
  • 网络hec;HEC Paris;ESCP-EAP;escp
  1. 巴黎高等商学院连续第四年屈居亚军,西班牙IE商学院(IEBusinessSchool)的排名上升四位,至第三。

    HEC Paris stays in second place , a position it has held since 2014 , while Spain 's IE Business School jumps four places to third .

  2. 巴黎高等商学院(HECParis)为课程参与者承认除了追求更大的成功之外,也探求意义的事实铺平了道路。

    HEC Paris has paved the way for participants to admit they are on a quest for meaning as well as greater success .

  3. 法国巴黎高等商学院排名第二,尽管该学院在除MBA以外的所有排名中都胜过伦敦商学院。

    HEC Paris is second despite outperforming LBS in all rankings but the MBA .

  4. 杜克企业教育学院(dukecorporateeducation)、巴黎高等商学院(hecparis)和哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool)分列第三名。

    Duke corporate education , HEC Paris and Harvard Business School all retain their positions , ranked first , second and third , respectively .

  5. 自2009年以来,法国巴黎高等商学院一直稳居定制课程排行榜第二,今年也依然如此,杜克企业教育学院(DukeCorporateEducation)则位列第三。

    HEC Paris remains in second place in the customised ranking , a position it has held since 2009 , while Duke Corporate Education completes the podium .

  6. Iese商学院和哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)都上升了一位,分列二、三名,而巴黎高等商学院下跌6位,至第8位。

    Both Iese and Harvard Business School moved up a place to second and third respectively , benefiting from HEC Paris 's fall of six places to eighth .

  7. 瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)在连续4年排名第三后攀升到了第二位,把法国巴黎高等商学院(HECParis)挤到第三位。

    Swiss school IMD climbs to second place after coming third for four years , relegating HEC Paris into third .

  8. 在职业发展方面表现最好的英国商学院——华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)在这一指标的总体排名中位居第二,高于法国在这方面表现最好的巴黎高等商学院(HECParis)30个名次。

    Warwick Business School , the top UK school for career progress , is second overall for the criterion , 30 places above the first French school , HEC Paris .

  9. 2014年在职高管100强课程排行榜冠军是由法国巴黎高等商学院(HECParis)、伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)和纽约大学斯特恩商学院(SternSchoolofBusinessatNewYorkUniversity)三家合办的Trium课程。

    The 2014 ranking of 100 programmes for working senior executives is headed by Trium , runby HEC Paris , the London School of Economics and Stern School of Business at New York University .

  10. 法国巴黎高等商学院的排名上升一个位置,成为亚军,Iese位居第三。

    HEC Paris moved up one place to second , while Iese came third .

  11. 2009年,法国巴黎高等商学院(HECParis)成为第一家通过苹果(Apple)iTunesU提供阅读材料、视频和其他在线内容的高等教育机构。

    In 2009 , HEC Paris became one of the first higher education institutions to start offering reading material , alongside videos and other online content , through Apple 's iTunes U network .

  12. 布莱克曼在报告中称,顶级美国商学院的申请人也会申请欧洲工商管理学院、伦敦商学院以及巴黎高等商学院(HEC)。

    Ms Blackman reports that applicants applying to top US business schools will also apply to Insead , London Business School and HEC in Europe .

  13. 以及最后一类工商会商学院(écoleconsulaire),包括巴黎高等商学院(HECParis)、ESCP欧洲商学院(ESCPEurope)等部分受法国商会(FrenchChambersofCommerce)监督的大型学院。

    and the é coles consulaires , a final group that includes big schools such as HEC and ESCP Europe , which are overseen , in part , by the French Chambers of Commerce .

  14. 据巴黎高等商学院(HECParis)的金融学教授克里斯托夫斯帕杰尔斯(ChristopheSpaenjers)表示,自1952年以来,伦敦售出的艺术品的名义价格已经是当初的逾500倍,剔除通胀后的实际价格是当初的逾20倍。

    According to Christophe Spaenjers , a finance professor at HEC Paris , the price of art at London sales has risen more than 500-fold in nominal terms since 1952 , or 20-fold after inflation .

  15. 在欧洲的85所最佳商学院当中,巴黎高等商学院(HECParis)依然排名第二,仅次于伦敦商学院,而总部位于法国枫丹白露的国际商学院——欧洲工商管理学院(Insead)的排名攀升两位,至第三名。

    In the field of the best 85 business schools in Europe , HEC Paris remains in second place behind LBS , while Insead , the international school based in Fontainebleau , France , climbs two places to third .

