
bā lín
  • Bahrain
巴林[bā lín]
  1. 我在巴林转乘飞往新加坡的班机。

    I transferred at Bahrain for a flight to Singapore .

  2. 巴林的石油产值仅占其国内生产总值(GDP)的四分之一,但贡献了财政收入的87%。

    In Bahrain oil accounts for only a quarter of its GDP but it is 87 per cent of revenues .

  3. 卢佩斯库在20码处射门得分,接着巴林特将比分扩大为4比0。

    Lupescu scored from 20 yards and then Balint made it 4-0 .

  4. 美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)指出,巴林是海湾地区唯一运行预算赤字的经济体。

    It is the only Gulf economy running a budget deficit , as Bank of America points out .

  5. 报告还强调,巴林需要更新贸易体制中的某些要素,使其更符合WTO的规定。

    It also stresses that Bahrain needs to bring some elements of its trade regime more up to date and into greater conformity with WTO provisions .

  6. 来自巴林的记者RobertSmith说,这种表态是巴林人民愿意听到的。

    Robert Smith , a journalist from Bahrain , said it 's suggestions like this that people in his country want to hear .

  7. 这位丹麦籍新秀的父亲也曾参加F1比赛,在西班牙和巴林的季前赛试车期间,他已经惊艳四座。

    The Danish rookie , whose father also raced in F1 , has already impressed during preseason testing in Spain and Bahrain .

  8. 实际情况证明也应该如此,如国外著名的巴林银行的倒闭,我国C银行的海外N分行(以下简称N银行)的信贷损失都是操作风险引发的问题。

    As a matter of fact it was the operational risk that resulted in the credit loss of Bank N , an oversea branch of Bank C of China , and the crash of famous Baring Bank .

  9. 该国卫生部长维奥莱塔·蒙吉瓦尔(VioletaMenjívar)在接受电台采访时表示,截至上周,上报的格利-巴林综合症疑似病例已达到46例。

    Forty-six suspected cases of the syndrome had been reported as of last week , Violeta Menj í var , the Health minister , said in a radio interview .

  10. 比如,神户地震摧毁巴林银行(baringsbank)之后的市场动荡,以及1973年欧佩克(opec)石油禁运之后的熊市。

    For example , the market convulsions following the Kobe earthquake did for Barings Bank , and a bear market followed the OPEC oil embargo of 1973 .

  11. 官方的沙特通讯社(saudipressagency)引用该国国防部一名官员的话称,沙特派往巴林的士兵并非执行作战任务,而是前去协助保护邻国的设施。

    Saudi forces dispatched to Bahrain are not on a combat mission and are there to help protect facilities in the neighbouring Kingdom , the state-run Saudi Press Agency reported , citing a defence ministry official .

  12. 公司所有者为董事长罗恩•丹尼斯(RonDennis)、曼苏尔•欧耶(MansourOjjeh)以及巴林主权财富基金Mumtalakat。

    It is owned by Ron Dennis , its chairman , Mansour Ojjeh , and Mumtalakat , Bahrain 's sovereign wealth fund .

  13. [原声播放]巴林最后以1英镑的慷慨的价格卖给了荷兰国际集团,Lisa在维珍大西洋航空公司做了一名空姐,过上了新生活。

    Barings was eventually sold to the Dutch bank ING for the princely sum of 1 pound . Lisa 's got a new life as a flight attendant for Virgin Atlantic .

  14. 另外本文对上世纪震惊全球金融界的巴林银行破产案件进行VaR的分析。在本文的结论部分讨论了本文存在的一系列不足之处。

    Also , the case of bankruptcy of Barings Bank which was the global financial alarming will be analyzed by VaR. In the end conclusions of this article , a number of shortcomings will be discussed .

  15. 就像美国带给巴林的那些,我更愿意他们带着M-16之类的东东去。

    I prefer them over M-16s and similar stuff , like the US brought to Bahrain for instance .

  16. MSN英国的主编麦特保尔说:“15年前MSN刚推出的时候,第一部完全由电脑制作的电影《玩具总动员》刚刚上映,巴林银行刚刚倒闭,当时任首相的还是约翰梅杰。

    Matt Ball , editor-in-chief at MSN UK , said : ' When MSN launched Toy Story came out and was the first completely computer generated film , John Major was Prime Minister and Barings bank collapsed .

  17. 该厂由大股东巴林的伊斯兰银行(AlSalamBank-Bahrain)控股,它将利用香港的人口密集布局从该地区及全市4000家餐馆收集废弃的食用油,这比当地生物柴油产能高出一倍以上。

    Controlled by majority shareholder Al Salam Bank-Bahrain , the plant will utilize the city 's densely packed scale to collect used cooking oil in the region and from 4 , 000 restaurants across town , more than doubling local biodiesel production capacity .

  18. 巴林财政大臣阿勒哈利法(Al-Khalifa)已欣然接受继任发展委员主席一职,我非常期待我们的合作。

    I look forward to working with Minister Al-Khalifa of Bahrain , who has graciously agreed to assume the Chair of the Committee .

  19. 驻扎在巴林的美国第五舰队发言人昨天警告称,不会让伊朗封锁海峡。美军上尉内特·克里斯滕森(NateChristensen)表示:他们将不会封锁它。

    A spokesman for the US Fifth Fleet , based in Bahrain , warned yesterday that Iran would not be allowed to close the strait : They will not close it , ' ' said Lieutenant Nate Christensen .

  20. ZakariyaRashidHassan被捕并被指控以煽动仇恨罪,该组织称他被指控散布虚假消息,呼吁将巴林统治者推下台。

    Zakariya Rashid Hassan , was arrested and accused of inciting hatred . The group says he was charged with disseminating false news and calling for the of Bahrain 's rulers . Mister Hassan died on April ninth . Two officers have been accused of beating him to death .

  21. DelphineHalgand:“巴林当局逮捕博主和网民,就是因为这些人在网上发表的言论,甚至还有一名被捕者在拘留期间身亡。”

    She says the country has increasingly used these systems against political opposition . DELPHINE HALGAND : " The authorities in Bahrain were able to arrest bloggers and netizens for what they are publishing online . And actually even one of these people died when he was in

  22. 巴林右旗林业生态环境保护与建设的思考

    Protection and Development of Forestry Ecological Environment in Balin Right Banner

  23. 论文主要研究了巴林蒙古族青年诗人的诗歌创作。

    This paper mainly studies the Bahrain Mongolia youth poetry writing .

  24. 巴林政党为非法,没有工会。

    Political parties are illegal in Bahrain and no trade unions .

  25. 巴林以外的银行费用由受益人承担。

    All bank charges outside Bahrain are payable by the beneficiary .

  26. 提供服务的能力和其它通信公司巴林。

    Provides services and capacity to other communications companies in Bahrain .

  27. 在巴林,政府似乎又重新掌控了局面。

    In Bahrain the government seems to be back on top .

  28. 巴林,这并不完全正确。

    That , my dear Balin , is not entirely true .

  29. 巴林,这些路你熟,你带头。

    Balin , you know these paths . Lead on .

  30. 巴林最近就与伊朗做了一桩交易,从伊朗进口天然气。

    Bahrain itself recently signed a deal to import Iranian natural gas .