
  • 网络Parmenides;Parmenides Of Elea
  1. 巴门尼德是西方哲学中理性形而上学的鼻祖。

    Western philosophy , Parmenides is the originator of rational metaphysics .

  2. 巴门尼德回答说:轻乃正,重乃负。

    Parmenides responded : lightness is positive , weight negative .

  3. 巴门尼德的Ontology实际上内蕴着现象与本质等多重的矛盾关系。

    His Ontology contains actually cumulative contradictions as phenomenon and essence .

  4. 语言的寻求与本体论的肇兴&从泰勒斯到巴门尼德的哲学内在逻辑演绎

    The Quest for Philosophical Language and the Rise of Ontology

  5. 从《巴门尼德斯篇》透视柏拉图本体论建构的转向

    On the Turning Point of Plato 's Construction from

  6. 从语言与存在的维度看巴门尼德的Being

    On Parmenides'Being in the Aspect of Language and Existence

  7. 巴门尼德的存在留给我们什么

    What does the " Being " of Parmenides Leave

  8. 巴门尼德的存在观

    The Existence Concept of Parmenides

  9. 论巴门尼德的存在范畴

    On Parmenides ' existence category

  10. 西方哲学史家一般把巴门尼德看做是西方哲学的真正开端。

    Historians of Western philosophy is generally to Parmenides of Elea as the real beginning of Western philosophy .

  11. 相反,希腊哲学家巴门尼德(伊里亚,公元前510年)则相信肉体和思想是一体的。

    On the other hand Parmenides , a Greek philosopher ( Elea , 510 BC ), believed in oneness of body-mind entity .

  12. 从古希腊的巴门尼德开始,真理问题便与存在问题相关联。

    From the beginning of the Ancient Greek learner Parmenides , the question of being is associated with the question of truth .

  13. 早期希腊哲学从巴门尼德到智者派的发展,是希腊哲学的一个重要阶段。

    The development of early Greek philosophy from Parmenides to the school of the wise was a very important stage in Greek philosophy .

  14. 颇具现象学意味的“灵魂之思”,或者说“思的灵魂”,从巴门尼德开始就与“存在”结合在一起;

    The " thinking of soul " with strong phenomenological character , or the " thinking soul " in other words , has connected intrinsically with " Being " ever since Parmenides .

  15. 在康德之后,黑格尔仍然建立了一个十分严谨与宏大的本体论哲学体系,不过这也是本体论的最高与最后的阶段,巴门尼德开创的本体论至此也走向了终结。

    After Kant , Hegel still builds a quite strict and magnitude system of ontology , however , this is the highest and last stage of traditional ontology . Hitherto , the ontology inaugurated by Parmenides comes to the end .

  16. 这里涉及巴门尼德的存在悖论、胡塞尔对存在的意向分析以及海德格尔对胡塞尔的学说的批评,最后以评述现代表现主义绘画大师保罗·克勒有关艺术创作的美学观点为结尾。

    This paper involves Parmenides ' paradox of being , Husserl 's intention analysis of being , and Heidegger 's critique of Husserl 's doctrine . This paper concludes with a review of the aesthetic viewpoints of Paul Klee , a modern expressionist painter , concerning artistic creation .

  17. 本质主义以巴门尼德为转折点不再单纯停留在对自然的本质探讨,而将视线转移到宇宙之统一的、最普遍的本质,之后苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德都不同程度的阐述了本质主义。

    Essentialism to Parmenides as a turning point not just stop at the essence of nature , and the attention to the unity of the universe , the nature of the most common , followed by Socrates , Plato , Aristotle described the nature of different levels of ideas .