
  1. 杜思托也夫斯基《罪与罚》卷六、终章。

    Dostoyevsky , Crime and Punishment , Part VI , Epilogue .

  2. 1849年的今天,费奥多·陀斯妥也夫斯基的死刑在最后一秒钟被取消。

    1849-The execution of Fyodor Dostoevsky is canceled at the last second .

  3. 欧洲传来的疾病也让斯匡托失去了家人。

    The arrival of European diseases also left Squanto without a home .

  4. 罗丁、莫奈、勃拉姆斯、陀斯妥也夫斯基、托尔斯泰、埃利奥特、契诃夫和马克吐翁的艺术创作。

    and artworks by Rodin , Monet , Brahms , Dostoevsky , Tolstoy , Eliot , Chekhov and Twain .

  5. 这种差别性不仅使得各国社会保障制度具有自己的国别特色,而且也使得斯堪的纳威亚模式的社会保障制度更富研究价值。

    This difference makes the social security of every country more characteristics and the study of the Scandinavian model more useful .

  6. 俄罗斯作家普希金、托尔斯泰和陀斯妥也夫斯基等都深深扎根于普通俄罗斯人的心灵之中,而这正是让我感兴趣的地方。

    Russian writers such as Pushkin , Tolstoy , and Dostoevsky reach the very soul of ordinary Russians , and this I find intriguing .

  7. 虽然不能从百思买集团哪里买到VisWall,但在视觉研究中心,也就是塔夫斯大学你可以一探究竟。

    You can 't get it at Best Buy though , you have to go to the Tufts University in a place called the Center for Scientific Visualization .

  8. 卡拉季奇在波斯尼亚战争中的主要同党是拉特科.姆拉迪奇将军。姆拉迪奇也因为在斯雷布雷尼察大屠杀和围困塞拉热窝行动中所起的作用而被控犯有族群灭绝罪。

    Karadzic 's principal collaborator in the Bosnian war was General Ratko Mladic , who is also accused of genocide for his role in the Srebrenica massacre and the siege of Sarajevo .

  9. 新产品中有很多获得了美国航空航天局许可的产品,而有人指出它们的合作最终会朝另一个方向发展,也就是范斯品牌的商标会出现在美国航空航天局的火箭上。

    The collection comes amid a huge range of Nasa-licensed products - and suggestions that the relationship could eventually go the other way , with brands appearing on the space agency 's rockets .

  10. 山谷中的仙女不久也和奥普斯成为朋友,他长大了之后,她们之中一个叫尤莉提丝的仙女还嫁给了他。

    The nymphs of the valley soon made friends with Orpheus , and when he had grown to be a man , one of them , whose name was Eurydice , became his wife .

  11. 塔克尔出身美国连锁超市品牌赫斯特,经验告诉她,每日低价的策略,也即郝斯特及大多数英国的连锁超市集团都采纳的策略,在威廉姆斯这种小超市品牌这里根本行不通。

    Tucker came from the American chain Hurst 's , and her experience there persuaded her that everyday low pricing , the strategy pursued by that giant and by most of the British supermarket groups , wouldn 't work for a small player like Williams .

  12. 从那一刻起,我再也不把这个斯小姐看做我的老师!

    After that moment , I never saw Ms.S as a teacher again !

  13. 美国人喜欢度假的地方女同性恋者也喜欢:拉斯韦加斯!

    Lesbians love to vacation where the rest of America likes to vacation : Las Vegas !

  14. 现在,我也不愿再指责斯小姐,但愿她能意识到自己的错误。据说,她在短短的数年中曾换了4所学校。

    I really can 't blame Ms.S , because she probably knows that there is something wrong with the way she teaches ( She has been to4 schools in5 years ) .

  15. 这个模型由6个非线性方程和13个不等式约束条件组成,适用于处理CLS&3600系列测井仪获得的资料,也可以用于处理斯仑贝谢仪器测的曲线。

    This model which is composed of constraint conditions from 6 non-linear equations and 13 inequalities is suitable to process the data obtained by CLS-3600 series logging tools , also can be used to process the logs by Schlumberger tools .