-sharing website YouTube has taken hundreds of videos of a Yemen-based cleric from its site because it says they incite violence .

  14. 这个计划宣布的前几天,经过民众数月抗议要求下台,也门老资格总统AliAbdullahSaleh最终签署辞职协议。

    The announcement comes just days after Yemen 's veteran President Ali Abdullah Saleh finally signed a deal to stand down after many months of mass protests demanding he leave .

  15. 当纳塞尔主义席卷阿拉伯世界,从叙利亚蔓延到也门时,它抵制住了贾迈勒阿卜杜勒纳赛尔(gamalabdelnasser)激进的泛阿拉伯主义。

    It resisted the radical Pan-Arabism of Gamal Abdel Nasser when Nasserism was sweeping all before it , from Syria to Yemen .

  16. 周四,也门一位副总理表示,这名23岁的尼日利亚男子去年曾在也门与Anwaral-Awlaki碰面。

    A Yemeni deputy prime minister said Thursday that the twenty-three year old Nigerian met last year in Yemen with Anwar al-Awlaki .

  17. 官方称该男子UmarFaroukAbdulmutallab正在与他在也门的亲属联系,并提供多次恐怖行动调查的情报。

    Officials say Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab has been discussing his contacts in Yemen and providing intelligence in multiple terrorism investigations .

  18. 还有报道称,沙特战机轰炸了胡塞武装盟友、也门前总统阿卜杜拉萨利赫(AliAbdullahSaleh)位于萨那的住宅。萨利赫后来在被这栋被毁坏的建筑前,向新闻媒体发表了讲话。

    Reports also emerged that Saudi warplanes had bombed the Sana ' a home of the Houthis ' ally , former president Ali Abdullah Saleh , who later spoke to news channels outside the damaged building .

  19. 也门政府和Zaidi什叶派叛军之间在北部萨达省为期五年断断续续的冲突在最近八周升级,目前似乎没有任何立即缓和的迹象。

    Fighting Continues Between Government , Rebels in Yemen There appears to be no immediate let-up in the latest eight week old

  20. 1918年北也门从奥托曼帝国独立出来,成立共和国,1962年命名为也门阿拉伯共和国(YAR)。

    North Yemen became independent of the Ottoman Empire in 1918 and became a republic , known as Yemen Arab Republic ( YAR ) in 1962 .

  21. 在几个案例中,NSO集团制作的工具被用来追踪也门、土耳其、莫桑比克、墨西哥、肯尼亚和阿拉伯联合酋长国境内的用户。

    In several cases , NSO Group 's tools had been crafted to target users in Yemen , Turkey , Mozambique , Mexico , Kenya and the U.A.E.

  22. 泄露的文件显示,英美情报机构针对的目标可能是阿富汗、伊朗和也门等地区运营商使用的SIM卡,这些局势紧张地区在2010年时主要使用的仍然是2GSIM卡。

    American and British intelligence agencies are suspected of targeting SIM cards used by carriers in hot spots like Afghanistan , Iran and Yemen , which still mainly used 2G SIM cards in 2010 , according to the leaked documents .

  23. 她下载了也门牧师Anwaral-Awlaki长达100多个小时的讲座。在讲话中,他呼吁所有穆斯林联合起来反对西方国家。

    She had downloaded more than 100 hours of lectures given by the Yemen-based cleric Anwar al-Awlaki , in which he called for Muslims to fight against the West .

  24. 国际能源机构(IEA)称,也门石油日产量在26万桶左右,仅占全球总产量的0.3%,其中逾半数供国内消费。该国每年的天然气产量为670万吨。

    Yemen produces about 260,000 b / d , says the International Energy Agency , only 0.3 per cent of the global total , of which more than half is consumed domestically , and 6.7m tonnes of gas a year .

  25. 这种称作Ug99的新型秆锈病已经越过红海,从埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚和乌干达传到了也门。

    Known as Ug99 , this new form of stem rust has spread from Ethiopia , Kenya and Uganda over the Red Sea to Yemen .

  26. “缺水基本上是也门最大的问题,”Sieghart说:“它是发展进程的最大障碍。”

    " The scarcity of water is basically the biggest problem in Yemen ," Sieghart says . " It is the biggest obstacle to the development process . "

  27. 阿拉伯国家联盟秘书长阿姆鲁·穆萨(AmreMoussa)周二抵达也门首都萨那进行为期三天的访问,加速了调停努力,试图终止冲突。

    Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa mediation efforts to end the conflict , after arriving in the Yemeni capital Sanaa , for a three-day visit , Tuesday .

  28. 这场战火引发了人们对于也门和吉布提之间的曼德海峡(Babel-Mandebstrait)脆弱性的担忧,美国能源部认为这里是全球石油市场一个潜在的阻塞点。

    The fighting has raised concerns about the vulnerability of the Bab el-Mandeb strait between Yemen and Djibouti , which has been identified by the US Department of Energy as a potential chokepoint in the global oil market .

  29. 这些国家有时称为“中等收入-脆弱国家或失败国家”(miffs),包括伊拉克,尼日利亚,巴基斯坦和也门等。

    This group , sometimes called Miffs ( middle-income fragile or failed states ) , includes Iraq , Nigeria , Pakistan and yemen-all large , populous places .

  30. 今年3月,沙特对也门发动了空袭,并宣称伊朗是什叶派胡塞(Houthi)武装分子肆虐也门的幕后主使。

    In March the Saudis launched an air war in Yemen , claiming Iran was behind an attempt by Shia Houthi fighters to overrun the country .