  16. 确实,尽管赫尔曼看上去热情得有些做作,她用数字分析产品和市场的系统方式,都显露出作为法国精英商学院巴黎高等商学院(HEC)毕业生的资质。

    Indeed , while Ms Hermann can appear theatrically enthusiastic , her number-crunching , systematic approach to the product and market analysis reveal her credentials as a graduate of HEC , the elite French business school .

  17. PayPal联合创始人彼得•蒂尔(PeterThiel)最近向法国巴黎高等商学院(HECParis)的学生谈到过去的成功可能阻碍未来创新:“Spotify永远不可能在美国诞生,美国的唱片公司太大了。”

    Peter Thiel , co-founder of PayPal , on how past success can block future innovation : " Spotify could never have started life in the US , the record labels are too big , " he told students at HEC Paris business school last week .

  18. 在巴黎高等商学院(HEC),我们努力从很早就开始教导学生:不仅要对自己的学术成就负责,也要对自己在校内外的行为方式、以及反映出的自身和学校形象负责。

    At HEC , we try to teach very early on that students are accountable not only for their academic achievements , but also for the way they behave on and off campus , and for the image they project of themselves and the school .

  19. 过去3年在定制课程排行榜上一直位居第三的Iese,取代自2009年一直稳居亚军位置的法国巴黎高等商学院,首次在该排行榜上登顶。

    Iese , third in the customised ranking for the past three years , overtook HEC Paris , the runner-up since 2009 , and made it to the top of the ranking for the first time .

  20. 从几乎所有单项指标看,巴黎高等商学院都没有排在首位,但它整体表现强劲。

    HEC Paris is not ranked first in any of the individual criteria but registered a strong performance throughout .

  21. 不过,她指出,巴黎高等商学院对金融业职位的依赖不像某些学校那么大。

    However , HEC does not rely as heavily as some schools on financial sector jobs , she notes .

  22. 由于在英国《金融时报》所有商学院排名中表现杰出,法国巴黎高等商学院重新夺回了去年丢掉的冠军宝座。

    HEC Paris returns to the top position it lost last year thanks to a very strong performance across all the FT rankings .

  23. 巴黎高等商学院的专家说,这种趋势在不太富裕的家庭中更常见,这也在一定程度上解释了为什么较贫困的家庭中肥胖的人更多。

    Experts from the HEC Paris business school say the trend is more common amongst the less wealthy , and this could partly explain why obesity is more prevalent in poorer households .

  24. 本播客由巴黎高等商学院呈现,教授:首先,看到用直接法来描述这种类型的,现金流是很重要的,为什么?

    This podcast is brought to you by HEC Paris Prof : First of all it is very important to see that this type of cash flow was presented using the direct method Why ?

  25. 巴黎高等商学院副院长埃卢瓦克?佩拉什(EloicPeyrache)表示,与美、英两国的商学院相比,很多法国商学院往往更侧重多学科教育,提供更多学业内容,学员与教员交流的时间也更多。

    According to Eloic Peyrache , associate dean of HEC , many French business schools tend to be more multi-disciplinary than their US or British counterparts and offer more academic content and greater contact time with faculty .

  26. 巴黎高等商学院等其他学院已不再投资新建海外校区,而是选择与世界各地的商学院合作,提供联合学位、双学位课程以及师生交换项目。

    Other schools , such as HEC Paris , are stopping short of investing in new campuses abroad , choosing instead to partner with business schools around the world to offer joint and double degrees and student and faculty exchanges .

  27. 2016年9月,总部位于巴黎的法国ESSEC高等商学院开始在摩洛哥首都拉巴特授课,该学院位于这里的非洲-大西洋新校区将在2017年投入使用,目的是吸引整个西非地区的学生,与设在毛里求斯的东非-印度洋校区形成互补。

    In September , Paris-based Essec began teaching in Rabat , Morocco , where its new Africa-Atlantic campus opens next year , with the aim of attracting students from across west Africa , complementing its east Africa-Indian Ocean campus in Mauritius .

  28. 曾任法国国家行政学院,巴黎高商、高等商学院、管理学院社会科学教授。

    Former Social Science Professor in ENA and in the College of Administration of HEC Paris .